Page 9; Beach

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"Do we.. perhaps.. met before?" The words escaped from my mouth. And we stand there, frozen. He didn't answer me for a few seconds and after it feels like minutes that we're in the silence, He talked.

"Yes.. we, did." He said, not even looking at me. "What do you mean?" I asked him, a super idiot question. "We met.."

I waited for him to continue. " the school where we bumped into each other." He look at me. "..a-ah. Y-yeah." I said in return and wipe my sweaty hands on my shirt. And then, we stand there again, in silence.

"Hey guys! Why are you standing there like a stone? Come on! Luhan made some coffee!" Chanyeol said right after he opened the door. "Yeah! We're coming." I answered and he went back inside. "C-come on." I said and quickly walked inside.

The answer he just gave me, it doesn't feel right. It feels like it's not the exact answer to my question. Of course, we do bumped into each other at school but that's not what my heart is searching for. My instinct keep on telling me that, there's absolutely another answer for the question. I really feel that we met before, even before we bumped into each other.

Whenever he smile, my heart ached. When he showed me that look just now, it's feel like he was going to tell me something. Something I can't figure out.

"What's with the long face?" Kai said as he throw himself on the couch beside me. He took some honeystar from Dyo and Dyo glare at him, putting the honeystar away from Kai.

"What long face?" I said, acting calm, like nothing happened and popped some honeystar into my mouth. "You acted like it's nothing but there's definitely something behind the nothing." He took some of the honeystar from Dyo again and Dyo hit his hand and there's this 'this honeystar is mine, kim kai.' look plastered on his face.

"Yeah, you do know how a girl's mind works." I popped another honeystar while watching M!Countdown. "Of course, i'm popular among girls."

"Yeah, yeah. And you act so arrogant and doesn't even bother to look at them, such a drama king." I said and Chanyeol suddenly bursted into laughing. "Shut up, Chanyeol." Kai said and he turned to look at me. "You really know how to stab people with words on the heart." He said, pout and act as if he was upset.

I laughed and Chanyeol joined me after. Then, the familiar song played on the television. "This dude is so cool." Tao said while pointing at one of the member. "Oh, that's jimin of BTS, or known as Bangtan Boys." I said unconsciously and come back to my sense after I realised they're looking at me.

"Ohhhh~ Soooo, who's your fav member?" Sehun asked as he nudged my hand with his elbow. "Shut up, Sehun." I said, not wanting to make any eye-contact with him. "Ohh~ Come on. Just tell us, don't be shy." He said again and after that, Tao joined him and begging me to tell them who. "Okay! Fine!" I said as I gave up to them. They're so adorable, I can't handle it anymore.

"I like, that one. Kim Taehyung." I pointed at V and smile. "Ohh~ Someone is smilinggg~" Sehun said and I hit him on the back. "So, who's your fav, among us?" Tao asked, making the honeystar I swallowed stuck at my trachea.

"What?" I look at him. "Good question. So, who is it?" Sehun asked and I look away. No, don't defeated by them. "Come on, tell us." Kai said as he leaned closer to me. I back off a bit. Just a bit since Suho sit at my left, and kai on my right. "Suho, do you think you can hel–" I look at Suho but he also showed that he's interested to know my answer.

Oh, mother. I tried to asked the others for help but there's no use. Suho is sending this 'who is it?' face to me, then there's chanyeol, then luhan, then tao, then sehun, then there's chen and kris who pretend to be not interested when actually they're waiting too.

I sighed. "Look, I.. didn't know who to choose, since you guys is so, sweet and caring? And, I'm a nerd freak, there's no way um, you guys will be happy if I pick out one of you guys. So, let's drop the question." I wipe my sweaty hand on my shirt again and they give this disappointed look.

"Um, Please don't give me that look. I'll.. I'll treat you guys to ice-cream!" I said and their faces brighten up a little. "And, you'll do it tomorrow." Luhan suddenly stand up, making all of us look at him. "What?"

"Because, we're going to the beach tomorrow!" He smile. I saw his smile is shining like a spot light for a moment there. They cheered as they jumped up and down like a kid and I just watched them. Well, Baekhyun is an exception.

They're too happy and noisy and excited about going to the beach. They're jumping while holding to the cushion. Some of then hugging the cushion and among the jumping boys, I saw

Kris jumping while hugging to Ace.

"Pftt." I chuckled but they're too loud to hear it. Kai suddenly grabbed my hand and I unconsciously joined them jumping too. Kai is still jumping, while holding to my hand. He don't look like he will release my hand.

I joined them and laughed. I'm looking forward for tomorrow.

How fun would it be, I wonder?

a/n: sorry guys! This is re-edited. THE CONTENTS LOST AND I'M SO SHOCK D: Thank goodness you guys told me about it. But I have to rewrite it ;-; I'm having headache (super hurt)  but I managed to finished it for you guys! Hope you like it.

Sorry if it's short and boring ;-;

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