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"E-eunchae.." Mom startled. She look at the paper in my hand then back at me. "Mom.." I bite my bottom lips. "What do you mean.. by this?" I shoved the paper into her hand. "E-eunchae ya. Please.. listen to me. I'll- I'll explain everything!"

Before she managed to say any more words, I ran downstairs, took my jacket and leave. Leave to where? I have no idea. I'll go to wherever my leg take me to. I wipes my tears that flowed down my cheeks several times. "I can't believe this." I murmured under my heavy breath, trying to make my cries as silent as possible.

Before I even noticed, I'm now standing in front of the park nearby. Cold breeze accompany me in the quiet park. I take this time to calm my mind and walk back home. And I did.

I took a deep breath, while standing in front of the front door of my house. I knocked the door once, and the door flung open. "Eunchae.." I look at her. She looks pale. Her white skin makes it paler. I walked into the house and sits on the sofa. She followed my steps and sits on the sofa nearby.

"So, i'm calm now. Can you tell me what's the meaning of the paper?" I look at her. She remains quiet. But then she sighed and look at me while holding to the paper. "You.. actually.. have a twin sister."

I knew it. That's what I thought. "But.. she died in a plane crash." Plane crash? It reminds me of what Mark said to me. "What's her name?" I asked her. "..I'm afraid I have no information on that."

"And.." She shut her mouth again. Picking the right words to say. "You're.. adopted. By me." I let out a breath. I'm adopted. Yes, of course. If I'm not adopted then mom would know what's my twin name is. "I'm sorry i keep it from you. I always thought that it's time to tell you this. But you found the paper first."

I see. "It's okay. It's not your fault." I gave her a hug and she cried, apologizing to me over and over again.


"Mark." I called out for him in his room. I look around the room and found out that he's alone. "The others went to the cafeteria." He said. I nodded. "I want to ask you something." I closed the door behind and sits on the chair. He stopped on whatever he's doing and look at me. "Your friend, Kim Eunjung. Do you know where her grave is?"

He looked shocked. Of course he would. I snapped my fingers and called his name again. "Oh! Yeah. I know."

"Bring me there later."


"Can you.. wait here?" I turned around and look at Mark. He nodded and I went to his friend's grave. I put a bouquet of flower and knee down to look at Eunjung's grave. There's a picture nearby and I take a close look. I look at the picture rather shocked.

It's a picture of, ""

I touched the picture and leaned in closer, taking another good look on the picture. The face, the smile, it's all similar to me. "it's.. me?"


a/n: ayo man! Sorry guys for the long hiatus! Idk how to continue i forget the storyplot ;-; sorry for this short update. And I want to thanks you guys for your endless support despite my hiatus. You guys.. ARE THE BEST!♡

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