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It was dark outside now. Fred felt queasy. He didn't need someone else to disappear from his life. Maybe he did have differences with Ron. Fred wasn't going to avoid him the rest of his, or Ron's, life. But, one thing stopped Fred- could he really handle the trauma of possibly loosing another one of his brothers? And what if Ron died in front of him? That would be two of his five brothers. He had thought that maybe Ron or Percy should've changed fates with George. Not Ron and George have the same.
Fred stood motionless, not knowing what to do. Hermione was still standing behind him, but she didn't say anything either. She was crying lightly. Fred thought that Hermione was sad for Ron. Maybe she was, but he wasn't upset by that. He didn't care if Hermione was sad for his brother, or her ex, because they were best friends, even if they don't talk anymore.
He still wanted to be mad at Ron. He wanted to tell Hermione it wasn't a big deal to have Ron hurt.He wanted to tell Ron to walk it off and call him names. He couldn't though. He thought he used to want to have Ron hurt like this. He actually cared at the moment. And he felt weak.
"Fred, please, let's go see him." Ginny said. "Please."
Fred stayed still. Hermione took a few steps to be facing him, and she grabbed his hand. She interlocked their fingers, giving his hand a light squeeze. He thought that was Hermione's way of saying she wanted to go see him.
Nova stepped forward too, and linked hands with Ginny, and Ginny linked with Hermione's free hand, and Nova took Fred's free hand. Fred realized they were encouraging him to see Ron. Why? Weren't they disgusted with him? Maybe not. He shook his head slowly. He picked his head up, when he heard screams from the hospital. Ron's screams. They were a cry of help and pain. He was in pain!
"Ron!" Fred found himself yelling.
"Why are you yelling?" Hermione asked, stepping closer to Fred, still holding hand with him and Ginny. Ginny and Nova had horrified and concerned expressions.
"I heard... I heard Ron." Fred stated, thinking Hermione was dead if she couldn't hear it.
"Ron wasn't yelling, Fred. The hospital is too far away for you to hear him, anyways." Hermione assured.
Fred shook his head in terror. "No, it was him. It was Ron!"
Fred tore away from everyone, and sprinted back to the hospital wing, passing the petrified body of Ariana. He found that he goes there way more than needed. He needed to get to his brother. He heard Hermione, Ginny, and Nova running after him, yelling for him to come back and to calm down. Ginny was trying to fire spells his way to slow him down.
"Fred, no, he's not yelling. Fred stop!" Nova yelled.
"Calm down, he's okay." Hermione's voice rang out.
The truth was, Ron wasn't okay. He was on his possible deathbed.
Fred flung through the doors of the infirmary, and fell to the floor. He had splinters up his arms, from the destruction to the door. His vision was blurred, and all he saw was hurried feet falling and rising from the floor.
Hermione noticed that Fred was going unconscious, when she was the first to arrive to him. She used a spell to levitate him over to a hospital bed. Madam Pomphrey burst through her office doors, and saw about twelve more patients. She noticed Fred right away. Hermione was sitting next to him, running her hand through his dirty red hair.
Madam Pomphrey shuffled over to him, and realized he just had a panic attack. She put down the potions she had, and took pills out of her robe's pocket. She told Hermione that she had to use these a lot today. Hermione fed Fred the pill, and he swallowed it somehow while he was unconscious.
Hermione stood up, and went to find where Ron was. It didn't take long, you just had to spot the sea of redheaded people. Present, there was Ginny, Nova, Charlie, Percy, Mrs. Weasley and, of course, Ron. She speed walked over to them, and she joined the huddle around Ron.
Ron's face was pale, besides the freckles that peppered his cheeks. Blood was smeared all over him. His leg was disgusting, bruised and bloody. His left arm was swelled up to almost to times the amount of the other. He was scarred, bleeding, and his head had a large lump on his temple. Someone obviously tried to wipe blood off of him, but gave up.
"Ron..." Hermione accidentally whispered, seeing his condition.
Mrs. Weasley looked up at Hermione. She pulled Hermione into a hug. Mrs. Weasley sobbed in Hermione's bushy hair. This was similar to the scene George had. Hermione was ready to cry her heart out.
She let Mrs. Weasley go, and turned back to her best friend, who was kind of a best friend. She really didn't know. Ron was barely conscious. He looked as if he was trying very hard to focus on Hermione. But his head moved slowly in weird directions.
"'Mione." He said. "Sorry."
Hermione shook her head. "Don't think about that. Just think about our good times. And your family." Ron tried to nod, but his head moved in a diagonal line.
"I love you all." He croaked.
"Don't go, Ron." Fred's voice whimpered behind Hermione. Everyone took a sharp intake of breath, shocked that Fred was being nice to him. Hermione stood to pull him down towards his ill brother.
"I'm really, really sorry Ron." Fred said sincerely.
"Don't worry about it." Ron responded hoarsely.
Fred shook his head. "I can't." Hermione looked at Fred, and kissed his cheek, showing she was going to help him.
"I have to stay awake." Ron said. "I will."
"You need sleep." Madam Pomphrey said. Hermione was the only one that seemed surprised that she was there. Madam Pomphrey gave Ron different colored potions, dabbing one on his leg, squirting one on his arm, and spreading one on his head.
"He should be better tomorrow afternoon. But there's still a possibility that he won't get better." She left at that.
Hermione noticed that the sun began to rise over the hills near the crumbled castle. People made a big effort to help rebuild it. Reparo, Hermione thought.If only that spell worked on people and buildings.
I would like to tell you guys that after I complete this story, I am writing a new fanfiction. The new one will be a cross-fandom between Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. It's called Gale and Hermione: Spark. So lookout for that after this. I also might make one of writing prompts for people who want to write, but can't get started. So watch for that, too.

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