Page 3; The boys from next room

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I just moved here, I just chosen to be one of the member and I am now here, running in the hallway from faculty office to the room like trillion times a day. The moment I was about to enter the room, I saw another room across the hallway.

"What room is that?" I fixed my glasses to read the plate on the door but a hand landed on my shoulder causing me to shout. "Omg. I never expected you to shouted like that." Chanyeol covered his ears and look at me. "Sorry."

"What are you looking at, anyway?" He look at the direction where I saw the door and he stays silent for a while. "What's wrong?" I look at him and he shook his head. "Nevermind. Come on. Let's go in now. We have lot of works to do." He pushed me into the room and closed the door, ignoring the door I saw earlier. What's wrong with that room anyway?

"We're here!" Chanyeol waved at them and they high five each other. Suho is sitting at the desk like a boss, well, he is the leader of the group anyway. "I brought the papers." I put down the papers on the table and fixed my glasses one more time. "Waahh~ Eunchae is really strong, plus awesome!" Tao said happily and sehun nodded, agreeing every word he said.

"But she's still a nerd freak." Baekhyun said, cutting off the happy atmosphere. Such a pollution.

"Whatever, Mr 'I'm so fabulous." I rolled my eyes and sit on the chair. "What did you said?" He glare at me as I glare at him back. "What? You want me to repeat it or make a new sentences?" I look down on the paper, not even bother to look at his 'omg so fabulous' face.

He suddenly slammed his palm on my table and I look up and our gaze met. "Get out." He said harshly. "Why do I need to? I'm a member here." I look down on the paper again and he suddenly snatch the paper away from my hand. This bastard.

"What are you thinking you're doing?!" I shouted at him and he look at the paper. "I told you to get out. Now." He glared at me and I glared back at him. "Fine! I'll get out! I don't want to see your face too! You're not that fabulous anyway!" I rolled my eyes as I quickly walked out and slammed the door hard.

I exhaled and look at the door once again. This time, I walked towards it and started reading the words. 'Got7' is written on the plate.

When I was too busy staring at the plate, the door swing open and I stepped backwards quickly, which causing me to fell down, butt first. "Ouch!" I rubbed my butt who suffered from the fall and a figure is standing infront of me, worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked in worried and I nodded my head. "I'm okay. Don't worry." He extend his hand to reach for me and he helped me to get up. "What's your name and what are you doing here–" He stopped and saw the necklace I am wearing. "You're.. a crown?" He murmured and I look at him. "What?" I asked but he just shook his head.

"Come in. You can have some tea here." He smile and I entered the room. This room is huge, but the EXO room is larger I need to admit. I look around, amazed by the beauty of the room until I realised, 7 eyes are looking at me. 7 charming boys are looking at me.

"O-oh! Err. H-hello!" I nervously bowed at them, just keeping my eyes on the ground. "No, no it's okay." The boy from earlier said as he slowly raise my chin. My eyes locked into him and I stepped backwards a bit, flustered.

"Yaaah~ Jr, don't do that." Another boy, wearing a cap said to him. "I know, Mandu Jackson." He said as he slowly take his hand off my chin and sit on the couch. "So, Who's this um.." Someone said but trailed off when he look at me, properly.

"I know. I'm the nerd freak." I fixed my glasses and look at him. "oh." He said. Maybe he don't know what to say anymore.

"Well, okay. Enough with that. Hi! I'm Jr. And this is Jackson." He introduced himself then he introduced Jackson to me. "I'm JB." The boy who trailed off while he talked said. "Hi~ I'm bambam, and this guy beside me is youngjae." The blonde hair guy introduced himself and the another black hair guy. "I'm the maknae! Yugyeom!" He said happily and waved hi at me. I waved back at him.

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