Page 12; Sick.

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"Eunchae! Eunchae! Wake up!"

I heard voices calling out for me and I slowly open my eyes. And I saw the boys gathering around me. "Are you okay?" Dyo asked. I sit up. "Why are you guys here?" I said and I feel something wet on my cheeks. I touched my cheeks and there's water on it. "Huh?" I said.

"You're crying just now.." Tao look at me, concern. "I did?" I look at him rather surprised. "Well, I'm okay. Maybe i'm just having bad dream." I said and smile at them. They seem satisfied with my answer and they all went downstairs and told me to rest for a while.

"What dream are you having?" Baekhyun who's still in my room asked. "...I don't remember." I replied and he gets up. "Do you wanna eat anything?" He look at me. "..No. i don't think I have appetite."

"Well, if that's what you want." He said then he close the door. "..That idiot." I murmured under my breath. I checked my phone and look at the date at the upper left of my phone. "We're going back tomorrow huh?" I stare at my phone for a few minutes then I went to take a bath.


"Are you not feeling well, Eunchae?" Dyo asked me once we arrived at the airport. We'll be taking our flight back to Seoul. "No. I'm fine." I said but my legs is shaking. I'm not sure if i'm okay or not. But I just said i'm okay so they don't have to worry about me.

"Are you sure?" Suho asked again and I nodded. After a few minutes of waiting, it's finally the time to go into the airplane.


"Are you really sure you're okay?" Suho asked again, looking worried. "Yep. I'm fine. Don't worry. Maybe I just don't have enough sleep." I smile and leaned my head against the chair. And slowly, I drove off to sleep.


"Eunchae didn't come today, huh?" Lay said while looking at eunchae's seat. "Why she didn't come to school?" Tao asked while pouting. "I didn't really think she's okay back then." Dyo said while checking the student's data.

"Don't you know anything, baekhyun?" Suho look at baekhyun who's just normally doing his works. "Nope. I didn't. Why do I have to know about her anyway?" He said nonchalantly.

Chanyeol hit his arm, making baekhyun shouted. "Why are you doing that?!"

"She's your crown, baekhyun! Shouldn't you take care of her?!" Chanyeol shouted then Kai nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I think she's not feeling well." Dyo pointed out. "You better check out on her baekhyun."

"Damn, you can't even do this?" Kai said in irritation. Baekhyun sighed and finally he gave up.


"Is this her house?" Baekhyun look at the normal looking house. "Hm. I have no choice." He murmured and he ring the bell. After a few seconds, someone answered. "..Yes?"

"Is this Go's household?" Baekhyun asked. "Yeah."

"Oh. Can I see Go Eunchae?"

"..Baekhyun?" The owner behind the speaker spoke. "Eunchae?"

"Wait. I'll get the door." She said and after that, the door swing open. "What are you doing here?" She asked. Baekhyun take a look at her. Her hair is messy, her face is pale and everything that cam be related to 'sick' is with her.

"I came here to check up on you." He said while giving the plastic bag to her. "What is this?" She took the plastic bag and look inside. She smile when she saw some fruits and medicine in it. "Thanks."

"Are you trying to make me stand here all day long?" Baekhyun said, making her look rather surprised. "O-oh. Come in." She said while walking inside the house with shaky legs.

"Watch out!" Baekhyun grabbed her arm when she was about to hit the wall. "O-oh. Thank you." She said, then she walked towards the kitchen. "What are you doing?" Baekhyun followed her and shocked.

"Do you want some tea?" She asked while holding to the cup with shaky hand. "Are you crazy?! Don't do something like that when you're not feeling well!" Baekhyun shouted then he let her lied down on the bed.

"Why did you came here?" Eunchae asked. "Shut up! You're sick!" He checked eunchae's temperature and become even shocked when he saw the reading. "38.7°?! Are you crazy?! How can you even walk?!" He shouted.

Eunchae remained silent. "Wait here! And don't go anywhere!" He stand up and walked out from the room. He come back after a few minutes with a bucket in his hand. He let the handkerchief wet and put it on her forehead.

"Why didn't you tell me you're sick?!" He shouted again. "Because I thought you wouldn't care." Eunchae answered in a small voice.

He sighed. "I might at least come if you told me." He said and eunchae smile. "Why are you smiling?!"

"Because I thought baekhyun wouldn't care."

"Are you trying to piss me off?!"

"Nope. I just feel grateful that you would care." Eunchae look at baekhyun and smile. "I feel happy that you care about me even though you're just my boyfriend on paper." She smile.

Baekhyun remained silent. "Don't say something like that." He crossed his arm and look away. "Go to sleep! You need rest! And you need to come back to school so our job will easily be done." He said and eunchar chuckled.

"Byun baekhyun.."

"What?!" He turned around and look at her.

"Thank you." She smile and baekhyun remained silent. "W-welcome."

"What?" Eunchae asked and baekhyun is back to his sense. "I said it's okay! Now go to sleep!" He said and eunchae chuckled before she drove off to sleep.

Baekhyun look at her in silent. "She definitely look like her.." he murmured in a low voice. "She didn't wear her spectacle too." He said while looking at her sleeping face.

"Eunchae.. Don't do this to me." He reached for eunchae's hair and rub it softly. "I might.. starting to like you."


"I'm back!" Eunchae smile widely when she entered the room. "Welcome back eunchae! I miss you so much!" Tao shouted and went to hug her. "I miss you too!" Sehun went to her super fast and hug her then he exchange electrical gazes with Tao.

"I'm glad you're okay now." Dyo smile and Suho joined him. "I'll work even harder after this!" She bowed down. Suho and Dyo have this mother smile on their face.

"But, how can you recover so fast?" Kris asked. "Because baek—" Eunchae said half way when Baekhyun suddenly said loudly, "Okay! It's almost time to go back to class!" He stand up from his seat and walk towards the door.

He stopped by thw door and look at Eunchae. "Welcome back by the way." He said then he leave the room.

"Isn't he a bit shy?" Kai pointed out and Dyo laughed. "He is."


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