That's All That Matters (Louis)

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That’s All That Matters (Louis)

He stood outside her door, palms sweating continuously in spite of him having wiped them precisely seven times on his trousers since he stood out there. He was following the plan! This was the plan! Then why did it feel so wrong? Why did he feel like he was making a mistake? Why was he hurting when he shouldn’t be? He knew this would happen! He made the plan and it finally worked! He won! Then why was he feeling like he was the loser?

Finally he gathered the courage and knocked on the door. After sixteen long minutes of no answer, he rang the bell, hoping it would wake Anna up. Seconds later, the door was flung open and he was greeted by a sleepy, yet beautiful face of the girl he called his girlfriend, her hair in disarray, her green eyes heavy with exhaustion and sleep.  She looked confused and frustrated at being woken up at this hour. He was here, at 1 am to talk to her, to tell her those words. It was time.

“We’re done.” He said with a shaky voice.

She looked at him with wide eyes, sleep completely wiped out of them. She stood there, hurt and wondering what had gone wrong. It was so unexpected that the shock had temporarily muted her.

After assuming that she had nothing to say, he turned on is heel, made a strong face, gulped and started to walk away when her husky, shaky voice stopped him.

“Louis, what the hell?” she yelled from her doorway. Assuming it was his cue to turn back, he did and walked the steps back.

“We’re done.” He repeated.

“Why?” she asked, tears collecting in her eyes. But she was not going to cry in front of him. She will not.

“Just didn’t work out.” He shrugged, trying to act like it wasn’t affecting him. But inside, his heart was aching, he just didn’t know why.

“Did I do something?” she asked him, trying to save her crumbling relationship.

“No, Anna. It’s just not working.” He said in a monotone, refusing to meet her eyes.

“That’s a lie!” she yelled.

“No. It isn’t.” he said, trying to hold his end.

“Why are you doing this?!” she asked, blinking to force the damn tears back.

“Don’t you get it? It’s not working out!” he yelled back at her, now annoyed.

“No I don’t get it Louis! I’m sorry if I question twice before getting out of a relationship that I thought was perfect!” she yelled back.

“It wasn’t perfect.” He said matter-of-factly.

“You took me to meet your parents yesterday. You were nervous and worried about whether they’d like me! I was worried too, because I wanted them to like me! 29 fucking hours ago, I was trying to get your parents to like me! You took a huge step like that for a relationship that’s first, not perfect and second, that you want to end the next day?!” she asked him, trying very, very hard to control her shaky voice.

After getting no answer from Louis, she spoke again. “Don’t I deserve to know why I’m being forced out of a relationship I deemed perfect?” she said forcing herself to talk softly, knowing Louis and the fact the if she yelled more, he would become even harder to talk to.

Louis stood there, dumbstruck. Should he tell her the truth? Won’t that just hurt her more? He stood there, contemplating his options, while Anna stood there with glistening hopeful eyes. She was perfect, everything about her. She was a wonderful girlfriend. And a wonderful person. Did she deserve the truth? Hell yes.

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