Chapter 15

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*Jessica's P.O.V*

After taking a few problems cures we set off to he party in Dan's car. I sat in the passenger seat next to him whilst Poppy and Tyler were in the back. I thought we all looked great in all our costumes. Me and Dan had come up with going as Mickey and Minnie mouse pretty easily at the beginning of the month but he let me get the costumes as I went shopping more than him. Poppy was the only one who knew before today what we were going as because she went shopping with me so she could get her witches costume and according to Dan, he had to go get Tyler's police costume today.

"Why aren't you wearing your tail?" I asked Dan. "I didn't think I could drive with it on, as soon as we get there I'll put it on." He told me turning to look at me. "Eyes on the road and ok." "You guys look really cute you know," Poppy said leaning forward to talk to us. "Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself Poppy, I'm pretty sure plenty of guys will want you tonight," Dan tells her. I think it had a secret message behind it and it was aimed at Tyler but I'd have to ask Dan later. "Yeah but there's only one guy I want." With that the whole car went silent.

Ten minutes later Dan parked the car outside the house. This year the captain of the football team was hosting the party. We got out the car and Dan put on his tail before walking round the car and taking hold of my hand. Poppy and Tyler walked ahead so I took this as my chance to ask. "Was that statement in the car meant for Tyler?" He looked at me and replied, "Yeah, if he doesn't get his act together soon he'll lose her." I nodded and left it at that.

We entered the house and the music and smell of alcohol took over my senses. I looked around before leading Dan through the crowd to the kitchen. Walking past the dance floor I could see it was cramped and most of the occupants were already half way to being drunk.

When we reached the kitchen it was like a breath of fresh air because not many people were there. I saw that Poppy and Tyler had already got there and joined Jane, who was dressed as a nurse, Scarlett, dressed as a cat and Jonathan, Scarlett's best friend and was also hosting the party, dressed as a fireman. Yes her best friend who she was completely in love with was the captain and f the football team. We headed over to the corner of the kitchen where they were. "Hey guys, Jonathan this is Dan, my boyfriend. Dan this is Jonathan, he's the one who's hosting the party and is also Scarlett's best friend." I gave him a knowing look because I'd told him all about their 'friendship'. "Nice to meet you," Dan extended his hand out to Jonathan and they shook hands. "Right let the party begin." Jane spoke up.


Later into the night I think me and Dan were the only sober ones. Because he had to drive I decided that I'd stay sober with him. At the moment we were out on the dance floor with the rest of our little group dancing along to Take me to church. Even though we were sober our dancing would suggest otherwise. I had my back to him and my ass was placed gently against his crotch grinding. His arms were around my waist and his face in the crook of my neck as he moved in sync with me.

The song ended and instead of the next one beginning I heard Tyler's voice. "Hello everyone, can I have your attention for a couple of minutes." He was on the mini stage were the DJ was, yes Jonathan was that rich, and had a spotlight on him.

"Thank you, now none of you probably know me but I'm from Tophill High in Dallas and I'm on the basketball team. So the last time I was here my best friend, Daniel, asked out one of your cheerleaders, Jessica. As a consequence of these two meeting me and my friends, who aren't here tonight, met Jess's friends, Poppy, Scarlett and Jane. Now normally I'm a player and just mess about with girls but I have taken a slight interest in one of these friends and haven't even flirted with another girl since I met her. So what I'm trying to say is I really like this girl and if she says yes she will be my first ever girlfriend. So Poppy will you do me the hugest honour and be my girlfriend?" I looked around but couldn't see her but all of a sudden she appeared on the stage next to Tyler and accepted in front of everyone. They kissed and everyone cheered before the music started again.

All our group met back up in the kitchen to congratulate the new couple. "There you go Poppy, you got him." I said hugging her. "I know, I'm so happy." We talked to them before they said they were gonna walk back to Poppy's and spend the night there. We said bye and they left without a glance back.

Dan took me in his arms and whispered in my ear, "Wanna come back to mine?"

(A/N hey guys. Did everyone have a great Christmas? And HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks everyone for reading and I hope you carry on reading in 2016. So I'm still thinking of cast members so please comment suggestions. Also I'm trying to add in other characters stories but don't worry I will still be focusing on Dan and Jess. Remember comment, like and vote.)

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