Masquerade Ball (Louis)

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Masquerade Ball (Louis)

“Ugh, this sucks!” Louis groaned, surveying the crowd in the room.

“Look on the bright side buddy, there’s some really good food!” Niall slapped his back and followed the waiter carrying the mini canapés.

Louis sighed and fixed the hideous mask on his face. It was New Year’s Eve. He should have been with his girlfriend and family. Instead, his girlfriend had ended things and he was working in the States. It didn’t help that most of his friends had their girls here with them. Liam and Danielle were quietly talking in a corner, their hands entwined like they always were when they were together. Zayn and Perrie were dancing together under the disco lights, both of them slightly buzzed. Harry was chatting up some girl at the bar; and was faring pretty well by the looks of it.

Three months and countless drinks had been consumed but nothing had changed, it still hurt just as much, just like it had on the first day.

‘I’m sorry Lou .This isn’t working anymore’

‘Screw this,’ he thought to himself, shaking away the memories that threatened to engulf him, ‘I’m getting a drink.’ He buttoned up his suit and walked over to the bar. It was a formal masquerade party, everyone was dressed immaculately.

“Gin and tonic,” he muttered to the female bartender.

“Coming up!” she sang cheerfully and shuffled away to prepare it.

He looked around at the various people in fancy masks and elaborate costumes, drinking and dancing their problems away. That night everyone could be who they wanted.  A mystery behind a plastic disguise. Perfect opportunity to forget the past, the mistakes, the pain and start anew. ‘That’s what I’m going to do’ he thought to himself, ‘start anew.’ God knew he needed it.  Louis image had been in the dumps ever since the break-up. He was a wreck and nothing that anyone said was making any difference.

“And do you know what he said then?”

Louis snapped out of his thoughts and turned to his right to see a beautiful brunette sitting on a barstool, halfway towards him. Her hair was half tied up and she had on a gorgeous black gown. She was talking to two other girls who were leaning against the counter. Unable to help himself Louis listened closer.

“He said, ‘honeypie, she came onto me!’ That asshole! I swear I am fucking done with men!” she imitated the guy she was talking about and ran a hand through her chocolate brown locks.

“Why didn’t you slap him?” One of her friends asked. She seemed aghast by this guy’s behaviour.

“Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure I burst his balls if you know what I mean” the brunette stated dryly, finishing the last of her drink.

“Only you Ava,” the other girl shook her head as she laughed. “Most girls would cry, but you? You kick him in the nuts.”

Louis tried to look at Ava’s face but it was covered with the mask. All he could see were her lips, they were a bright cherry red.

“He deserved it.” she shrugged. “I was confused between the slap and the kick but I figured, his ego would be shattered if I destroyed Ralph Jr.”


“Yes, he named his damn dick. You’d think I’d realise then that he was a fucking nutjob right?”

Louis chuckled along with her and her friends laughed. He had this sudden urge to talk to this feisty girl. As the bartender, who had also heard the conversation shot him a smile, he thanked her and downed the entire glass in one shot, trying to gather some courage. Without thinking twice he said, “Guys who name their penises have self-esteem issues but if he had to keep up with you I’m not surprised at all. Maybe next time, you should skip the boys and look for the men.”

She flipped her hair and faced him. Her long hair felt perfectly behind her. But what struck Louis the most were her eyes. They were like bright green emeralds, shining behind her black mask. She raised an eyebrow and asked, “And I suppose you’re a man?”

“Why don’t you find out,” he grinned back. He was surprised at how easy he found it to flirt with her. He knew he was taking it a bit far but he didn’t want to stop.

“Like I said, I’m done with men, thank you” she replied curtly but politely and turned back to her friends.

Her flat out rejection stung a bit. Louis was used to girls falling at his feet and screaming his name wherever he went. But he had always been stubborn. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

“Dance with me, Ava” he told her confidently.

She turned around, surprised that he knew her name, and frowned, “Excuse me, who the fuck do you think you are?”

“It’s a masquerade party love. That’s not how it works,” he smirked and held his hand out to her.

The girl bit her lip and turned to her friends. “Oh, go on Av! He’s gorgeous!” they encouraged her. At that moment ‘I Found You’ by The Wanted blasted through speakers. Louis stiffened as he heard the music but didn’t pull his hand back.

“Might as well,” she said placing her hand in his, “I love The Wanted.”

Louis held his tongue and guided her to the dance floor. They stood in the middle, right under the disco ball that shot silver beams of light on their face every now and then. Louis thought it made her green eyes shine even brighter. Their bodies were pretty close to each other because the dance floor was full of sweaty people moving along with the beat. At first they danced awkwardly, both doing their own thing, but after Louis bought them a couple of drinks they loosened up. Louis broke into his signature pat the dog and screw the light bulb move and she laughed at his silliness. Then, she attempted the robot, looking wildly out of place in her beautiful dress. They laughed and danced long after that song got over, enjoying each other’s laugh just as much as their company. Suddenly a slow song began and the people around them paired up. They stopped dancing and glanced at each other awkwardly.

 Tentatively, Louis moved closer. He ran his hands by the side of her arms, down until his slightly larger hands held her smaller, dainty ones by their side. Her breath was etched in her throat as she looked into his ocean blue eyes, hovering slightly above her own. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach, making her feel like school girl. Slowly, he reached down and pressed his lips to hers. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment for what it was - a moment.  He pulled away almost instantly and looked down at her, her eyes giving away all that he had hoped for in that kiss.

"5…4…3…2…1…Happy New Year everyone!”

Without hesitation, Louis removed his mask and grinned down at the girl, waiting for her reaction. His hands were still locked with hers.

“Oh my fucking God,” she gasped and then looked down at the floor sheepishly,” I-I’m sorry but…I still love The Wanted!” she blurted to his face and looked back down.

Louis laughed loudly, his first real laugh in months, pulled her closer to his chest and pressed his lips down on hers again. “Don’t worry,” he murmured against them, “You’ll change your mind.”

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