Page 11; Headache

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"What is that?" I step backwards bit by bit. "Please, don't tell me it's something scary." I hold my sweaty hand and pray it's not something that I don't want to look. Then, it fell.

"WAHHHHH..!" I shouted and closed my eyes. After a few minutes, I realised I didn't hurt and opened my eyes. "Eh?" I look at the something that just fell. "..Meoww." The cat licked its paw. I sigh. "I thought something really going to fall." I exhaled.

But something fell of the tree again the moment I'm already calm down, making me shouted again. "..Ouch." I opened my eyes and look at it. "..WO?! BAEKHYUN?!" I look at him, wide eyes open.

"..ouch. ouch." He said it while rubbing his back. His back hit the floor when he fell and i don't know how that happened. "What are you doing here?" He asked me, still rubbing his back. "Eh? Uh, um. I can't sleep so I went out to take some air? Wait, is it air?" I said and he walk over and sit beside the place I am standing.

"..And why are you here?" I sit beside him. "I can't sleep." He answered and I nodded.

There's a moment of silence between us like for minutes but I decided to break it. "You know, baekhyun.." I started to talked. "I'm sorry if this is so sudden but.." I stopped and let my fingers pick the grass off the soil. "..i don't know why but.. your smile.. is rather familiar to me." I said, still picking the grass off.

He remain silent. I chuckled. "Sorry for suddenly talk about this." I picked the grass, crumpled it and throw it away into the distance.

" said, my smile is.. familiar?" He look at me. "Yeah."

And then, silence controlled the place again. "Actually.." He started and I stop picking the grass and look at him. "'s the same for me too. Your smile is really familiar to me."

"And.. you really look like someone that I know." He joined me and picked the grass one by one.


He nodded. "I see." I play the grass with my feet and think of what I should say next. "..You always make me remembered of that person." He said. "That person? Who?" I asked him.

"..She's my—" Before he could finish his words, Chanyeol came to us, shouting.

"YAAA...! YOU GUYS!" He stand there, panting. "Eh? What's wrong chanyeol?"

"I THOUGHT YOU GUYS ARE GONE! TO SOMEWHERE! OR BEEN KIDNAPPED BECAUSE I DIDN'T FOUND YOU GUYS IN YOUR ROOM!" He shouted again. I laughed. "How can we be kidnapped if luhan's house is full with security?"

"Ah, you're right!" I rub the back of his head, smiling. "Come on! Let's go inside! It's cold at night!" Chanyeol said and I stand up, remove the dust on my skirt.

"Come on. You don't want to be kick by Kris and Suho, right?" I said and followed chanyeol inside.


I heard the birds chirping outside but the sunlight didn't reach my face. I tried to open my eyes but failed. I turn to the right and tried once again. "Ugh.. what.." I opened my eyes bit by bit and saw a figure in front of me.

"..Good morning!" Sehun smile at me. "WAAAAAHHHH..!" I shouted and accidentally threw my alarm clock at him. He was just an inch away from my face the moment I wake up, who won't be freak out?

"You're easily scared, Eunchae-yaaa~" Sehun pout while dyo help him to covered the blood on his forehead with bandage. "It's not my fault! You're freaking people out in the morning!" I shouted at him and take a bite from my sandwich. "Geez, sehun, You shouldn't entered eunchae's room just like that." Kris said while watching basketball game on tv.

"But hyung..!"

"I know you want to look at eunchae without her glasses but you really shouldn't do that!" Suho scold him and he pout again. "Since when did you become more childish than me, sehun-ahh?" Tao asked, putting some strawberry jam on the sandwich.

"Shut up. I'm still the first person to look at eunchae without her glasses." Sehun said and crossed his arm.

"By the way, Eunchae. Are you okay without your glasses?" Dyo asked and look at me. "I'm okay." I give him a thump up. "Don't you remember that I just wear glasses but actually i'm not having eyes problem?" I take a bite from my newly-made sandwich by Tao.

"Ah, I forget." Dyo said and all of us look at him. "You should join lay." Chen said and laughed afterwards. "That's so mean of you." Suho said and Sehun added, "That's chen we're talking about. The troll king."

"But really eunchae, you're really easily freaked out." Sehun said it once again and apply some peanut jam on the bread. "She also freaked out easily yesterday." Baekhyun said then he walk to the kitchen and grab some milk. "Yesterday..?" Tao asked.

"Oh. Baekhyun fell off the tree yesterday at around midnight so I freaked out. I thought it was something scary." I said and they laughed. "You climbed the tree again, Baekhyun?" Kai asked, then he hit Kris' arm because Kris is supporting the other basketball team.

"I just can't sleep so I went outside and take a nap." Baekhyun explained. "But, geez, You managed to spent times with eunchae. You evil monster." Sehun said, pointing the spoon at him.

"It's not like I invited her to the garden." He said and pointed the fork towards sehun. They exchange electrical gazes until Suho stopped them. Plus dyo. Because he's holding this super tough metal pan behind Suho and gave them that satan look with this spooky smirk.

I shivered just by looking at him. "Are you cold?" Lay asked and I shook my head.

"Kids never learn how to stop." Chen said. "YOU'RE ALSO A KID WHO NEVER LEARN TO STOP TROLLING!" Sehun and baekhyun shouted simultaneously. They exchange electrical gazes again until satan dyo is there again with his pan.

"They really noisy." Chanyeol said and I laughed.

"I'm going out to buy some instant noodles." I said while wearing my jacket. "And maybe i'll come late so don't worry about me." I said, putting my shoes on and walked out.


"Thank you! Please come again!" I walked out from the store and went to the beach for a walk.

"I should tell them that I'll stop by the beach." I murmured. I take out my phone from my pocket and dialed Suho's number but the sound of the sea waves stopped me. My fingers stop dialling Suho's number and my eyes fixed to the ocean.

"So pretty.." I murmured and suddenly my head hurts. It came uninvited. "Ouch.." I bent down and hold my head with both of my hand. "What is this.." I remain like that for a while and try my best to walk home.

"I'm..home." I said and put the plastic bag on the couch. "Oh! You're back? ..Eunchae? Are you okay?" Dyo askes me in concern. He's still wearing that blue apron and wipe his wet hands on it. "I'm.. okay." I replied, holding tight to the stairs' hand holder. "Really? You look pale? Did something happened?"

"No.. Nothing. It's just.. my head hurts. I'll rest for now." I walked up the stairs and lock myself in the room. "What is.. this." I bent down for a while then throw myself to the bed. "i'll be okay.. in any minute.. from now." I said and finally, I went to sleep.

A/n: I'M BACCCKK..! SORRY. The vacation should be 5 days but my aunt added one more day to the vacation and i just home yesterday ;-; sorry guys. And sorry, really really sorry about my bad grammar. Good night!♡

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