Le Cirque Des Reves

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  • Dedicated to Becca (Goat me!<3)

(A/N: Thank you guys so much for 100 reads, I can't believe it!!!  As promised, here is a brand new poem.  Me and my friend wrote this one night about a novel we had recently just both read and loved (Check out her awesome literary blog here-https://www.facebook.com/TheLiteraryConnoisseur).  We switched off writing each paragraph, so I made the different sections bold and not bold.  I hope you guys enjoy it and thank you again!!  Keep reading/commenting/voting!! <3)>

Atmosphere as clear as sky, but cold as winters night, breath taking to say the least. A room captivating as a lover's eyes, magical beyond your most wild dreams.

       Walking through forever though no color shows itself. Tent after magic filled tent yet no trickery revealed.  People walk endlessly, smells and sights matching in pleasure, yet few stop. Afraid they are to miss but one thing, yet one thing should not be missed. 

       A forbidden lover catches my eye, stealthily swerving in and out of tents, my mind takes me away but my curiosity brings me back. I find the other half of this romance, but what nags at the back of my mind is that there is more to the story. 

       After my wandering I finally settle.  Cross through the entrance, to find yet another room void of color, but full in much more. Ice covers the walls, the floors, even the roses. I walk by a tree, ice clear as springs sky hanging from the branches. I pick a rose cool and smooth between my fingers, yet it melts away just as easily as was picked. Is this garden of ice real? Simply something out if my deepest dreams? Very possible, as I regard the rest of this twilight-only circus the same.

       Her body contorts as if made of elastic, her moves flow like water. Slowly bending and unbending legs, arms and joints, twisting, pulling and stretching...Yet no harm comes to her. I am entranced by her grace. Her face reveals nothing but pure bliss as she puts on her mind blowing performance. My mind is blown- so like the other dozen patrons in this tent- as her body folds and disappears into a shoe sized box. But much like the caramel apples, cart vendors, performers and unimaginable sights, this act has got my dreams coming to life and my hopes and prayers being played right before my eyes.

      My gaze does linger, just to become entranced by the couple. Their skins matched in color, their lips inches apart, their eyes locked on only each other.  I feel my feet moving beneath me moving toward the couple frozen in time.  I feel almost invasive, as if spying on their moment of pure love, but I don't look away.  I am not sure I could if even I desired so.  Many believe it an illusion. Sculptures of rock here only for amusement. But as I stand there watching my eye catches the smallest of movements. The slow blink of eyes, the meticulous intake of breath. Even the movement of her hand toward his. I stand here for long, as countless others walk by. Mesmerized.

       As I take my leave from the circus who only appears at night, I mourn for what loss I will feel as I exit the gates. My shoe bottoms are covered in white from the grass, my mouth waters for one last cider and my heart knows a piece is breaking off. A piece that won’t grow back until this magical circus returns. ....Unless. My heart mourns yet my head knows there is another way. A way that is now a tradition for many folk. Like a fairytale, these people are only talked about- never to. A bright red scarf beckons to me.

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