Lose Another

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My scream echoed through the empty lot. He must be one of the last ones left. The area was quieter than before, and you could hear the wind howling. Hermione stood frozen in horror behind the man and Nova.
The Death Eater didn't turn around to see Hermione.
She wanted to reach out and help Nova but fear overtook her and paralyzed her to where she was standing. She could hear Fred running up behind her, saying Hermione's name repeatedly. He finally caught up to her. "Hermione, what the hell?"
She went to answer him, but her throat was very dry. She swallowed, and answered very quietly. "Nova..." She pointed in their direction. Fred's gaze shifted from Hermione to the pair of fighters.
"Nova, get away from him!" Fred yelled.
Fred and Hermione listened to her response. She was just yelling at the guy. Hermione took a step towards them, trying to hear better.
"You can't just waltz in here thinking you can just take away lives. And for what? Revenge? How will that do anything? You will kill a few people, cool. But you didn't win anything. Voldemort isn't coming back!" Nova sassed.
The man grunted fiercely, and pushed Nova against a half-broken wall, wand tip at he neck under he chin. Nova didn't seem intimidated. She didn't seem scared. She just stood there, smirking.
"It doesn't matter if you kill me. It won't accomplish anything. Your new 'leader' can't do anything anymore. Forget it." Nova said.
The man seemed to be thinking for a second, and Hermione took another step towards them. Then another. And another. Soon, she found herself moving faster towards them. The wind blew louder and harder against her ears and face. She heard other footsteps behind her. Fred.
"Hermione!" He yelled.
The man finally turned around to see them. He whirled his wand towards the couple, and shouted "Lumos!" Light streamed out of the tip of his wand.
Fred and Hermione stopped in their tracks. Nova began laughing.
"Lumos?" She asked, trying to control her laughter. "That's the best you've got?"
Hermione's eyes widened, thinking Nova was in even more danger now.
The man turned to face Nova again, wand still lit. She stopped laughing, as his hand collided with the stone wall next to Nova's head.
"I panicked." He growled. Nova nodded.
Hermione went to pull her wand out to attack the Death Eater, but he saw her out of his peripheral vision, and slapped her hand, making the and fly away from her. Hermione felt stinging on her hand from the impact, but it wasn't like her burns. She wanted to punch the man in the face. She did, without thinking what would happen after that.
He removed his knuckles from being pressed up against the wall, and faced Hermione completely. He had a big red mark oh his cheek.
"Nice." Fred whispered, half sarcastic, happy about the punch, frightened of what's to come.
He grabbed Hermione by the wrist, and shoved her backward on the ground, sure to make her burns sting. He now faced Fred, who was about to kill him. Fred's cheeks had turned pink, and had his wand at the ready. "Don't. Touch. Her!" He scolded.
The Death Eater chuckled. Fred was shorter and less muscular than he, but Fred didn't care at the moment. Fred thought of the first spell he could think of and shouted- "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!"
The man froze and fell of his face. Hermione was just now getting up, in very much pain. She and Fred went over to Nova, who had fallen to her knees earlier. "Are you okay?" Fred asked. Nova started coughing, nodding. Dust from the wall flew out of her mouth with each cough.
Hermione hugged her, and patted her back. Nova hugged her back. Fred just kneeled by them awkwardly. He didn't get why girls where so huggy-huggy all the time. It was just weird to him.
"Hermione! Fred! Nova!" Ginny's voice in the distance rang out. Fred turned around, to see Ginny running from where he had followed Hermione from. She flew down on her knees beside Fred and was panting heavily.
"What's going on, Ginny?" Fred asked, putting a hand on her shoulder to steady her. She took one more breath, and spoke.
"Ron... He's very... Injured. I don't know if... If he'll, well, make it." Ginny took death breaths in the middle of her sentences, but Hermione, Nova and Fred all absorbed the information.
"What?" Hermione asked. "What happened?" Fred became a little bit sad when he heard this, but didn't want anyone to know. Hermione noticed that his mood had changed, but didn't say anything.
"When you guys left with Hermione, Ron went to go fight the guy who hurt you," Ginny was addressing Hermione, "and the Death Eater did some spell that I've never seen before, and I think it's very serious, especially with his leg all torn up."
Hermione, Nova, and Fred were all in shock at this news, and Ginny's tone made it seem even worse.
"We have to go see him." Nova spoke up. "Now!"
Hermione glanced at Fred, who had his head down. "Fred?" Fred picked his head up a little more, and faced Hermione, not letting her see his face. Hermione tipped his chin up, so Fred was forced to face her correctly. He closed his eyes. He seemed to be upset.  "No." He managed to choke out. Hermione saddened. He despised his own brother so much he would go see him, even on his possible deathbed.
"Fred!" Ginny snapped. "This is your brother!"
Fred shook his head, standing to get away from the three girls who were calling his name.
"Fred please. Why not?" Hermione whispered in his ear.
"I can't see another one leave." He said really quiet, but Hermione barely managed to hear him.

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