Chapter 17

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Nicole: Hot and dangerous

Char: If you one of us then roll with us

Nicole: Cos we make the hipsters fall in love

Eric: Hipsters?

Char: When we got our hot pants on and off

Claire: Yeah?

Char: And yes of course we does, we running this town just like a club and no you don't wanna mess with us got Jesus on my necklace!


Eric: All talk Amanda.

Amanda: WHAT?! Oh this is outrageous! I am who I am. Besides, I'm so sick of being so serious, it's making my brain delirious.

Chris: So you won't object to a party?

Amanda: Nope!

Chris: Eric get your phone out.

Nicole: Girls let's go get ready. We've got look sick and sexified.

Claire: Don't see how I'm gonna be forever young hanging around with such unpredictability.



"I know you're in school and you are gonna get detention for picking my call but I'm off to New York now with my mom, Kate and Mandy so I just wanted to say bye." I rushed when Chris picked up my call.

I was ready to take on New York with my godmother!

"Whoa calm down Char. I'm not in school."

"Oh... I should have thought of that. Of course you'd be at home with... Eric. Is he feeling better now?"

"Yeah he is."

"So does he..." I asked letting the sentence hang in the air with hope.

"Char that's between the two of you. I'm not picking sides."

"I know I know. Anyways I have to go now. Bye Chris and umm tell him bye?"

"I will Char. Have fun baby."

"I plan on that exactly! I'd call you as soon as I can once we arrive, ok?"


"Watch out for the ladies."

He laughed, "I'm hoping you know that means I should check girls out."

"Oops. Of course I don't mean that Chris!"

He kept on laughing his chocolatey laugh, "We should be worried about you Char."

"Oh don't be. Okay I have to go for real. Do something for me?"


"Imagine me giving you a kiss right now, ok?"

"That's not so hard."

I laughed and hung up after we said another round of byes.

New York here I come!!


Shoot! I forgot to tell her we were travelling too!

Whenever she calls next then.

"Char?" Eric asked after she hung up.

"Yeah. She said to tell you bye."

He looked choked up and he just nodded.

"Ricky? It's not too late to make things right."

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