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Hermione's mind
I heard her screechy voice scream the death spell. I had a last second plan, though. Right before the spell came to my shoulder, which it would've missed, I ducked and fell as if it hit me.
"NO!" I heard everyone yell.
Fred was screaming curse word after curse word at Ariana. "You bitch!" He yelled.
Ariana chuckled at my tied up friends. I wanted so bad to assure Fred I was okay, but now wasn't the time.
Draco, the innocent person everyone believed to be evil, sighed and looked down on me. I swore I heard him sniffle. He cares, he really cares.
I tried so hard not to move, to blow my cover of being dead. I wanted to shoot up and kill Ariana. I couldn't kill her though. I'm just too nice. I can hurt her though. I wouldn't hesitate.
"Ron, you're a huge git. You're the auror-who-failed." Fred yelled at him. "And now Hermione's dead because of you!"
"SHUT UP!" Ron yelled back at him.
I wanted so bad to shut them up. I needed to show I was unharmed. But how? Ariana would see me. Somebody tied up would give me away.
"How about you?" Ariana said to someone I couldn't see. "You want to join her, little girl?" She was talking to Nova.
"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Fred shouted. "She's too young to die. Kill me instead." I felt a huge pang as every word escaped Fred's mouth. He wanted to die. Everyone he really cared for was dead. George, and me, who he doesn't know is alive.
"Okay!" Ariana answered. I could hear her untying him.
"Fred NO!" Nova screamed.
Now's my chance!
I stood up, knowing her back is facing me. Draco was in front of me now and didn't see me. Before anyone had time to react to me, I, in one swift motion, grabbed a wand, which definitely wasn't my own.
"Stupefy!" I shouted, pointing to Ariana. But someone else had casted a spell too.
"Petrificus totalus!" Draco aimed at Ariana, the same time I did.
Ariana's body was was flown across the room, and was bound together. How will we fix that? She was frozen, how people were petrified in my second year.
"Hermione!" Fred's arms shot out, which was the only thing untied.
"Fred!" I ran towards him and untied his torso and legs using whosever wand I had.
He instantly sprang away from the post he was tied to and pulled me in a tight embrace.
I pulled back a little to see his face, and kissed him.
He kissed me back. I never felt so happy to see him. After he called out to my supposedly dead body, I could tell he loved me. And I love him.
I pulled away. "I love you." I whisper quietly.
"I love you too." He whispers back and kisses me once more.
"I don't care how cute this is, but we're kind of tied up here. Plus, there's Death Eaters outside!" Ginny said.
I released Fred and lifted the spell that tied them up off of them.
<Back to third person>
"I'm sorry for thinking you were bad, Draco. Really." Harry said.
"Well, I could've told you what Ariana was planning. Right before I could get you guys she trapped me in here." Draco replied, addressing everyone.
Harry shook his head.
"You came through in the end." Luna said. "That's all that matters."
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Sorry for dragging you in here, Nova." Draco apologized to his cousin.
Nova wiped her tears, ran up to Draco and hugged him. "I don't care what you did. You saved us all." Draco hugged her back, stroking her hair.
Hermione smiled at them, wrapping her arm around Fred's waist. He put his arm around her shoulders.
"Whose wand is this!" Hermione asked.
Nova peeled herself from Draco and claimed her wand. Hermione smiled as she went back over to stand by Draco.
Draco cast a spell towards Ariana's frozen body, tying her up and taking her wand for safe measure.
Everyone else grabbed their wands and migrated out of the classroom ready for action.
There were few Death Eaters left, McGonagall was casting multiple spells in two Death Eater's direction.
"She's so badass." Harry said. Fred nodded.
The group ran down the staircase, and a few fired at a Death Eater coming towards them.
"Fred, Nova, Draco and Neville come with me. Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Luna go help McGonagall and that side of the castle." Hermione commanded.
They split up, and four of them followed Hermione the opposite direction of the other four. Hermione was in front, Fred and Nova were side-by-side behind her, with Draco and Neville as caboose.
The Death Eaters were not as organized as last year. They were running from anywhere, due to not having a leader. There wasn't as many either. Most were either still in Azkaban or dead. The one's here either escaped Azkaban or were never caught.
"I don't want you in this, Nova." Fred said is a slightly hushed voice.
"I don't care, Fred. I want to help Hogwarts. I need to, Fred." Nova argued loudly.
"Hermione, we need to stop to hide Nova." Fred yelled up to her.
"Okay." Hermione stopped the group.
"No, Fred! I'm fighting." Nova protested.
"I don't like the idea of you fighting, either." Draco butt in.
Nova rolled her eyes and looked at Hermione.
"STUPEFY!" Nova pointed her wand over Hermione's head. There was a cloaked Death Eater approaching. The female Death Eater flew backwards, and landed flat on her back. "Let's continue." Nova said with a slight attitude.
There were no further questions.
Maybe she learned from Mother, Draco thought. For defense.
The pack continued on, stupefying, petrifying, body-binding any Death Eater that came their way.
Fred got a gash on his left cheek which Hermione didn't have time to fix. The blood was dried, but it stung.
Hermione got a small cut on her arm from flying glass, which she barely noticed. Neville almost broke his arm from a curse that came zooming at him, but deflected it just in time. He has bruises on his arms and face first fighting a male Death Eater, who had snapped his wand but disarmed Neville first. Neville knocked him out, and reclaimed his wand again.
Draco had small, barely-painful burns. They were similar to burns you would get to hot food in your mouth, just on his face and skin. Everyone was burnt very mildly, but that's all Draco had at the moment.
Nova must have been related to McGonagall. She had no marks on her but a bit of soot on her face due to a few explosions. She was good at deflecting spells as well as casting them. She was like an eleven-year-old ninja. She jumped from staircases to statue pedestals to the ground in quick movements, firing spells at the enemy.
"How are they doing this without a leader?" Fred asked when they hid in the History of Magic classroom, due to tiredness and Fred's wound.
"Ariana can not be their leader, can she?" Draco responded with another question.
Everyone shrugged.
"Wouldn't you know?" Neville said not very nicely, walking over to Draco, slightly limping. "Being with her and all?"
"What are you saying, Longbottom?" Draco attempted to be intimidating, and not failing in Nova's point of view.
"You know what I'm saying." Neville raised his voice, accent thick now.
Neville was a few inches taller than Draco. Not by much though, and Hermione was worried of what was going to happen next. Fred ran up to Neville and pushed him away from Draco.
"Lay off him, git. He's making an effort to help us, accept it." Fred growled at Neville. Neville's eyes widened at Fred's sudden scary tone and swallowed. He gave a Draco a half-dirty look, and turned away from him.
Nova and Hermione stood a little scared and awkward in the back corner of the classroom. Nova was panting, due to the amount of energy she had lost. Hermione conjured a cup, silently. She filled it with water, silently of course, and passed it to Nova who nodded in thanks.
Three more explosions rang out through the halls, into the classroom. They got bigger with every blast. Paintings on the wall rattled, and became crooked. Nova dug her face into Hermione's side, and Hermione wrapped her arms around her. "I'm sorry you have to do this." Hermione whispered in Nova's ear. She didn't respond.
Hermione and Nova were joined by Fred, who was done lecturing both of the boys, which made Neville go outside to check if it was good to retreat from the classroom. Nova felt his hand on her back and turned to hug him. Hermione hugged the both of them, knowing it was a possibility that would be the last time they could hug like this.
"Death Eaters are starting to get captured by aurors. We better get going." Neville came in with a bit of ash on him.
"Come on, let's go while we can." Fred huffed.
Hermione helped Nova stand and the five rushed out of the room, wands at the ready. Fred almost stupefied Luna by accident as her group came around the corner. Harry and Ginny came behind, helping Ron walk. He had hurt his leg, which was obvious because his leg was bloody.
"What happened to you?" Neville asked.
"Stupid hexes. I almost got my leg blown off! It was weird, I got hit by a curse and it started to bleed like mad." Ron's pain was very obvious.
"Oops, you lost me at stupid." Fred grouched.
Hermione shot him a look. Fred smirked at Hermione which made her want to laugh a bit but now wasn't the time.
"Let's go before Hogwarts is damaged completely." Draco brought up. Everyone, slowly due to Ron's injury, moved out of the castle, and on the grounds, where the frozen body of Ariana was lying, Death Eaters gathered around it.
"It's permanent, isn't it?" A Death Eater said, not noticing the students behind them.
"I think so." Another answered.
Draco felt slightly relieved.

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