Crash and Burn

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A/N: This song has nothing to do with the chapter, but it was why I named the chapter "Crash and Burn". Love this song.
The group rushed out, on Harry's command, to attack the Death Eaters gathered around Ariana. The Death Eaters turned on their heels, wondering what the ruckus was. Unfortunately for the few Death Eaters, they were outnumbered. But it didn't matter, they were older and the other side had an eleven year old.
Harry had tied up many Death Eaters by himself, while the boys either were stupefying or hand-to-hand fighting. The girls, however, ran to a pillar, covering themselves from the Death Eaters.
"Listen, we can finish this if we just-" Nova started.
"Nova, I get you want to help but I can't risk taking chances right now. I'm sorry." Hermione said ruffling Nova's hair. Nova looked outraged. Hermione felt bad, but she couldn't put Nova's life in danger. She was too young for death.
Just as Hermione was about to ask Nova what her plan was, a spell made the pillar explode, and shards of the quartz broke through Hermione's thin shirt, and cut her whole arm and her cheek. Hermione and Nova were exposed now. Nova hid half of her body behind Hermione's strong side. 
Nova stuck her medium-sized wand out in front of her. She was trying to be strong, which was hard when everyone she knew could potentially die. She could do it though.
Hermione noticed Ron laying on the ground, holding his leg in pain. There was a pool of his blood around him. He looked almost dead, but Hermione could tell he was exaggerating by the way he fluttered the eye closest to her open and closed, half smirking. He was trying to tell her he was okay. Hermione could save Nova.
"Act like you're dying." Hermione whispered out of the corner of her mouth. "I can save you."
"Okay," Nova replied very unconvincingly.
Nova looked around like she was dizzy and fell to the quartz-filled ground.
"Nova!" Hermione cried, acting.
Fred's head snapped to her direction. He looked horrified at the sight of Nova. Hermione went to her side, as two Death Eaters watched.
The remaining six were still fighting with Fred, Luna, Harry, Ginny, Neville, and Draco.
Fred got punched right in his right temple. He fell to the ground.
"Fred!" Hermione yelled, for real this time. Hermione had to focus on Nova first. Somebody could help Fred. She loved Fred, but he was alive, and she had to keep Nova that way.
Hermione swiftly brushed her hand across her cut up arm. She wiped her own blood on Nova's face, making it look as if her eyes and nose were bleeding. Hermione picked Nova up and ran her over to Ron and his blood pool.
"I'm so sorry, Nova." Hermione pretended to say goodbye.
She set her down, saying goodbyes to Ron, too. She slyly whispered to Nova "use Ron's blood."
The two Death Eaters that watched Hermione and Nova cast the death curse on Hermione. She deflected them, making them bounce back. The two were dead. Hermione hated to think she killed them. But it was their life or her's.
Hermione rushed to the action with the six Death Eaters. She petrified the short, plump man that had punched Fred. She had squatted down, noticing Fred was breathing normally. It was a mystery that nobody finished him off. She conjured ice, putting it to Fred's temple. It would have to do for the moment.
Harry had three of the six on him, even though one was petrified. Nobody could help him, Ginny was helping Luna with a tall, muscular man. Neville and Draco had an average guy, not skinny, not fat, not tall or short. The man didn't fight back though. He was only deflecting spells.
Hermione went to help Harry, and she got hit with a scorching spell in the arch of her back, spreading through her whole back, the sides of her neck, and shoulder tops. Pain rushed up her backside, which was for sure blistering. Hermione could see there were no flames. She couldn't bear the pain anymore. She fell onto her stomach, landing in grass.
She turned her neck back, seeing it was one of the men she supposedly killed with a deflection spell. The other was dead, but he wasn't.
"Did you really think it was that easy?" The Death Eater questioned rhetorically. His voice was deep, and very manly.
Hermione couldn't stand. Her back couldn't move without pain shooting through her whole body, but it hurt without movement. Hermione also had the wind knocked out of her, due to her landing on her stomach.
The man ran off, targeting Harry now.
She was sure that she wasn't going to make it. She was going to die on this pokey, greenish-yellow grass. She tried so hard to save Nova from any harm at all, she forgot to save herself. She couldn't move. She couldn't fix it. Her wand had flung a foot or two in front of her. She tried to reach for it, her back sting even worse. She put her arm down, done attempting for something that wasn't going to happen.
Her vision was starting to blur. She decided to take one last look at her friends. Nova was secretly spreading some of Ron's blood on her face. She hadnt opened her eyes, so she didnt see hermione in pain. Ron was looking at Hermione in horror, breaking his character. She turned her head, seeing Fred take down a Death Eater that Harry was fighting earlier. He had a bump on his temple where the man's fist collided with his head, but he obviously wasn't letting that stop him. She smiled slightly. Harry finally took down the last guy he was fighting, and went to help Ginny and Luna. Neville and Draco must have finished of the dull man off, for they were cheering and ran to Ron and Nova.
Hermione's head fell to the ground. She could have her head lifted anymore. She laid in the grass, waiting to die. She could take the misery of her burns.
She never went unconscious. She, in fact, was lifted off the ground, and was being cradled in someones arms. She looked up at the scared face of her boyfriend. He put his hand on her cheek, and she leaned into his touch. He had her wand in his hand and whispered something to Hermione.
"Don't go." Fred said. "Don't leave me here."
Hermione shook her head. She couldn't promise him. She needed to be relieved from this fiery pain.
"Harry!" Fred cried out when Hermione closed her eyes. "Harry!"
Hermione took his face in her hands. "Take me to Madam Pomphrey please!" Her speech wasn't different.
"Okay." Fred answered, careful not to touch her burns.
He carried her as fast as he could without hurting Hermione. They hospital wing didn't have any damage to it. The nurse probably was handy with her wand as well as fixing people up.
Fred carefully let Hermione drop on her stomach on the bed. He moved to go get the nurse, and Hermione just realized that Nova had followed him.
"I'm sorry." Nova still had blood on her face, but she obviously didn't care at this point.
"I'll be fine." Hermione replies, trying to believe herself. Her burns remind her of a character in a muggle book she read- a character went to save kids from a fire in a building, and got major burns all over himself. He died soon after, so Hermione is getting worried about herself.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Weasley but she'll have to wait her turn. I don't care if it were Mcgonagall who got hurt, I'm tending the students who came first. First come, first serve, Mr. Weasley." Madam Pomphrey snapped and left Fred with that.
Fred swore in a talking voice, and rushed back towards Hermione and Nova.

Long Story Short: FremioneWhere stories live. Discover now