Chapter 26

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*Dan's P.O.V*

The next morning I woke up and headed downstairs to the smell of bacon coming from the kitchen. When I got there I could see Jemma cooking and Ty, James and Sam sat at the breakfast island on their phones.

"Morning everyone." I said grabbing a glass of water and join the lads.

I got a chorus of mornings back. As I sat down I felt my Phone vibrate in my trackie bottoms pocket. I pulled it out and saw I had a text from Jess. I unlocked my phone to look at it.

Girlfriend: According to someone called Josie Callahan you're cheating on me with this girl.

Attached to the text there was a picture of me and Jemma from last Christmas before her and James were getting together. Why would Josie send this to Jess?

Dan: You know that's not true, I wasn't wearing that outfit last night and that's James' girlfriend Jemma and that picture was took last year round Christmas when they weren't together.

Girlfriend: I know babe don't worry I didn't believe her. Anyway who is she?

Dan: You know I said I had one girlfriend before you and she cheated on me. Well that's her. I have no idea why she'd try to break us up but I'm gonna find out.

Girlfriend: She's just jealous your happy with someone who isn't her, don't pay her any attention ok?

Dan: Ok babe, I'll leave you to get ready for your day with the girls, text me later. Love you.

Girlfriend: Love you too.

A plate of food was placed in front of me and I locked my phone looking up at the person who served me it. it was Jemma.

"Thanks," I said with a smile, "Josie is trying to spread rumours about us to Jess." I tell her.

All heads turn our way at the mention of Josie's name.

"What's she saying?" Jemma asks.

"Remember around Christmas last year and that picture got took of you on my knee? well she tried to play it off as last night and that I'm cheating on Jess with you." I say shaking my head.

"I'm going to kill that little bitch." Jemma says angrily.

"Babe, calm down, we know it's not true, Jess knows it's not true so it's fine. She's just being pathetic like usual." James says pulling his girlfriend close to him.

"Yeah like Jess said to me, she's just jealous I'm happy without her." I tell them.

"Yeah well I'm still going to kill her." Jemma says starting to eat her breakfast.


The next morning I pull into the schools car park and park next to my friends. I get out and great the lads and Jemma. We walk into school together to head to our lockers to grab our books for morning lessons. On our way there we see Josie and Jemma shouts out to her.

"Hey bitch, what's with the pathetic lies."

"Oh but is it really a lie?" Josie taunts.

"Of course it is, I'm with James, who by the way is one of Dan's best friends, and Dan also loves his girlfriend who isn't you." Jemma says stepping closer to Josie.

"He loves me, he just using her as a rebound, we all know the facts. The quicker he leaves her the quicker me and him will be back together." Josie says looking at me.

"I think you'll find I do love Jess and the girl I fucked after I found out you were cheating on me was the rebound. And as for us getting back together, never going to happen." I said in a disgusted voice.

"Ok baby, if you say so." She says trying to mock me.

"I'm not your 'baby' and leave me, my friends and especially my girlfriend alone." I say before walking away and my friends following behind.

When we reached my locker I pulled out my phone to text Jess.

Dan: I've sorted our little problem with Josie, she shouldn't be bothering us anytime soon.

As I waited for a reply I felt a pat on the back and Tyler's voice.

"Nice job man. Her face as you walked away was priceless." He tells me laughing.

"Should of got a picture." I say with a smile.

I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket and I pull it out.

Girlfriend; Good, have a good day babe, love you.

Dan: Love you too baby.

I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket before grabbing my books for my lessons. When I was done I saw my friends had moved along to their own lockers so I made my way to first lesson.


When lunch came around I was starving. I'd just had gym and coach had made any people from the basketball team do skill work and play a mini match against each other to prepare us for tonight's game. After I'd grabbed a burger I went to sit at my table. When I got there only Tyler and Sam were there.

"Where are the other two?" I asked.

"Jemma nearly kicked off again when she saw Josie so James has taken her outside to calm down." Sam tells me.

"Fair enough, you guys ready for the game tonight? I ask them

"Yeah, are you?" Tyler asks me.

"Yep." I say taking a bite of my burger.

"Than why you eating shit before a game. Coach would kill you." Sam reminds me.

"I'm starving, she won't know. It's only this once." I say.

"Ok, your funeral if she finds out." James says join us.

"Whatever."  I say taking another bite.

As I eat I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Jess.

Dan: Sorry forgot to tell you I have a match tonight so won't be home till late.

She replied quickly.

Girlfriend: It's fine, good luck and text me whenever you can. Love you.

Dan: Love you too.

It was official, I had the best girlfriend ever.

(A/N so this chapter is more from Dan's view of when he's at school cos I haven't really done much of that before. So I hope you like it. What do you think of Josie. I will be adding cast members for Josie and Scarlett and Sam's love interest I just need to think of who I'd think would suit them. The picture is Paul Wesley aka Dan. Remember to comment, vote and like.)

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