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  Hermione explained to Harry what Draco Malfoy had talked to her about, leaving out the part about Ron and Fred's money, and the girl he was with. Harry agreed to meet him next week. Hermione owled Draco and had Harry sign it before he and Ginny apparated to the Burrow.
  "Hey you two!" Fred mocked kissy-faces at them as they appeared in front of him. "It's pretty late."
"Shove off, Fred." Ginny spat at him.
"We were just at 'Mione's for dinner." Harry explained.
Fred's stomach did a flip, thinking of her. Her outfit today was pretty, he thought.
"- So you can just stay out of it." Fred came to his senses in the middle of Ginny's statement.
"Okay, Gin. Whatever you say." He knew it would infuriate her, even though he wasn't listening. She stormed of upstairs dragging a laughing Harry behind her.
Ron would kill me if he knew what I was thinking.
"FRED!" Speaking of Waste-o-Space Weasley.
"Wassup little brother?" He said. He wanted to talk about Hermione as much as he could. He needed to get him mad.
"Don't say that! I hate you." He roared.
"Another pointless argument? Can I get a raincheck?" Fred asked standing up. "I have to meet Hermione for a movie." He lied to his brother's face.
"It's not pointless." He yelled at Fred. "You stole my girlfriend."
"She broke up with you. I didn't make her. Now, you stay away from my girlfriend." Fred fibbed again.
"Ugh, I hate you, Fred. I'm not going to listen to you. I'm going to go see her." Ron picked his wand up.
"No! She will still be hurting from the breakup.. She won't want to see you. She is dating me now. Get over it, Ronny." Fred argued back. "Bye!" Fred apparated to Hermione's front porch. He didn't actually mean to come here. He turned to leave, when he slipped and rang the doorbell by accident.
Damn it, Fred.
Hermione came to the door and opened it revealing Fred cursing to himself.
"Should I come back later?" Hermione asked, half joking.
"Hey Hermione, fancy meeting you here." Fred stated awkwardly.
"I live here. This is my porch." She frowned. "I'm actually glad to see you. I need to tell you something."
"First off, I only came because me and Ronna-Bee Weasley were arguing and I apparated to prove my point and I fell into your doorbell." He said, feeling even more stupid than before.
"Oh, well, I guess I could wait to tell you later. And Ronna-Bee?" She frowned, her hand on her hip. "Good one." She lightened up.
"Ha ha." He fake laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled.
Hermione's stomach jolted. Just hug him! Do something!
"Yeah." She replied, slapping her hand on her thigh. Really, Hermione?
Neither of them moved from where they were standing for what felt like about five minutes.
In about point two seconds, at least that's what it felt like to Hermione, Fred jumped toward her and kissed her. Hermione wrapped her arms around him and he did the same. She felt electricity flow through her bones and she felt Fred smirk under the kiss. Fred was relieved that 1. He finally got to do what he wanted since fourth year and 2. Ron can't catch him in a lie. He told a pre-truth.
They pulled back at the same time, but kept their arms around each other.
"Are we... Together now... Or...?" Fred asked.
"If that doesn't answer your question I don't know what will." She smiled.
"Good night, Mia." Fred said, kissing her cheek.
"Why do you call me that?" She wondered.
"Well," Fred thought back to his fifth year and how he told George that he liked Hermione. He was going to ask her to the Yule Ball, but Krum, beat him to it. Ever since, he hasn't liked Krum. He was jealous. Then he thought about how he and George wanted a nickname for her that was original. It could also be a code name for whatever- Mia.
He told her this and she melted inside.
"That's so sweet. You've liked me since I was in fourth year. Awwwww!" Hermione stared into his baby blue eyes. They were beautiful.
"Good night, for real this time." Fred laughed, regretfully letting Hermione out of his embrace.
"Goodnight." Hermione replied as he apparated, probably to the Burrow.
Finally, she thought.

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