Celebrity Crush (Zayn)

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Celebrity Crush (Zayn)

“For the first time on our show, hold your breaths girls, because it’s the five handsome lads of One Direction!”

There was a thunderous round of applause from the audience to welcome the guests on the cheeky interview show for teenage girls. Harry walked onto the set, winking at the crowd as he did so.

Zayn gulped, interviews had never been his thing. His image was one of a shy mysterious person and frankly, he preferred it that way. Not everyone knew him well and he was glad. He was glad because if they did, they would know about his humungous crush on Isabelle Walters, dancer, part time interviewer, and all time gorgeous. So one could understand why his palms were sweating for this particular interview.

“Go on mate,” Niall encouraged from beside him.

Zayn nodded unsurely and began walking. “Gosh, it’s like watching a fawn walk for the first time,” Zayn heard Louis mumble behind him. Then there was a thump and then a “Jeez! I was just saying!”

Zayn smiled to himself, that had to be Liam. He was very conscious of the stares he was getting and of the millions of viewers watching his every step. But more than that, he was aware of Isabelle’s intense blue eyed gaze on him. ‘One step at a time,’ he told himself, ‘You can do this without falling.’ Isabelle smiled her heart stopping smile just as Zayn reached her. She hugged him lightly and let go. Zayn thought she smelled like lavender. His cheeks were flaming as he took a seat next to Harry on the sofa.

“No offense mate, but she is really fit!” Harry whispered in his hear.

Zayn had to agree. With her black hair let down in loose curls around her and a coral dress that seemed to be made for her, Isabelle was stunning. Her eyes had a glint in them, one that was inviting and mischievous.

“And here they are- Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam! Looking so perfect I’m surprised they aren’t shining like Robert Pattinson in that Twilight movie.”

Isabelle’s voice snapped Zayn out of his thoughts and he found her beaming, looking even more flawless now that she was flashing her pearly whites behind her beautiful pink lips.

“We’re living the dream right now! We couldn’t be happier!” Louis said genuinely.

“That’s brilliant, you lot deserve it!” she told him sincerely, and then turned away. “And do you miss your families, Zayn?”

Zayn was startled. He looked at her helplessly, he had forgotten the question.


“Please excuse him Isabelle, he seems to be distracted by something,” Liam said, trying to help him out.

“Or someone,” Louis coughed earning himself a glare from Zayn while Niall, Harry and Liam chuckled.

“Right, moving on then,” she continued sweetly, she hadn’t seemed to have heard it. “Niall, as you know there have been rumours. Is it safe to say that you have found your princess?”

Niall laughed and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, “it was actually nothing like that ya know? She was just a friend I know since I was a kid but the media makes a big deal out of anything they can.”

“Besides,” Harry continued, “at this point we are concentrating on our music. Just the other day Zayn was saying - what was it Zayn?”

“Huh?” Zayn was in a trance that was broken when Harry said his name. He was staring at Isabelle’s pink lips that she was biting, and forming a perfect ‘o’ with when she was nodding in understanding to what each of them was saying. It was captivating. “Yeah - I – said that we don’t have time for lips – I mean relationships -  right now!” he hurriedly tried to cover up but he could hear his band mates trying not to laugh while he concentrated on trying not to laugh.

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