Page 7; Same flight

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I yawned. I didn't get enough sleep last night. Because of Baekhyun. I hold to the door and suddenly someone lift me up and put me on his shoulder again. I don't argue because I know that is Kris and I know someone called me to go to the room.

"So Eunchae." Suho started to talk when I sit on the couch and almost fall asleep. "Sorry for telling you this.. all of sudden but.." He look at me and I look at him, with my sleepy eyes. "We're going to China for school business.. tomorrow."

My eyes wide open. I'm not half-awake once I heard suho's words. "What?!" I jumped from the couch and look at him, an inch away from his face. "Uhh, I know you're shocked but please calm down." He murmured and that's when I noticed I was being too close to him. "Oh, sorry." I fixed my glasses and look at him again.

"So, do you have problems?"

I stay silent. "Who will be going?"

"All of us!" Sehun shouted happily and Tao nodded in agreement. I sighed. "Fine. I'll go." I look at Suho. "Really? You're not trouble by this? I mean– I told you this sudden news to you today and–"

"Suho, It's okay." I said and smile at him. He stand there, speechless and finally he managed to said okay.

"I guess I need to go back to my class now. Well, see you guys later?" I said and half waving them. They waved me goodbye and I walked out from the room.

"Where's that pollution? Did he skipped class again?" I asked myself while i'm on my way to my class.


I check my stuff again just in case. I woke up at five thirty and our flight is on 7.10 a.m. I get myself ready and head to airport after that.


"Heyyy!" I heard someone shouted and I searched for the voice. I found Tao waving at my directions and I walked towards him. "Wahhhh~ Eunchae's airport fashion is awesome." He said while looking at me. I'm wearing a pink sweater, a skinny jeans and boots.

To be honest, Tao's fashion airport is more awesome than mine. When I was talking with Tao, the other boys came from the counter along with Suho who hold onto the tickets and walked towards us. My jaw almost dropped when I look at their outfits.

Their airport fashion sense is higher than me and it makes me like I was a total loser and so last season in fashion. Are they planning to turned this airport to their runaway?

"Oh. Nice outfits." Suho smile at me while handing the ticket out to me. "O-oh. No. This is nothing. Your fashion sense is more.. incredible than mine." I flustered. Just by looking at their outfits make me wanna keep my distance away from them like one inch? They're so fabulous and fashionable and such. And there's me, a potato wearing a 'nothing awesome compared to them'. Big differences. You guys understand me, right?

"Why are you so quiet, Eunchae?" Chanyeol asked me as he hand me a soda. "Oh. Just.. Nothing." I take the soda and feel the coldness in my palm. Then my eyes suddenly fixed to the Mr.Pollution, Mr. Byun Baekhyun.

He's wearing a long white sleeve but he folded it up until his elbow, a sunglasses(?), black skinny jeans and sneakers. It's so simple yet it suits him, a lot. I mean, I'm telling the truth, It fits him A LOT.

"What are you looking at?" Baekhyun said to me, low enough just for to me listen to his voice. "I'm not looking at you." I fixed my glasses and look at him. Then those feelings come back again. Those feelings where his face is familiar. But i don't know where i've seen him before.

"You're looking at me. Now."

"No. I'm not." I looked away quickly. The speaker boomed the airport, telling the passengers who's gonna ride the next airplane to get ready, and we are the people that gonna ride that airplane.

"Come on." Baekhyun turned and look at me. "Shut up. I know." I said and walked passed the security sensor? I don't know what it called. We entered the departure door and there's a lot of people there, waiting for the airplane they gonna ride on, which is the same with us.

"There's so many people. And many sweets." I was too busy looking around and I lost. I lost in this airport. I know, how can I lost when actually I know this place for so long? I bet it's because there's a lot of people here and I was unable to search for suho because a) I'm short, b) Suho is short too and c) i was busy sticking my eyes to the sweets here.

I stand there, feeling lost. I want to called out for Suho but people will think that I'm a child that lost her parents, shouting like a lost child so I decided to call them. I took out my phone from my pocket and search for Suho's name in my contact list.

Then someone grab my wrist, making me to look up and saw, Baekhyun standing before me, panting. "What?" I murmured, in shocked. "Where did you go? We've been searching for you!" He said, still breathless. I stand there, saying nothing. Not like I don't want to answer him but I don't know what to say.

"That's why never told me to shut up." He grabbed my wrist and put it into his pocket. "Now, you won't lost again." He walked, pushing himself through the crowd, followed by me. Why do I get warm feeling when he did this?

"There they are!" Chanyeol pointed at us once he saw us coming. "Oh my god Eunchae! Where have you been? We're worried!" Tao shouted once he saw me. "Suho hyung keep calling for your name like he just lost his child!" Tao added. Well, it seems that Suho called my name out loud and he look like a mother who lost her child.

"I'm sorry to make you guys worried." I said and Chen patted my head. "Nevermind, Eunchae." He said, smiling, trying to comfort me.

We get into the airplane several minutes later. And I sit near to the window while baekhyun sit beside me and Sehun sit besise baekhyun. "Why do I have to sit beside you?" Baekhyun murmured. "It's unfortunate for me too, you know?" I said while trying to make myself comfortable in the seat. Sehun was too busy looking around the airplane to listen to our conversation.

The seatbelt light above us turned on. Telling us to put our seatbelt on as we're about to take off. I put the seatbelt on and quickly grabbed for the armrest. I closed my eyes when the airplane is taking off, grabbing to the armrest even tighter.

And after several minutes of fighting with the speed of the airplane, i can finally open my eyes and take some breath. O was like holding my breath just now. I look at Baekhyun and he look at me. "Why are you looking at me?" I asked him and he turned to look infront. "Why are you closing your eyes just now?" He asked. "Are you probably.. afraid of height?" He look at me again.

"I'm not afraid of height. If you dare me to do the bungee jump then i'll do it but this, I don't know but I hate it." I said.

"Hate it? Hate who?"

"Airplanes." I look down on my hands.

"Why do you hate airplanes?" He look at me, eyes wide open.

"Because.." I trailed off. And now I realised, why do I hate airplanes so much? It's not like I hate airplanes, like hate but, I'm more like.. afraid of airplanes.

"Nevermind. Forget it." I said after shutting my mouth for a quite some time.

I look outside the window, admiring the clouds. Without I realised, all the boys have been sleeping and snoring. I look around and saw baekhyun is sleeping. I look at him before turning my sight to the window again.

And suddenly something hit my lap and found a mp4 is on my lap. "What?" I said and turned to look at Baekhyun. "Listen to songs." He said, eyes closed.

"Why would I?"

"Because I know you wanna take a nap but you can't so I'm offering you my mp4" He said again. I was about to argue back but he cut it and said, "Don't say anything else. Just listen to songs, okay?"

And I don't know what's get into me because I obey his words. I take the mp4, plucked the earphones to my ears and started listening to the song 'I'm fine, thank you' by ladies' code.

I fall asleep after several minutes.

a/n: Sorry for the short chapter. I'm still sad over ladies' code news. Hope you guys understand. *eat chocolate while crying* Anyway, I was reading TFIOS book just now(not yet done reading) but why is it so sad? I get enough of crying.

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