Chapter 21

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*Jessica's P.O.V*

The next morning I woke up to nice smells coming under the bedroom door. Today was Thanksgiving and I was spending it with my boyfriend. Speaking of my boyfriend, I was wrapped up in his arms and it felt good, I felt safe and protected with his arms round me, just like I should. Being held so close to him I could also feel something poking the bottom of my back. I knew straight away what it was and smiled.

I turned round in his arms so I was facing him. He looked so cute when he was sleeping, his hair flat against his head instead of styled and every time he breathed out it would make his fringe blow up. After a few minutes of me looking at him he woke up.

"Morning beautiful." He said before gently kissing me. "Morning baby, Morning Mini Dan." I laughed slightly looking down. "Oh shit, baby I'm so sorry." He said embarrassed. "Don't be." Whilst I'd been looking at him I realised I wanted to do stuff with him. Deciding that this was my chance I pushed him down onto his back and straddled him. "Baby what are you doing?" "Just trust me." "Ok."

I started to kiss him, keeping it light to start with until he bite my lip to get entrance. I gave it to him and he got dominance straight away. As we kissed I slightly grinded myself against him. My movements gained a moan to leave Dan's lip and it helped me to carry on going. His hands had made their way to my hips and he rubbing his thumb against my bare skin under his top that I was wearing. I quickly broke the kiss to pull it over my head before kissing him again. Unfortunately he broke it again.

"Baby, you don't have to do this, I can wait." He told me, looking in my eyes. "We're not gonna have sex but I wanna do something." I told him. "Well what do you want to do?" He asked me. "Maybe just give you a Hand Job?" "Ok."


Two hours later me and Dan we're downstairs watching TV waiting for his Grandparents to arrive for Dinner. The food his Mom was making smelled delicious and I couldn't wait to eat it. I was cuddled up to Dan's side wearing a pair of grey jeans and a plain white polo. I was nervous to meet his Grandparents and I think he could tell because he spoke up. "Why so tense baby?" He said rubbing my arm tenderly. "I'm just nervous to meet your Grandparents, from what you've told me they're important to you." I tell him. "They will love you, just like I-" He stopped talking like he was realising he was about to say something he didn't want to. He sent a smile my way before carrying on, "Don't worry, everything will be fine." "Ok." I leaned up and placed a light kiss on his lips.

As we pulled away the doorbell rang and his Mom walked through the living room to open the door. Dan stood up and pulled me up with him to go great whoever it was at the door. "Come in, it's so good to see you guys." I heard Sophie say.

We rounded the corner and I saw an elderly couple crossing the threshold. This must be Dan's grandparents. "Grams, Gramps, I've missed you guys." Dan says releasing my hand and going to hug them. When he real eased hem from his hold he turned to me. "I'd like you both to meet my girlfriend, Jessica Redding." I smiled at the couple and shook there hands, quietly saying my hellos. "No need to be so shy dear, it's lovely to meet you." His Grams said to me, smiling. Soon after Dan's Dad came to say hello to the couple and me and Dan moved away back to the living room.


Hours later my stomach was full and we were all gathered in the living room watching the Thanksgiving football match. All the adults and Dan were engrossed but I was just falling asleep in Dan's arms.

I was just about asleep when the team that my boyfriend was supporting scored and he jumped up, nearly knocking me to the floor. Once he'd finished cheering he saw my dazed look and realised what he did. "Oh shit, sorry baby, did I wake you?" He asked sitting back down with a worried look on his face. "Yeah kinda, I'm really tired from all that food, I might just go upstairs to nap" I told him. "I'll come with you, hey guys, Jess is quite tired so we're gonna go upstairs, shout me when Grams and Gramps are leaving." He told his family pulling me up from the sofa. "Ok, you go get some rest Jess." Sophie said smiling at me. I just nodded and headed to the staircase with Dan following me.

When we reached his room I got under the covers and Dan joined me, pulling me into his side for a cuddle. "I'm so happy you were here today." He told me. "Me too, your the thing I'm most thankful for anyway." I told him honestly. "I love you Red." As soon as them words left his mouth a gasp left mine. I didn't expect him to say it but I was so happy that he had. "I love you to Dan."

(A/N, sorry it's taking me ages between chapters, massive writers block. Anyway hope you liked this chapter and I'll try update more. The picture is Connor Paolo that plays Drake.

Also I would like to giving shootouts to people on each chapter, to get this you need to comment on chapters and get me to notice you. Remember to comment, like and vote.)

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