Batman (Liam)

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Dedicated to NaughtyAndNice10 because she is a Liam girl! Hope you like it babe!!! :D xx

Batman (Liam)

“Leeyum!” Ashley called, stuffing her face with the tempting, buttery popcorn she had just made, “gummy bears or marshmallows?”

“Get them both, spoil me till my teeth are all rotten,” he laughed and answered back.

“In that case,” she continued, “I’m getting the Malteasers as well,” she declared, her voice high with excitement.

She entered the living room, her arms overflowing with popcorn, soda and candy, everything needed for a perfect movie night. The lights were slightly dimmed, just like they liked it. She saw that in front of the couch Liam had spread a bunch of blankets and pillows. It was like a snuggle fort just for the two of them.

From next to the huge television across the room Liam watched Ashley’s reaction and smiled. He wanted tonight to be perfect. The time they had together was usually limited and he wanted it to be something he cherished and remembered during all those times they were apart and communicated through electronic devices. Since the tour ended a week ago this was the first time they were actually able to spend actual quality time together without smiling for photographs or dressing perfectly. A movie night in pyjamas and comfort food was just what they needed and he was eager for it to begin. He kept his (and her) phone on silent so that there wouldn’t be any interruptions that night.

“That looks almost as comfortable as you,” she smiled and set the food down beside their comfortable haven.

Liam smiled at her words and held up two DVDS. “So which one is it going to be?”

Ashley, who was opening a packet of chips, looked up at him. The boy was wearing a Batman slim tee and boxers and he expected her to watch the movie? In his hand were ‘Toy Story 1’ and ‘Grown Ups.’

Ashley tore her gaze away from his body and forced her eyes upon his confident smirky face, “I think…Grown Ups,” she finally said.

Instantly, Liam’s grin turned into a frown. “But love, Toy Story!” He said like the name alone was supposed to convince her to change her mind.

“Oh come on babe, we’ve seen that movie way too often,” She tried to reason, popping a couple of chips into her mouth. “We could always see it after?”

“But, I want to see it now.”

“Please Li, we just saw the third one with the boys the other day!”

Immediately, Liam resorted to his strengths, something he knew no one – let alone Ashley – could resist. He jutted his lower lip around and tried to make eye contact with the eyes he knew would melt like ice on a hot summer day.

“Oh no you don’t. Your puppy dog eyes and baby lips ain’t helping you tonight, Liam James Payne! Just get over it and come be my snuggle buddy.”

“But babe -” he whined.

“Close the lights once you put the movie in,” she said before her extra smart boyfriend could convince her to watch it.

Liam hmphed dramatically, put the movie in and purposely didn’t switch off the lights. Ashley rolled her eyes and concentrated on her food. Seeing that his actions were not getting the desired reactions, Liam tsked at her loudly and sat down beside, sitting carefully so as not to touch her. He then crossed his arms over his chest once he brought bowl of popcorn close to himself. He picked one kernel, inspected it with a frown, knowing that Ashley was watching his movements and threw it into his mouth.

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