My Brothers College Professor

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Welcome, I wrote this story years ago and I was very very young. I'm rewriting things and also checking for grammar mistakes. I will try to upload a chapter every week. Some people have read a lot more chapters but I decided to unpublished them so I can make some minor tweaks here and there. I also wrote some stuff that I cringe about it now so it's time for an update . 😂🫣

Chapter 1

Leah P.O.V:

"Isn't it beautiful?" Mom smiled showing her perfect white teeth and holding my 4 year old brother Eddie.

We had arrived to our new home, two beautiful oak trees on each side. Did I mention the best part of moving away? We live at a walking distance from the beach. Great right? Yes it is!

"It is, because you design it" Dad said putting his arm around my moms waist and then giving her a kiss... They look so in love, I wish I can find someone who could make me that happy, I'm surprise their marriage has lasted giving the fact that mom travels a lot, she is an architecture and interior designer and dad spends most of his time at the hospital since he is a surgeon.

"Well lets go in I want to check our new place" Esteban, my brother said, grabbing my hand and making me follow him.

I starred at him, I know he misses having his own place, his privacy. Esteban gave that up for me. He decided it was more important to keep an eye on me and little Eddie since we are always alone. I like my privacy but I was basically raising our little brother, mind you I'm only 17  raising a toddler. I love my brothers but is not fair.

"Mom you did an amazing job! This place looks great" I said looking at the furniture and decoration, every room seemed to have their own theme yet all of the rooms connected. "Thanks sweety, after two years of hard work I made our dream home."

(Hours later)

Unpacking is the worse, even though I made sure to put a tag on each box I still seemed to find nothing! ugh I threw myself on the unmade bed, I hadn't even put any bedsheets on. I shouldn't say I was lying on a bed... I was lying on the matress.

I got lazy, and decided 'why not go the beach?' It was already 7pm but because of the daylight savings, it looked like pday time still. "well I could still go" I said to myself, I put my vans on and a sweater since it got a little chilly, ran downstairs and checked who was around. "no one". I  walked to the foyer and grabbed my set of keys.

"where are you going?" His voice made me jump and I quickly turned around.

"You scared the soul out of me!"

"Where are you going?"

"No.. where"

"yeah right little sis" Esteban said not taking his eyes off me.

"ok I am going to the beach"

"you are? At 7pm?"

"yes at 7pm. Bye" I said unlocking the door "I should go with you" he said. Ugh. "I want some alone time"

"something could happen to you" he said "No Esteban, stop being so over protective" I said trying not to laugh "Leah... Go tomorrow during the day" he said in a serious face "Are you serious? Come on " I raised my voice "fine go, but you have an hour" he said with a winning smile "erase that smile of your face. Thank you anyways" I said getting out of the house but quickly turned around and gave him a hug.

"You're the best, even though you are an over protective brother" I let go of him and waved good bye. I swear my brother can be such a dad sometimes!

I walked down hill and then I could see the beach, there was a nice breeze blowing my hair, that beach aroma that hugs your lungs. "This is beautiful" I whispered looking around.. The ocean looked so peacefull, I took my shoes off and felt the sand on my feet, how it felt between my toes... like powder. My toes got cold but I didn't care. It was the first time ever  I had the beach as a backyard.
I ran towards the ocean and then the cold water hit me, I haven't been on a beach for almost a two years,so I was happy.. Like a little girl.

I sat down and grabbed a handful of sand, but it slipped through my fingers somehow the sand slipping made me think of my mom, how long is she going to stay here? How long till she slips away from us ? And leave us, leave little Eddie? I don't think she realize Eddie needs his mom.

I felt a hard but quick kick, it felt like a foot kicked my arm.

"ouch! What the..." My thoughts were interrupted by an idiot! He knocked my face to the ground, the sand got in my mouth and even though I wanted to spit I couldn't  "I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" a male voice said "Oh really?!!" I said with sarcasm,obviously.

He offered his hand to help me stand up so I grabbed it and looked at him "are you okay?" He asked, I cleaned the sand off my face "What kind off person wears sun glasses during the night?" I asked "I do not need to explain myself to you but I will, there's still day light and running with glasses helps me avoid mosquitos" he explained and then I looked at his perfect sculptural body "ummm" I looked at him trying to focus "why don't you wear a mask then, I'm sure mosquitoes get in your mouth too" I said trying to make a point

"oh that's because I think it's more comfortable... Wait a minute  I don't have to explain myself to you" he said with a smirk, the wind started blowing harder making my hair go everywhere 

"whatever" I said and he just laughed, after that we got silent "You have nice hair" he said

"Umm thanks" I said. Awkward.

"what's your name?" He asked

"My name is Leah, yours?"

" I'm -"

"Leah!" I heard my brothers voice "oh fuck" I whispered " I should go, I don't want to get you in trouble" he said once we both noticed my brother was running towards us "Tell your boyfriend to relax,bye" He whispered and jogged his way away.

"Who's that? Was he bothering you?" He asked all defensive, even sticking his chest out showing who's bigger .
"No no Esteban, he wasn't, lets just go" I said grabbing my shoes . Ugh. Sand! Sand in my mouth! A few minutes ago I was enjoying the sand. Now I am dreading it.


"Where were you two?" Dad asked he was reading his typical health magazine and drinking some  coffee before leaving to the hosipital.

"At the beach dad" I answered going upstairs, Esteban was right behind me.

"Kids, wait, get a good night of rest tomorrow we have a meeting with Robert Howard, the dean of Esteban's new college" he explained "we do?" Esteban sounded excited, of course who wouldn't ? Esteban wanted to impress the dean and he will, he was a transfer student with a 5.0 GPA. The kid has always been a genious ever since kindergarder.

Esteban decided to keep talking to dad so I left and took a shower. Laying in bed I started thinking about that guy... I didn't get his name. Maybe I'll see him again.

My Brothers College Professor (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now