Chapter 23

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*Jess's P.O.V*

We were driving for about 20 minutes until we reached the middle of town. Once we got there we carried on driving for about 5 minutes until we reached a plaza that had many shops, restaurants and a cinema. We found a parking space and pulled in. Once the engine was off Dan got out an rounded the car to open my door for me. I stepped out and thanked him with a small kiss. He then locked the car, took my hand and we carried on walking.

We got to the area that had all the restaurants, and we stopped outside a small Italian called Angelo's. "Is this where we're eating?" I asked "Yeah, is that ok?" Dan asked me worried. "Of course." I smiled at him. A waiter approached us then. "Welcome to Angelo's, how may I help you?" He asked us.  "Yeah, I have a reservation booked under the name of Evens?" Dan says. "Ah yes, right this way." The waiter says grabbing two menus and leading us to the outside eating area.

We get to a two people table and he turns to us. "Will this be ok for you?" He asks. "Perfect, thanks." Dan says going towards one of the chairs and pulling it out from under the table. "For my girl." "Thank you." I sit down and the waiter gives me a menu. "I'll be back in a few minutes for your order but can I get you any drinks?" "I'll just have a Lemonade please." I say with a smile. "And for you sir?" "A coke, thank you." Dan says. The waiter gives us a nod and leaves us alone.

"I asked for an outside table specifically." Dan tells me. "Why?" I ask. "So we can see the sunset as we eat." "That's a really nice thought babe." "I just want this to be as special as it can, who knows when we'll see each other again." "Let's not think about that now, let's just enjoy this night together ok. How'd you choose this place anyway?" I ask interested on his choice. "James works as one of the chef's here, I've been wanted to come see if his cooking is as good as he says it is." He tells me with a smile. "Fair enough."

The waiter interrupts us then, putting our drinks in front of us. "Are you ready to order?" He asks. "Please for starter  could I have Mozzarella Sticks and for my main a Hawaiian Pizza." I say handing the waiter my menu. He then looks at Dan. "I'll have the Dough Balls to start and then the Spaghetti Carbonara please." "Sure, I'll be back with them soon." The waiter says taking Dan's menu from him and leaving us alone once again.

"So when do you think we'll see each other again?" I ask. "I could come to yours for New Years if you want? My aunt is coming to us for Christmas so I could always come back with her." "Yeah that'd be good, I understand that we can't see each other for Christmas and your birthday but we can celebrate them as well as New Years when you come." "It's sorted then, I'll talk to my parents and my aunt but it should all be fine." "Ok good." We joined our hands across the table as we smiled at each other.

I looked around and the sun was setting and fairy lights and lanterns came on round the seating area. "This is gorgeous." I said. "Not as gorgeous as you though baby." Dan said. I took my phone and took a picture of the sun set. Then I tapped on a woman's shoulder that was sitting near us that was also waiting for her food. She turned to me with a polite smile. "Sorry to disturb me but would you mind taking a picture of me and my boyfriend with the sunset behind us?" I asked her. "Of course not." She answered. I handed her my phone and we got in position. I smiled widely as she took the photo. After she'd taken a couple she handed it back to me. "Thank you." I said. "No problem, you look like the perfect couple." She said smiling at us before sitting back down.

I looked at the two photos and smiled. As I was looking at the camera Dan was looking at me smiling. The look in his eyes was one of pure love and I felt like the luckiest girl alive. I then also looked at the one that his mom took and set it as my phone lock screen.

I then put my phone down and stared at my boyfriend. "Thank you for this, it's perfect." I tell him. "There's more to come." And then our starters arrived.


An hour later we'd finished our Starters and Mains and Dan had paid before we left. Now we were on our way to the second destination for tonight's date. It took us about 40 Minutes to get there as we were heading out of town. When Dan finally parked the car we were in the middle of no where. "Dan what are we doing here?" I asked. looking round. "Don't look so scared I'm not going to kill you." He got out and once again opened my door for me. I thanked him the same way as earlier and then he went to the boot and opened it. He pulled out a picnic basket and a blanket. he carried them in one hand and entwined our fingers with his other. We walked through a field till we got to a hill, which he made me climb. I'd taken my shoes off already so I wouldn't ruin them. When we got to the top of the hill he laid out the blanket and motioned for me to sit on it. I did and he put the picnic basket down before sitting next to me. He opened it and pulled of chocolate covered strawberries, a bottle of pink lemonade and two glasses.

"I would of brought wine but I don't drink and drive." Dan tells me as he pours put the lemonade. "Don't worry, this is perfect." He hands me a glass and then holds his own towards me. "Cheers baby." "Cheers." We clink glasses and then take a sip.

Once we've finished the lemonade and the strawberries Dan lays down and pulls me down with him. "When I was younger my dad brought me here all the time to stargaze, I used to be obsessed with stars and space. I wanted to share this with you." He tells me staring up at the clear sky that has millions of stars sparkling. "I'm glad you wanted to share something special with me." I say staring at him. "That's because your special to me baby." He says turning towards me. I smile at him and he leans in close. Our lips join together and he gives me a passionate kiss.

When we break apart he says the words I'll never get tired of hearing, "I love you Jessica." "I love you too, Daniel."

(A/N. Hey guys, two updates in two days, who's proud? So I hoped this chapter and I also hope it's long enough for you. But yeah I had some big feels in this chapter. I need ship names for my couples as well so we have Dan and Jess, Poppy and Tyler and don't forget about James and Jemma. Also I might add in a new couple, I'll give you a hint, it's to do with Scarlett ;). You will be seeing more of the rest of the characters don't worry, it won't all be based around Dan, Jess, Tyler and Poppy like has been the past couple of chapters or so.

So yeah the picture is Ed Westwick who plays James. Yes the handsome Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl Reference) Remember comment, like and vote.)

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