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Hermione wished she could ask Dumbledore if reparo worked on people. He'd know, right?
She gazed down at Ron, who fell asleep. He was still alive, he was snoring lightly. Bill and Percy also fell asleep, not too far from Ron's bed. Fleur had arrived now. She knelt beside Ron and helped put a potion on his burns. It didn't do much, but quite like Hermione's, it soothed it for a little while so he would focus in sleeping instead of pain.
Hermione's head lay against Fred's chest, falling and rising with his breathing. His arms her wrapped around her, and he made them rock back and forth. Hermione noticed he was watching Ron, too. As if he would wake up, full of energy, to once again bother Fred, in a loving way.
Hermione knew Fred was looking between her and his brother. She didn't think he liked how she seemed to be so attached to him. She wasn't, she just wanted to know he was okay. Soon Hermione had fallen asleep in Fred's arms. Fred fell into slumber shortly after, and he laid back slowly, trying not to wake his girlfriend.
They were asleep for hours, and it was already the next morning. They were sleeping soundly, when Mrs. Weasley woke them up shouting- "Fred! Hermione! Wake up, it's noon. We need help with Ron."
Fred sat up quickly, as if he had a nightmare and awoke from it. Hermione's head was on his calf, and she lifted her head up, half asleep still.
"What's going on?" Fred asked worried.
"What happened?" Hermione asked groggily.
Mrs. Weasley already turned her back to them, bending down by Ron. He was twitching, and his leg looked a lot better than yesterday, except that it was very swollen.
"Ron?" Hermione asked, rushing over to him. Fred felt jealousy boil in his veins.
"What happened?"
"He's alleargic to ze potion we used on heem." Fleur said, her accent thick. She was wiping his leg up with some kind of liquid Hermione has never seen. She had a long needle, a shot of some liquid that muggle doctors use.
"Keep still, Ron." Fleur said, trying to steady his legs.
Hermione used a spell she learned to inverbally immobilize his leg so he couldn't move it. He took a sharp intake of breath at the sudden, unwarned stiffness of his leg.
Fred came to the bed, wondering why Madam Pomphrey wasn't there to help him. Fred looked all around the hospital wing. Half the people that were there last night had disappeared, either healed or dead.
Fred wanted to save Ron, not wanting to go through more grieving. Not wanted, needed. He thought about spells that would possibly work. Nothing came to his mind. He tried to go to the library, but people were too busy to fixing it up and reorganizing it. You cannot enter, Fred found out, and took his temper out on them, cursing repeatedly.
He made his way back to the hospital wing. Ron's leg had shrunk back to a normal size. He was staring off into space.
"Hermione, is he-" Fred choked up. He didn't believe it.
"Dead? No." Hermione answered. "He will make it. Fleur and I saved him, I think."
Fred's brow furrowed. "You think?" He half-shouted.
"No guarantee, Fred. I'm not a healer. Many healers are helping people but none came around to us. They said Ron had no prayer. We believe he does."
Ron randomly snapped back into reality. He suddenly felt really energized. He slowly sat up, and tried to walk, nobody noticing. Everybody was trying to understand what the other was talking about, not seeing what the other means. Fred and Hermione finally understood each other's point, and went to look over at Ron, who was out of sight.
"Ron?" Hermione called out. She saw Nova, who she forgot was there, perk up at Hermione's worried tone.
Nova trotted over to her, and she told her Ron must have moved. Nova's attention moved from the bed to the floor, when she heard a loud thud! Ten yards in front of her, Ron lay on the ground.
"Ron!" Nova ran back to him. Hermione and Fred followed.
Ron's head-lump was starting to grow and his leg started bleeding out again. He was unconscious.
"Mum!" Fred yelled out. "Come quick!"
Mrs. Weasley had jumped up, seeing Fred's fiery hair, which was darkened to do debris, and hobbled over to him. Fleur had followed, and the other Weasley's attention were ll on Fred.
"Ron!" Mrs. Weasley cried out. "His leg!"
Fred started to tear up. No, not his brother. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't be dead over something that a stupid Death Eater did, just because he fought for Hermione's sake. Maybe he really loved Hermione. Fred thought. Maybe, just maybe, Ron was meant for her, not me.
Hermione pealed Ron's shirt from him, and wrapped it around his gory leg. The light-colored shirt immediately turned brown due to the blood oozing out of him.
Hermione was crying now, salty tears running down her cheeks, dropping on Ron's arm.
"We need a spell before it's too late!" Fred yelled. "Harry!"
"That's not ee spell!" Fleur said.
Harry ran towards Fred and Fred ran towards him. "Sectum Sempra." Fred said.
"What?" Harry asked. "That's not a good spell!"
"What's the reverse?" Fred asked, getting annoyed that Harry didn't understand the first time.
"I don't know!" Harry answered, feeling really bad.
Fred huffed. He yet again scanned the wing for someone to help him. He saw people crying and limping. He saw a girl knock over a lamp, and use a spell to fix it. Reparo.
"Wait a second." Fred said to himself. Reparo? Wouldn't hurt to try.
He ran up to his younger brother with his wand out. He was still furious with Harry, for something that wasn't exactly his fault.
"Fred, what are you doing?" Hermione asked, seeing his feet appear.
"REPARO!" He yelled, pointing to Ron's bloody limb. The shirt flew away from his leg, and the cuts up his leg patched themselves before their eyes. Ron was apparently in a load of pain, he let out a low, long groan of agony and bared his teeth.
"Ron!" Hermione yelled. She noticed he looked like he was drained of all energy and life. "Ronald!" She was sweating and crying at the same time, and she passed out.
Fred's spell was still being cast. The red light was streaming through the tip to Ron's leg, and the wand shook in Fred's sweaty hands. He got distracted at Hermione's cries, and the spell had broken off.
"Mia!" He said, rushing to her side. Ron was coughing heavily, and Fred paid attention to him for a moment. "Ron, are you okay?" No answer. "Ron.... Ron!" Fred was sobbing at this point. Was he really gone? He out his grimy hand over Ron's chest. He didn't feel anything. "No!"
Mrs. Weasley tried to hush Fred. She pulled him into a big hug and saying shhh. Fleur woke Hermione up.
"Ron." Hermione said. His still body didn't answer. Fred could still see pain etched on his face. Hermione's hand found it's way to Ron's heart, and she felt a steady beat. "He's okay!" Hermione shouted in triumph.
"What?" Fred asked, pealing himself from his mother's cradling. He was? He must have imagined no beat, or Ron was dead, but alive again.
"Mia." Fred said hugging her. "Do you love me?"
"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" She gave him a quizzical look.
"The way you... Yelled for Ron." He said.
"It's because we were, maybe are, best friends. I love him like that. I love you like a boyfriend." She explained briefly. Fred nodded.
"Good." Fred smiled to himself. "Because I want to ask you something."

Long Story Short: FremioneWhere stories live. Discover now