Chapter 25

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*Jessica's P.O.V*

The next day I get up at 10 as I have plans with the girls at 12. I got out of bed and headed o the bathroom to get a shower. I quickly washed my hair and body before getting out. I headed to my closet and grabbed my white jeans and a pink top that went over the shoulders but was sleeveless. I then picked out a gold belt to go with it. I slipped on my underwear before getting dressed.

Once I was dressed I sat at my dressing table to start my make up. As I was about to start my phone vibrated. It was a Facebook message from some girl called Josie Callahan.

Josie: Hey you're Dan's girl right? Well I thought you might want to see this, he cheated on you last night.

Underneath the message was a picture of Dan with a pretty girl sat on his knee. But the one way I could see that it was fake was that I knew what he was wearing last night and it wasn't that.

Jess: Thanks but that wasn't taken last night, so bye bitch.

I saved the photo and opened my texts with Dan.

Jess: According to someone called Josie Callahan you're cheating on me with this girl.

I attached the picture and sent it. no more than a minute later I had a reply.

Boyfriend: You know that's not true, I wasn't wearing that outfit last night and that's James' girlfriend Jemma and that picture was took last year round Christmas when they weren't together.

Jess: I know babe don't worry I didn't believe her. Anyway who is she?

Boyfriend: You know I said I had one girlfriend before you and she cheated on me. Well that's her. I have no idea why she'd try t break us up but I'm gonna find out.

Jess: She's just jealous your happy with someone who isn't her, don't pay her any attention ok?

Boyfriend: Ok babe, I'll leave you to get ready for your day with the girls, text me later. Love you.

Jess: Love you too.

With that I put my phone down and did my make up and hair.


At 12:30 me and the girls were sitting down in the mall's food court catching up about what happened over thanksgiving.

"So who's party was it you went to Friday?" I ask Jane and Scarlett.

"Oh just Jonathan, I wish he'd look at me the way he looked at all the other girls that we're there." Scarlett says with a sigh.

"He will one day S, don't worry." Jane says giving our friend a side hug.

"Anyway we're all dying to hear the details of your date seen as you wouldn't tell me in the car." Piper says in a near demanding tone.

"Well we started with a really nice meal at this Italian and we sat outside and when it started getting dark all these fairy lights and lanterns came on and it was really cute, that's where the picture I put on Instagram was taken." I told them.

I'd put the picture the woman had taken of us in the restaurant with the caption: Date night with my boyfriend last night. Love him and miss him already. I'd put it on last night once me and Poppy got home.

"And what did you do after that?" Jane questions.

"Well then he took me to this field he used to go to with his dad to stargaze and we had chocolate covered strawberries with pink lemonade for dessert and it was just such a good night." I say with a smile.

"Sounds perfect, hey I don't really feel like shopping wanna just wanna hang at someone's house?" Scarlett asks.

"Sure we can go to mine, come on." I say getting up from the table.

We get rid of our trash and head back to the car to drive to mine.  


When we arrived at mine we saw my brother playing on his Xbox in the living room.

"Hey Drake, wanna let us have the TV?" I asked him messing up his hair and sitting down.

"Let me just finish this game please?" He begs me not taking his eyes off the TV.

"Ok, girls sit down." I tell my friends who are still in the doorway.

Poppy and Scarlett get a seat but there isn't enough space for Jane. She goes to sit of the floor but before she can Drake speaks up.

"Jane you can have my seat, I'll sit on the floor." He says getting up and placing his bum on the floor.

"Thanks Drake, such a gent." Jane thanks him.

Instead of answering he just nods his head as a blush appears on his face and he fixes his hair. That's weird he never gets like that around my friends, looks like I'm going to have a chat with him later once everyone's gone.

About ten minutes later Drake turns off the Xbox and hands me the remote. "So girls what do we want to watch?" I ask my friends.

"How about a film?" Poppy suggests. We all agree and I start looking through the movies we can download. In the end we choose to watch Fast and Furious 7 as everybody loves that film and it has something for us girls and for my brother. Eye candy for us and the action and cars for Drake. Before we start the film me and Drake go to the kitchen to get snacks and drinks. I take this opportunity to talk to Drake about his earlier actions.

"Right I'm going to ask you something and I want the 100% truth ok." I say to my brother grabbing food from cupboards.

"Ok, ask away." He says casually grabbing cans of soda from the fridge.

"Do you like Jane?" I ask.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He says.

"100% truth Drake." I remind him.

"Ok yeah I do, but she'll never go with me for two reasons. 1) I'm your brother and 2) I'm a year younger than her so just forget it." He said grabbing the drinks and heading back to the living room.

I finish getting the snacks and join everyone in the living room. I sit back down and look at my brother. He's handsome, smart and athletic, why wouldn't Jane go out with him. Looks like I have to play cupid.

(A/N Hey guys, how did you like this chapter? I'm trying to couple up all my characters cos I'd like to turn this into a series where I can do separate books on all my characters in their couples. Let me know how you feel about that. So the picture is Jemma who is played by Arianna Grande. Remember to comment, like and vote.) 

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