Page 22; The confession of a twin sister

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'Dear my twin sister.'

I read out the words written there with blank ink. It's handwriting is pretty and neat. I touched the words with my fingers, softly before proceeding.

'I guess the moment you read this, you already know about me. Of course, obviously. But let me introduce myself, I'm your twin sister, Kim Eunjung. I want to tell you how I look, until I realised that we are actually twins, we just look alike to each other.'

'I wanted to meet you and hug you. I miss you so much. You know, I'm planning to go to Seoul and find you. In 2 days, I'll go there. I'll make sure I found you. I have lots of things to say and share with you. I have a bestfriend, and he's also my childhood friend. His name is Mark. He's tall, I wanted to let you guys meet. But, shh. Don't tell him that I actually have a tiny crush on him.'

I laughed. As if I could hear the excitement in her voice, telling me the secret she wanted to tell me. My mind wonders, whether she have the same voice as mine, or just slightly different from mine. My mind picture an image of her in her pastel red shirt with her light blue jeans, telling me stories while smiling at me.

'Fine. I have a huge crush on him. But please keep it a secret. Well, wait. That's not why I'm writing this. Back to the story, since we are twins, we have the same birthdate. I am planning to celebrate the birthday with you. Well, if I found you. But of course, I'll find you. I wanted to know your story. How's your life in Seoul, how's your school. Maybe different from mine but I still want to listen. I wonder if you have childhood friend? Of course you have. Silly me.'

The way she wrote, I could see that she's a cheerful lady. She might put her hands in the air and drop it again when she said 'silly me', rolling her eyes then back smiling again. Her soft hair brushed against her shoulder. Her eyes shine as she looks at me, looks at her twin sister sitting in front of her, sharing stories and secrets that she have wanted to hear.

'It's already night time, and I have to go to sleep. So I have to write this super fast. I wanted to say that I love you, sis. Even though we haven't meet yet, but soon! I will.'

At the end of the page, she wrote a date; February 20. I stare at the black ink that almost dissappear from the surface of the paper. As if water trying to wash the date off from the paper. I flipped to the next page.

'Hi again! I'm going to Seoul today! I can't wait to meet you, twin sister! My mind can't stop picturing your beautiful face, your perfect smile, your shining eyes, your soft and fluffy hair. It keeps on wondering how you would look like. I'm heading to the airport, and soon off to your place! oh, and I love you!'

Februrary 21. The date wrotten at the bottom right of the page. The ink is the same from the previous page, disappearing. My heart ache. She will be at Seoul on the next page. My heart beats faster than a sound. The heart pumped my blood to the whole body, faster than usual. Letting it flow furiously. I bite my dry lips. My heart wanted to know, but my mind scared to know the truth. After some good long minutes, I've made up my mind and flipped to the next page, unwilling to let the insanity drives me.

I took a deep breath before reading her first word.

'Hello.' She started. My chest started to moved upwards then downwards. My heart beats accelerate. Her greeting is not a good sign. 'I, tried to look for her. But, i didn't found her. Seoul is too big for me. I searched for her everywhere. She's yet to be found. I keep telling myself, I will found her. I've lost my hope. I'm going back to my home today. And I still haven't have the chance to say hi. My luggage is standing beside me, its colour seems to fade off. I'm sitting in a playground. Silence here in this neighbourhood. I wanted to meet her before I go back. Twin sister,'

I slowly read her next sentences, 'I wanted to meet you so bad. But luck isn't with me today. I'm sorry for not founding you and celebrates our birthday.'

I can feel my heart thumping. I look at the end of the page. No date written. Flipping to the next page quickly, I saw another paragraph written in black ink, her handwritten on the page.

'Twin sister, I know it would be a long time until we meet. So, i'm going to write here. And maybe let you read.' I continue to the next sentences. The ink is disappearing, I barely can read the words she wrote there for me. 'There's a guy that i've met today before I went home, before I finally say goodbye to Seoul. He's tall, slightly taller than me. Maybe taller than you too, i don't know. He has bright brown hazel coloured hair, and he talked to me.'

My breath accelerate, so do my heart beats. My eyes carefully read her words, not wanting to miss a single word of hers. 'He said he will miss me. At first, I was confused. But then I knew that he thought I was you. I disguised as you. I know I'm a bad sister for doing that, but I wanted to share this later with you; or maybe I could just tell that guy that it was me and tell him to say what he wanted to say to you.'

'He said, he will miss me; well, you actually. And he told me to be careful while I'm at States. I figured out that if he said I'm going to States without knowing that i'm your twin sister, that means you will go to States. My hope rise. I said to myself I might meet you at there. And, I know you wouldn't believe this but I'm still going to say.'

I continue reading. 'Before i turn around to leave, he called someone's name. But I turned around and look at him. He said something. So I tell him, "Please wait until I come back. I promise,". I smile at him. I remember the name he called out that very moment. Even without using a high IQ, I knew right away that..'

'It's your name. I finally know my twin sister name. Eunchae.'

I hold my head, hurts. I can feel my head spinning. Why can't I remember anything? I tried to close my eyes and recall everything. I mean, anything. But nothing comes to mind. I become frustrated. I keep on shutting my eyes shut, tight. I forced myself to remember but failure keep becoming an answer to my actions.

My eyes, my vision starting to becomes blurry. I take a last glance at my name, written by my twin sister. Before I fainted on the soft bed. Onto the bed my twin sister family owned.

Ayo! what do you think about this chapter? Boringggg. I know. But leave your comments and thoughts! Oh, and votes too♡ I would like to read your comments. Sorry for the grammar error and such. But hope you guys like this chapter even though it's borrinngggg. Xoxo.

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