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"What the hell are you saying?" Elisha asked with anger on her face. She was taken aback by the blame that Liza had put on her. "Do you have any sense? I don't think so. I mean, how can I kill the father of my own child. And if I had to, then I would have killed him that day only when he refused to accept my child." Elisha said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Ok I am extremely sorry for my behaviour. But this is my job. Now I will go and will have a chat with you again after I get something intresting to talk." Liza said to Elisha.

"You are just a f***ing bitch! You just don't care about others feelings. You like to play with them. You don't know what it takes to forget someone very close to your heart. You are a detective that's why I didn't say anything otherwise I would have kicked your ass till now." Elisha said with her face becoming red in anger and emotion.

Liza went out of the room. Now her belief that Elisha is the killer, strengthened. There was nothing to cry so much. And a girl who cries a lot to counter the blame put on her, 90% of the times is depicting false tears. Anyways Liza's job wasn't over yet. She had to talk to the other suspects too and had to investigate more.

Scarlett sat on a chair. Ben asked him," So miss Scarlett, or misses..?" Scarlett frowned for a moment, looked down and then said,"What, are u insane? Do I look like a married woman to you. Mr. I am just 24. So..I think the answer is quite obvious."

Ben said," Oh I love woman when they say a lie. They look really fascinating. Should I speak out the truth or will you yourself?" Ben asked looking into Scarlett 's eyes. Scarlett looked Ben in shock. "Ok, how do u know that I and Lewis are married?" Scarlett asked with curiosity filled in plenty in her eyes. "U what???" Ben asked, with his eyes itself asking ample of questions.

Scarlett was taken aback. "You didn't know that?" Scarlett asked with her mouth opened in shock. "No I didn't. I just asked about the married for fun sake. Just to start things off. Wow!" Ben said in surprise.

Scarlett was speechless. She hadn't seen any detective like Ben. Ben asked some questions hoping to get the answers for his queries. "Ok when did u guyz get married?" Scarlett replied,"Just a year ago. We were so happy together. I mean, when we were together we were just like a perfect couple. We were also planning to have a baby."

Ben continued to ask his questions. "So what is this get together thing then?" Scarlett didn't speak for a moment but then replied,"Ok so we wanted to surprise everyone about our marriage. We wanted our old friends too to cherish our happiness."

"Ok but you were in Australia a year back then how did u meet him?" Ben asked. Scarlett replied,"Well I had come to Paris for my project which consisted of modulating, statistical configuration and data collection. I was CEO at SMTRF company in Australia."

Ben said,"Ok so I gotcha. You came to Paris and met Lewis Walten, a rich businessman who was your school and college time pal. You started roaming with him, fell in love with him and then got married. Am I right?"

Scarlett nodded. Ben said,"So you and Lewis were about to tell your friends about the marriage but suddenly from nowhere, Lewis dies. I know about your affair with someone else. And this time I am not joking."

Scarlett was stunned. She tried to counter Ben's blame but wasn't able to do that. Finally, Scarlett spoke out something with tears rolling down her cheeks." Ok I have an affair going on with Steve." Ben was amazed. He commented," That's ridiculous."

Scarlett again looked Ben in shock. "Don't tell me u didn't know this too?" Ben didn't speak anything. His silence spoke everything. Scarlett was mad at Ben but at the same time she was impressed by Ben's quality of taking out the truth.

"Ok now stop giving me that look. Ok fyn, I have a affair with Steve. So what? Not a big deal." Scarlett said to Ben. "Not a big deal! What, are u crazy? Marriage means trusting each other. If u can't hold on the trust, you don't have the right to be married. I mean, how can you cheat on Lewis, specially after all that love thing wid Lewis u told me. You nodded right, when I asked that u loved Lewis? Then..?" Ben asked with his one eyebrow up.

"Look I nodded when u asked about my love for Lewis. And I do like him but I don't love him. I married him just for money sake and as he was my old friend too." Scarlett told with a smile.

"God! How can someone be so greedy. You married Lewis for money and now you are cheating on him with Steve. Did Lewis knew this?" Ben asked with curiosity. "Actually yeah. He came to know this the day before his murder. He saw me kissing Steve and went completely mad." Scarlett said with blank face.

"That was bound to happen. Hey.." Ben said and then took a pause and again continued,"So did u ask Lewis to invite Steve?" Scarlett replied,"Yeah I had to invite him. Actually I and Steve hadn't met since 3 months as he had gone to South Africa for a project of his. So as he gave me the news of coming back, I asked Lewis for calling him. I couldn't wait to see him. 3 months without him were pretty hard to spend. So I and Steve decided that we will meet at night and have fun here. We were about to have fun the day we arrived here in the mansion as guests. He was completely ok by the fact that I and Lewis were married, from the beginning. But then.."

Scarlett was stopped by Ben." Then Lewis saw you both guyz kissing and he went nuts. You tried to convince him but then he didn't listen and he was about to create a commotion but to avoid that you killed Lewis with the help of Steve." Ben said with a heavy voice.

Scarlett was taken aback. She felt like someone had splashed dirty water on her. Ben's blame had some real sense as Scarlett's blood was B+. Scarlett also used to take drugs. Remember, drug was found on the victim's body.

According to Ben, Scarlett was a real suspect. Now Scarlett had to do something to prove herself innocent. Ben had a firm belief that Scarlett was the killer. Will Scarlett prove herself innocent?


To be conyinued in part 7. Plz vote and comment of u liked this part. Your votes really mean a lot to me. Plenty more coming in upcoming parts. Stay tuned.

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