The Meet at Lunch

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"Hey, 'Mione. Did you miss me?" He joked. She was wearing a bright yellow short sleeve with black jeans. Her hair was straightened today, it made her look even more beautiful.
"Oh of course, dear." She played along and batted her eyelashes.
They laughed together.
"So, are you sticking with your plan to go to Hogwarts?" Hermione asked after they ordered their lunches.
"I think so. I just need to get away from Ron. That stupid-Stupefying-prat." He mumbled the last part, but Hermione heard him.
"Well, he um... We had a little disagreement last night. No big deal." Fred shrugged, hoping she would feel bad for him.
"Fred, you two are literally children." She sighed.
"I'm twenty years old." He pretended to be offended by her comment.
"Well you seem like you and Ron are four year olds." She said, eyebrows furrowed.
Just then, the bell rang above the door, signaling a customer. None other than Draco Malfoy appeared in the doorway, with a petite brunette girl, who was taller than Hermione, and had long sleeves on.
"Granger, we meet again." He walked up to them quickly, with a slight smirk on his face. The girl he was with was getting them a table.
"What do you want Malfoy?" She asked rudely. "No towns to blow up?" Fred chuckled loudly.
"Shut it, Weaselbee- wait!" He smirked bigger. "What happened to Ronny Weasel? Did he get to cheap? Now at least this Weasel has some money. Gotta start with some kind of business. Anyway," he sat down next to Fred, who felt happy about what he said about him and Ron.
"Hermione," he said.
"What?" She asked. "Did you just use my first name?"
"Don't get all emotional over it." He grouched, earning a glare from Hermione. "I wanted to say that I want to meet up with you and Potter. I feel really bad about the war. I got caught up on the wrong side of things. I want to apologize, properly." He stated, glumly.
Hermione stared at him, thinking. Was he really sorry, or was he looking for some amusement?
"How about next Tuesday at never!" Fred frowned.
"Fred! I will talk to Harry, then owl you. Now get, I'm trying to have a lunch." She stated, flatly.
"Thanks, Gra- Hermione."
He got up and walked to where the girl that came with him was.
"Well that was... something." Fred commented.
They ate their lunches quickly, talking briefly about Quidditch, and how Hermione should try it. He also handed her the gift he got her, earning a beaming grin from her, and a hug.
"Hey, do you wanna check on the shop?" Fred asked, referring to his own store.
"Sure. I told Ron I'd be at the Burrow at 2:00 so..." Hermione let her sentence trail, checking her watch.
"We'll make it, promise." He said, taking her hand and walking to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.
They turned to corner to see the door of the shop ajar and broken glass all around. There was Ministry Crime Tape around it, which was pointless in the Wizarding World.
Fred's mouth dangled open at the sight. Hermione gasped.
"Why didn't anyone tell me?" He turned red, and very angry. He let Hermione's hand go and walked into the shop. Everything was gone except for a few posters. The cash register was ripped off of the counter, and there were multiple holes in the wall, due to spell damage.
"Who- what? I had the place locked. Nobody has come in or out!" He yelled in anger, punching a wall.
"Fred," Hermione grabbed his arm, pulling him away from the wall. She instantly had his temper drop. She affected him so easily now, he felt weak.
"Let's go to the Burrow. We don't have to think about this right now." Hermione half-whispered.
"I know but everything. I had money in the register. Not much but still. I have all the rest either in Gringotts or at home. Oh, boy. I-" He rambled.
"Fred, let'd just go." She said taking his hand again.
She apparated them right outside of the Burrow, where they played Quidditch.
Fred thought of how discreet he meant to be, now everyone knew he was with Hermione. He didn't say anything, hoping nobody would question them. He proceeded into the barely stable house, a small part of him hoping Ron noticed them.
"Hey 'Mione, Fred." Harry walked into the kitchen as they entered. He was grinning at them like he knew what was going on. Did he like that Fred and Hermione were sneaking around? Hermione squeezed Fred's hand a little.
"The shop got robbed. I haven't been there in months how did this happen?" He was heating up again.
Ginny walked in as Fred was talking.
"Wait, Fred... I-" She looked at Harry nervously. "I think me and Harry left it open."
"What?!" Fred yelled. Hermione looked at Ginny, then Harry, then Fred.
"Fred don't-" Hermione was cut off.
"How could you be so stupid?"
"FRED!" Hermione yelled at him. "It was a mistake." She said putting her free hand on his arm.
"A stupid one." He said.
"Fred, I'm sorry. We were worried where you went, I- I'm sorry." Ginny went forward and hugged him. He didn't even move to hug her back.
"Now, are you two... Together or..." Harry asked.
Fred raised his eyebrows as Hermione blushed. They both shook their head, instantly.
"Oh." He replied.
"Hey, is that Hermione I hear?" Ron walked in. He saw Fred and Hermione's hands interlinked once more. That tore it!
Hermione broke away from Fred and walked toward Ron.
"No! I can't believe you wouldn't trust me. We aren't together. You don't even trust me to be three feet close to him. Have a little more faith in me. You know what? I don't even want this. I can't be with you if you're going to act like this, Ron, every time I'm in the same room as him." She said. She looked at the other three. Ginny was hiding her face in her hands, Fred had a shocked look on his face, and Harry looked as if his favorite reality show was on.
"I should be mad. You're holding hands with him. TWICE NOW!" He spat back at her.
"Well you're leaving me at Hogwarts for some stupid job you can take next year." She said. "Bye Ronald." She grabbed her wand and apparated from the Burrow.
She sat on the couch wondering if she had ever even liked Ron that much. The crush was a major thing, but ever since they were together, it seemed as if everything was the same. She dozed off on the couch until about 5:00.
"What should I make for dinner?" She asked herself after she woke up.
She didn't really feel like being alone. She couldn't have Fred over right after that drama that took place a couple hours ago. She owled Harry and Ginny quickly.
Ginny and Harry,
If you haven't eaten dinner yet you guys can come over for roast and potatoes. Just apparate in if you want.
She tied the letter an owl that she bought before seventh year, his name was Flyer.
She trailed off in her thoughts to Hogwarts. Wait, has Fred owled his tuition letter to Hogwarts yet? She should've asked him today at lunch.
She started thinking about the lunch they shared, as she began making dinner. She remembered the bracelet he gave her and glanced at it on her right wrist. She smiled brightly at it and thought about Fred. The way his hair was everywhere, like he had nobody to impress. He had on a black v-neck, which she could see his muscles in. She smiled to herself again, probably looking stupid.
She finally finished making dinner at about 5:20, thanks to a bit of magic. Ginny and Harry apparated in as Hermione finished setting the table.
"Hello, Hermione." The couple greeted together.
"Hey guys. Sit down, let's eat." She said and motioned to the table set with food and wine.
They ate the wonderful meal that their closest friend has prepared with a small bit of chatting. They talked about going back to Hogwarts and getting apartments in Hogmeade, instead of dorms sometimes.
Ginny found out from Luna Lovegood, another close friend who is Ginny's age, that all seventh years, because they couldn't tell who would be lying about being a illegitimate seventh year, are allowed to go in Hogmeade whenever they want, after classes. There was still curfew, though. But on the weekends, they could be in Hogsmeade as late as they want.
"So, Ginny. Have you learned how to apparate yet?" Hermione asked finishing off her second helping of wine. They finished the meal about a half and hour ago, but sat at the table talking.
"Not fully yet. Harry has been helping me just apparate around the house. Can I try now?" She replied sheepishly.
"Sure go ahead." Harry smiled at his girlfriend.
She had her eyes closed and took a deep breath. She was clearly thinking, and she opened them and disappeared with a crack.
"Nice!" Hermione said. "Where'd she go?"
Harry's eyes bulged and Hermione's smile was erased from her face.
"I'M UPSTAIRS!" They heard her yell down.
The two ran up the stairs to find Ginny in the corridor, right in front of Hermione's bedroom.
"Ginny, YOU DID IT!" Harry beamed. He pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her. He let go after remembering Hermione was still there.
"Uh... Sorry." He said and his cheeks turned pink, along with Ginny's ears and face.
"We better go. It's about 7:00 and mum will think we're up to something." Ginny said, pulling Harry's wristwatch to aline with her eyes.
"See you later. I'll visit tomorrow, or owl you." She said.
"Okay 'Mione." Harry hugged her awkwardly.
"Bye Hermione." Ginny said trying to fix Harry's messy hair. "Oh, Potter." She looked at him.
"You sound like Malfoy." Harry chuckled.
Malfoy! Hermione grabbed Harry's arm.
"Wait! Today in The Leaky Cauldron, Malfoy came in and started talking to me-" Hermione was cut off by Harry.
"What about?"
"I was getting to that." She shot him a glare before continuing. "He wanted to talk to us, he wants forgiveness." She stated. Ginny gasped and rolled her eyes.
"What?" Harry hollered.

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