Chapter 19

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*Jessica's P.O.V*

The weeks were passing by and it was only an hour till school was out for Thanksgiving. So today was Tuesday and me and Poppy were heading down to Dallas tomorrow morning. We'd been planning this trip all month with help from Tyler. Me and Poppy were off to spend the holidays with our boyfriends. Poppy was staying at Tyler's and having dinner with his family whilst I was doing the same but with Danny and his family. I'd talked to Danny's mom and she said it was fine for me to stay with them. I couldn't wait to surprise him.

My last period of the day was English and I just couldn't wait to get out of there so I could pack my bag. It had been so hard to keep this from Dan so I just waned to get there so I wasn't lying to him anymore.

Finally after what seemed like hour the bell finally rang. I grabbed my stuff and went and dropped my books off at my locker. I wasn't needing them as all the teachers had been nice enough not to set homework over the holiday. Once done at my locker I headed outside to say bye to the girls. Because of mine and Poppy's tip to Dallas we couldn't go about our usual Black Friday plans but we said we'd all hang out Sunday as we were coming back Saturday night.

When I got to our line of cars Scarlett, Jane and Poppy were waiting for me.

"I can't believe this is the first year in 5 years that we haven't spent Black Friday shopping together." Jane said. "I know, sorry guys, we'll make it up to you, I promise." I said smiling sadly at my two friends and Poppy nodded at my statement. "Come here," Scarlett said opening her arms for a group hug. We all gathered together for about a minute. 

When we broke away we all smiled at each other before starting our goodbyes. "Remember to be at my house for 9 tomorrow morning, we want to be setting off by 9:30." I told Poppy. "I know, I'll be there." She told me. "Good, right I'll see you girls later, enjoy your holiday." I said to Scarlett and Jane. "You too and make sure you text us," Scarlett said and Jane nodded. "I will, Bye love you." "Love you too," Said the two girls and with that I got in my car and drove away.

As soon as I got home I got my suitcase out off my closet and placed it on my bed. At this point my phone started ringing with a incoming FaceTime call. I picked it up and looked at the caller id before clicking accept.

"Hey Baby, glad it's the holiday?" He asked me. "Yeah I am, bet you're gutted you have to be in tomorrow." "Yeah I really am and I have Basketball Practise after school as well." ""You'll be fine." I'd placed my phone in it's holder on my desk so he could see me as I moved about my room. "what you packing for baby?" He asked me. "Oh we go to my grandparents for the holiday." It wasn't a total lie, my Mom and brother were going to spend the holidays with my grandparents. "Oh right, have fun. My grandparents come to us for Thanksgiving." "Oh really?" I ask suddenly panicking. It was enough meeting his parents but his grandparents as well. "Yeah, I love how people come together for holidays." "Yeah me too babe."


We talked for a bit longer before he had to go for tea. Not long after Mom called me and Drake for food as well. She wanted us to have a family dinner tonight as I wouldn't be here for Thanksgiving. As I sat down a plate was placed in front of me and it was my favourite. I looked up at my Mom and smiled, "Thanks Mom, this looks great." "Well it felt right to make a Sausage Casserole as a substitute for our Thanksgiving meal." She said sitting down between me and my brother. We started eating and I made sure every last bit had gone.


The next morning my alarm was set for 8am so I could be ready for when Poppy got here. The first thing I did was go on my phone and send a quick text to Dan.

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