Deciding and Fighting

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Dear Mr. Weasley,
We at Hogwarts have remembered that you and George Weasley have yet to complete your seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We invite you to return to Hogwarts and finish your seventh year, including exams.
We understand that you are of age, but we insist you take your seventh year exams to get a great career in the Wizarding World.
You will return to your old house, Gryffindor and share seventh years dorms. You will follow the rules as if you were the same age as any other student. No going into Hogmeade after hours, or after curfew wandering.
Lastly, this offer is only valid this year. Next year you cannot return to Hogwarts, unless you become a professor.
If you decide to come, please owl us ASAP. We would like to send you a ticket for the Hogwarts Express.
Headmistress Minerva McGonagall.
Fred put the letter on his lap to reveal an anxious looking Hermione behind it.
"What?" He asked after a while.
"What is it?" She bursted.
He handed her the letter and watched as her eyes moved across the page quickly.
She handed it back.
"Oh, Fred!" She beamed. "You have to go. It would be amazing if you got to finish your seventh year and you'd be the oldest. You could easily get kids to do what you want, not that I like that idea. But, you can sell your products on grounds."
"Hermione, I don't want to go where me and George had the best memories. It's too depressing, and I can't face that right now. I can't believe it's open already. They fixed it all up and-" Hermione rolled her eyes and cut him off.
"As much as I'd love to talk about how they pulled that off, you're stalling. You should go. Fill your mourn with new, happy memories. Us two, Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Neville are all going to be there. Please?!"
"'Mione, I need to talk to my family. They need to know I'm allowed back."
"Yes, let's go!" She shot up and grabbed his hand.
"'Mione!" He managed to say right before she apparated them to the Burrow.
"Fred!" Mrs.Weasley appeared right in front of them. "Where have you been? Oh, I've been so worried." She pulled the two into a big Mrs.Weasley hug, their hands still entwined.
"Did you say Fred?" Ginny stormed in with Ron and Harry following behind her.
Mrs.Weasley let go of them, giving the three a look at Fred and Hermione. Ron looked down at their hands with a jealous look. Hermione noticed and quickly let go. Fred stared at his family and Harry, who was beaming at the hand holding himself.
"Where have you been? WE LOOKED EVERYWHERE!" Ginny asked hitting his arm repeatedly. Harry rushed to get Ginny off of her brother.
"Sorry I left. I went to Hermione's. I needed her to comfort me. I came back because I got a letter."
They looked curious as he started reading the letter out loud. When he finished, Hermione spoke up.
"I think he should come with us." She said.
Harry and Ron exchanged nervous glances.
"What?" She asked.
"Well it's just... Ron and I got letters to become Aurors, and we can start on September first, without completing our seventh year."
"So? I got that too. I thought you'd want to finish your seventh year." Hermione looked at her boyfriend and her best friend.
"'Mione, I don't think it's necessary. We can get money right now!"
"Ron, we all looked forward seventh year and we didn't even get to live it. I think they'd accept you next year." Hermione pestered.
"Well, I don't know." Harry was looking at the floor. He looked up at Fred and Hermione.
"Fred..." Hermione whispered, looking for help.
He looked at her with a small smile. "I'll go if Harry and Ginny go." He said loudly.
"What about me?" Ron asked, offended.
"Eh, I don't care if you go." Fred smirked.
"Well..." Hermione put her hands together and silently begged. "Please!"
The boys exchanged another look. "Yes." Harry said.
"Ron?" Fred looked like he didn't care if he went.
"I don't... No. I'm sorry but I never get to be the best or the upper-hand. Plus, Harry's going for Fred. He doesn't want me there. I'm going to work for the Ministry. That's final." He added after Hermione shot him a look.
"Fine!" Hermione said angrily.
"Hermione, don't-" Ron started.
She diapparated before he could finish. He obviously didn't care enough about her to go. She let out a big sigh, feeling really tired.
She went upstairs to her room when she heard a crack! She grabbed her wand out of her pocket and went downstairs. Fred was in the middle of her living room once again this evening.
"Fred?" She asked, putting her wand back in her pocket.
"Where you going to blow me up?" He joked at her cautiousness.
"If you were some Death Eater, yeah. What are you doing here?"
He walked towards her and he wrapped his arms around her. They swayed back and forth in the hug.
"Thanks." Fred mumbled in her hair.
She smiled. "You're welcome."
Reluctantly, he let go. Hermione wanted more. You have a boyfriend, Hermione! She thought. But he didn't care enough about her to go to Hogwarts.
"'Mione!" Fred snapped his fingers in her face.
"Sorry." She said.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go to Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade tomorrow?" He looked hopeful.
"Sure, how about for lunch in Diagon Alley?"
"Perfect. See you at noon." He smiled happily. She missed his smile. It was the first real smile he had since George had died. She was too busy thinking about him and George that she barely noticed him disapparte.
Fred's Pov
Fred apparated to the Burrow. He was in his and George's room. He looked across the room at some old pictures of them at the Quidditch World Cup and at Hogwarts' Pitch. They were cheering in the first one, and in the second they were racing on their brooms. Fred was tearing up, looking at his identical twin. They were so happy, and it was gone forever.
In the middle of his thoughts, Ron burst into his room.
"Ron?" Fred turned to him, dropping the pictures and wiping his eyes quickly.
"Why did you go to her house? She's my girlfriend!" Ron shouted.
"Muffliato." Fred said moving his wand around the room so nobody could hear their argument.
"I went there because she practically lost her parents. She understands what it's like to loose someone so close." Fred said, sitting down. Ron pulled him up.
"So? You could've talked to us. Stay away from her." He said.
"I thought mum said I can't copy you anymore." Fred spat back.
"What are you talking about?" Ron pushed him backwards.
"You're leaving to go to the Ministry after she begged you to go to Hogwarts. I guess Percy isn't the family prat anymore. I better go congratulate his victory." Fred chuckled going to the door.
"Stupefy!" Ron shouted.
Fred flew on his back, but not completely Stunned. He stood back up, holding his back in pain.
"Look Ron, I don't want to fight. We were just talking. But for real I'm congratulating Percy." He laughed a little more and left the room, after taking off the silencing charm.
"Percy, I got some news!" Ron heard his brother's voice yell in the house.
The next morning, Fred put on a plain black v-neck and some faded jeans. He didn't care about his hair, he wanted to show Hermione he didn't care. Secretly, he did.
It was 11:30, and he could hear the clatter of plates in the kitchen. He wanted to slip out unnoticed, for Ron would kill him for seeing Hermione after their argument.
He couldn't wait any longer, he had to see her immediately. He apparated outside of Gringotts Bank. He had a quarter of an hour to kill. He made his way over to Quality Quidditch Supplies, looking for a new broom. He needed a new one, his is out of date.
He saw a Nimbus 2002 in the front window. It was sleek, with dark wood, and a comfortable grip handle. It was perfect, but it was 200 galleons.
He finally settled on a Nimbus 2000, that he knew was good. Harry had had one in his first two years at Hogwarts. It was 90 galleons and two sickles. He had it wrapped and quickly apparated it home into his room, and came back.
11:45 was the time. Hermione wasn't waiting outside The Leaky Cauldron yet, so Fred went to Friends and More, a new gift shop. He might as well get something for Hermione.
He was greeted by a plump witch and she told him about a new product, Friendship Ties. They were bracelets that lit up if they were happy with whoever they were with. He bought it and hurried to The Leaky Cauldron.
"Hey, Fred!" Hermione greeted him in a two person booth. She had already ordered two butterbeers for them, and he sat down with her.

Long Story Short: FremioneWhere stories live. Discover now