Where Were They

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Okay this has been bugging me for the longest time. Where the hell was Spider-Man in the battle of New York?

We all know he should've been their to help. Was he on vacation or something? Or was he just like, "Nope. Aliens are too much. I'll sit this one out guys"?

Yeah no. I don't think that would ever happen. Plus, I don't think him and Aunt May could afford to go anywhere. So Vacation is off.

Now where was the Fantastic Four? Even if they were on vacation they would get to NY pretty fast with that hover craft thing in Rise of the Silver Surfer that I forgot the name of.

They may have even gotten New York in the last few minutes but it would've shown them fighting.

No matter what, any superhero withing the New York radius should've been there no matter what. And don't you dare think Superman. He is DC, totally different thing.

But, the point still stands. Where were they?

Wait, what would happen if Johnny and Steve were to meet? They're both played by Chris Evans so, would they use him as both characters or the new people from the reboot?

I'm getting sidetracked. But where were they?! Sipping margaritas on the beach and laughing with each other? I DON'T THINK SO!

*sits down with triumphant look*

I think I've made myself clear.

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