Rebellious (Zayn)

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Rebellious (Zayn AU)

I ran up the stairs and wiped away the tears that had poured down my cheeks. I wasn’t my parents favourite child, for obvious reasons. I didn’t like to play by the rules. Breaking them gave me some sort of thrill. You see, I’m the rebellious kind. I have piercings and tattoos. Thankfully, I’m not the drinking kind. My boyfriend - well, ex-boyfriend - Rob is, and he’s got me drunk a few times… last week he forced alcohol into my mouth even when I resisted. He was drunk and basically, he slapped me. So obviously, I ended things with him, which he didn’t take well, but my brother Jordan pounded his face in so he’s stayed away from me since then. Going back to the topic, one thing I NEVER do, and don’t plan on doing is drugs. Just the thought of it grosses me out. But no amount of yelling and punishment can convince me to follow rules, that’s just not my thing. So my parents helplessly try the only solution they think will work. Grounding. If only they tried talking to me instead of just locking me in my room for 3 days without my cell phone, the computer, no friends…..but instead, I was grounded. Again.

I rushed into the room and locked the door behind me, trying to buy myself as much time with my cell as I could.

I called him, Zayn. He was my partner in… well, mischief. He was a nice little kid when they moved in next to us. I guess I rubbed off on him, eh?

But not so much, even though we got caught doing shit many times, my parents still adored him, so they didn’t mind him being my friend. They just hated all my other friends.

After two rings he answered, “Hey neighbour.”

“Zayn, I don’t know what surprise you’d planned for today but cancel it. I’m grounded.” I said in a hurry, trying to ignore my mom knocking constantly on my door.

“Wait, again? What did you-” he started.

“Ran from school. Principal called Mum and Dad and decided it was “time to take action”.

“But I-” he started again.

“Look Zee now is a really bad time. I don’t have my cell. Grounded for three days, ok? I’ll see you after. We’ll do whatever the surprise is, but later.” I said in one breath while the knocking got louder and quicker.

I heard Zayn sigh on the other side.

“I’m sorry Zee. But I gotta go now.” I said and hung up before I could feel even guiltier.

Zayn had planned some surprise for me, which was tonight. And he was super excited about it. He’d been holding a countdown since 5 days and now I’d cancelled it. Ugh. This is one of the times where being rebellious didn’t give me a thrill. Not when I hurt my best friend.

One more thing you should know about me, I’m fiercely protective of him. If you hurt Zayn, he may let you go, I most certainly will not.

I sighed and opened my door to see two pairs of furious eyes glaring at me. “I’m sorry. I just had to tell Zee.” I said and held out my phone.

My mom snatched it away from me, but at the mention of his name, both their expressions had softened. But I guess they realised they had to be strict, so they just glared at me and slammed the door in my face. I sighed and plonked down on my bed.

Three days. That’s not too long huh? 24 hours three times. 24*3… Hm… what was that? 72. 72 hours. Into 60. 4320 minutes. Into 60. 259200 seconds. That’s not too bad, is it? I mean I’m sure I could even count these many seconds! One…Two…Three…

Oh who am I kidding?! This was going to be the most boring thing in the history of the universe. I rummaged through my bags, hoping to find something anything to keep me entertained. Nothing. I went through my closet, nothing. I opened cupboards above my study table. Ah… books! I could read! But what? I lost my passion for reading when I was in the 8th grade. It just disappeared. I used to simply adore reading and suddenly boom! Gone! I remember my birthday in grade 9. Zayn had given me a book, by my then favourite author even! And I’d just acted like a bitch and said, “what will I do with this? I don’t even read anymore!” and shoved it at the back of my book shelf! I felt my fingers over the books, all dusty and untouched till my finger stopped on it. ‘Twenties Girl”. I pulled it out and blew some dust off it. I read the back. Not bad, I guess I could deal with it. I rushed to my bed and rested my back on the side wall, actually window. I had French windows as a wall. I opened the book and started reading. Honestly, I felt alive again, after very, very long. I got engrossed in my book as time passed by.

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