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Hermione and Fred walked hand in hand down the street towards his shop. Ruins was all they could see. The once happy store was now down on the ground, with what Fred thought resembled his whole life. Part of a wall still standing, with half a shelf still attached, the rest was on the ground and was rubble. Yep, Fred thought. Definitely resembles my life right now.
Hermione let out a gasp at the horrific sight. It was peculiar that someone would just destroy the shop, which really has no power over witches or wizards. Who was doing these things to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes? Why?
"Mia, want to talk to the Aurors?" Fred pointed to the three or four Ministry employees. They were in a conversation, which from what Hermione could tell, wasn't about the shop, due to their laughter.
"Yeah, be calm." Hermione added quickly.
Fred told her not to count on it, and she rolled her eyes. They strode together over to the Aurors, who were laughing again.
"Excuse me." Fred cleared his throat and stepped over the security tape.
"Sir, step away from the scene." A tall dark man said, breaking away from his conversation.
"I'm Fred Weasley, I own the store." Fred was trying not to push them.
"I'm sorry but there are two owners of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Is he with you?" Another guy, who was short and plum, butt in.
Fred's mouth became dry. He swallowed three times, before he attempted to answer. His head drooped down.
"He-uh... He-" Hermione decided to step in for him.
"He passed away." Hermione said quickly. Fred nodded.
"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss." The tall man replied. "How can I help you?"
Fred lifted his head up. "Can I check out my store?"
They nodded and let him pass. Hermione followed him, keeping her eyes peeled for evidence.
They looked for about two hours, using their wands to levitate some pieces of the store, trying to find one thing to help them. Hermione had a small bit of plywood up in the air, and was about to set it down when something caught her eye.
"Fred!" She yelled. The wood in the air got flung outside of the crime tape.
Hermione bent down and picked up the evidence- a Weird Sisters wristband.
"What'd you find, Mia?" He almost slipped on some shattered glass. A few of the Aurors gathered near Hermione.
"This wristband. I've seen it before... Where though?" Hermione's forehead was creased.
"I haven't." Fred huffed.
Hermione thought about it for a minute or two. Then it clicked. "Ariana was wearing one this morning."
Fred perked up. "Why would Ariana do it? She's so nice and... She's nice."
Hermione folded her arms across her chest in thought. Fred was right, Ariana wouldn't do anything like that. She was too nice, and she wanted to help Draco be nicer too. But again, she started dating a Malfoy.
"I mean, there are more than just one wristband in the world." Hermione said unconvincingly.
Fred frowned, and shrugged.
"I'll talk to her later, Fred." Hermione gave into his look of uncertainty.
They walked under a park shelter like they had in the muggle world. They sat together at a wooden bench with a gold tag on it. It was tiled 'Potter bench'. Hermione looked at the table next to theirs. It was titled 'Dumbledore family bench'.
Fred sighed, and didn't quite meet Hermione's eye.
"Fred, you've been avoiding my eye for a while. What's going on?"
He shook his head. "I want George."
Hermione nodded. "I know you do."
She shook his head once more. "No, Hermione. I came up with an idea to get him back, but you'd hate it."
Hermione squeezed hand to tell him it was okay.
"Your time turner is the only way we can go and save George. We can save Snape, and Lupin, Tonks, anyone." Fred rambled.
"Well, Fred. You're not going to like this but it isn't possible. It will change everything. I won't be with you. Plus, we'll have to relive everything in hiding from our past selves. We can't go back, we just can't, Fred. I'm sorry."
Fred sniffed. "Hermione, please. Our loved ones are on the line. Why can't you do this for me? Do you even love me?"
"Of course I do!" She shouted, offended. "Why would you say that? I would if we could but we will get in serious trouble and maybe even die. We could do so many small actions that will change everything. I would but I can't, Fred!"
Fred stood up and walked a few steps away from Hermione. "I can't believe you."
Hermione tried not to flip out on him. "You're such a jerk, Fred. I would definitely do it if you said maybe a week, at the most, from the day it happened. Stop thinking I hate you."
"I know you don't. You hate George." Fred growled at her.
"Fred!" She protested. "I do not hate George, I do not hate you. We can't do it. End of discussion."
"End of our relationship." Fred finished. He turned towards his shop again and apparated away.
Hermione was left in tears. Did he really think that she hated him or George? Did he really expect her to go and just turn back time? He was mad to think that. She knew he was just mad, and the breakup, hopefully, wouldn't last long.
Ariana's Pov
Ariana sat in the Gryffindor common room planning how to get Death Eaters into Hogwarts. She didn't write it down, of course. She could easily get caught.
She wanted the halfbloods to struggle this time. The pureblooded and muggleborn witches and wizards were the only ones who were really affected during the war. Halfbloods laughed at the pureblood and muggleborn wizards. It was there turn to pay, or so Ariana thought. She wanted to start with Harry Potter himself.
She had spent lots of time trying to figure out how to get the Death Eaters to Hogwarts, considering the Vanishing Cabinet was destroyed by one of Draco's friends last year.
She was happy that she got Hermione and Fred away from Hogwarts, and to Diagon Alley. She didn't need Hermione snooping around to figure out what was going on. The distraction was perfect, and so was Fred. Good thing Fred and Hermione are together.
Ariana trailed off and in her thoughts and her gaze happened to fall upon Draco entering a common room that was foreign to him.
He found Ariana immediately and strode over to where she sat.
"Hi, Draco." Ariana said.
"Ari, why do the Death Eaters need to come?" Draco asked.
"War." She stated simply, and yawned as if she was bored. Considering the light bags under her eyes, she was probably just tired. Draco couldn't tell anymore.
He shook his head. "Why?"
She explained about how the halfblooded wizards and witches weren't affected enough during the war. She told him the plan, and the only problem was getting the Death Eaters to Hogwarts.
Draco wanted to ask his father if he knew about this. He wanted to ask his mother about Nova. He wanted to have a simple life, even if that meant no magic.
"Well?" Ariana asked, obviously irritated at his hesitance.
"Sorry, um... Yeah, good." Draco tried to smile.
Ariana looked even more enraged. "You don't seemed convinced."
She looked around, noticing a bit of people were whispering and pointing to Draco. They must of known the Slytherin wasn't meant to be here.
"I am, I'm just in the deep end. I have Nova and my mother and father to worry about, too. Sorry, really." Draco kissed her cheek.
She blushed and smiled. "I better figure out another way to get them here." Ariana sighed.
A question kept eating at Draco. He blurt it out before realized what he was saying.
"Is you being my girlfriend true, or are you just using me to get your 'revolution' started?"
Ariana looked up at him and stared at him as if he had done something very wrong.
She took a deep breath and said as calm as she could- " I mean... It was a contributing factor, but I still like you a lot." Ariana shrugged.
Draco nodded, and got up to leave. She let him go, without even saying goodbye.
She turned back to her table, letting out a big sigh. She stared at the wood surface for a bit, until someone tapped on her shoulder. "Ariana."
Ariana turned to find Hermione looking down at her.
"Oh, hey Hermione. Have a good day?" Ariana asked glumly.
"Not really. I wanted to ask you if you lost your wristband." Hermione wanted to be subtle, hoping Ariana didn't notice her tear-streaked cheeks. 
"Um..." Ariana looked at her wrist. It was gone. But where did Hermione find it? Ariana wasn't stupid enough to make it obvious that she lost it, or that she was curious. Why?"
"I found it." Hermione, as well as Ariana, wasn't stupid either.
"Oh." Ariana nodded. "I don't think so. Where did you find it?"
Hermione's eyes widened. She had to think of something. "Fred did." Her heart hurt thinking of him.
"Oh, well no, I didn't." Ariana dodged the questions. "Are you okay? You look pale." She changed the subject.
"Um... No." Hermione said honestly. She was disappointed Ariana didn't answer her.
"What's wrong?" Ariana stood, looking concerned.
Hermione didn't hear her, due to Fred walking into the common room. He passed Hermione without a glance toward her, but he had a drink in his hand and hurt look on his face. Hermione wanted to cry again.
"Is it Fred?" Ariana guessed, moving beside Hermione.
Hermione just nodded briskly before rushing to her dorm. She probably shed a tear just looking at her ex boyfriend. She didn't want him to be mad at her, but she just couldn't turn back time. His and her lives could be in danger.
Draco's Pov
In the morning Draco sent an owl to his mother, asking about Nova. There was so much going on with him he had to destroy Ariana's plan as soon as possible.
He headed down to breakfast, stressed. He wanted to break everything in sight, including the people who were trying to greet him. Blaise wasn't annoying him though. In fact, Blaise could see he was in a bad mood. Blaise just pat his back and received a nod from Draco. No words exchanged, less stress on Draco.
He could tell Blaise about Ariana. He needed to tell someone. Granger maybe. She would understand. But where was she?
She didn't show up at breakfast, lunch, or at dinner. Draco tried to find her in the library, but failed. He decided to ask Harry, who he ran into in the corridor, Ginny Weasley accompanying Harry. They seemed to he snogging against the empty corridor's wall. Draco was disgusted, but he knew he did that with Ariana, too.
"Harry!" Draco yelled.
Harry jumped, and Ginny pulled her wand out and looked from the end opposite of Draco, then at Draco's end of the corridor. She started a spell, and Harry stopped her quickly.
"Draco? What do you want?" Harry asked jogging toward him, noticing his worried tone.
"Where's Granger?" He asked.
Harry looked taken aback. "I don't know, why?"
"I need to talk to her about something." Draco said urgently.
Ginny walked up behind Harry. This was around the third time of her getting caught snogging Harry, and she was tired of it.
"I haven't seen her at all." Harry said. "You?" He asked Ginny.
"Yeah.... She's in her dormitory. Fred and her had a major argument last night."
Draco and Harry raised their eyebrows in worry and concern.

Long Story Short: FremioneWhere stories live. Discover now