Missing Ben

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"Hello! I am detective Johnson from the FBI. I have come here to investigate the case of Liza Coddwell, who got abducted." Johnson said, while showing his identity card. The man with the messy black hair added,"These are my cops. They will investigate Liza's room."

Nestlé said,"Welcome. I am glad to see you. I am detective Nestlé. I have my own self- sufficient lab with all the equipments. I was helping Liza in her case." Johnson said,"Well, after the investigation of the room, I would love to have a chat with you." Nestlé nodded and smiled.

Josephine said,"Hello, sir. I am Liza's mother. Please find my daughter soon. After her father's death, she is my only world. I can't imagine my life without her. Please find her!" Johnson said,"Look, lady. We will try our level best to find Liza. She was my good friend. I used to talk to her sometimes about my case, if I was facing any problem. Don't worry, she will be found out." Josephine smiled.

Johnson added,"Well, now, please move aside and let us investigate Liza's room." Nestlé showed him the room. Johnson went inside Liza's room with his cops and closed the door. Nestlé went with Josephine to the latter's room. Nestlé asked,"Aunt, should I make you coffee?" Josephine nodded and said,"That would be great. Thanks dear. You are helping me alot." Nestlé smiled and went to the kitchen.

Johnson started searching Liza's room. The cops were also searching for some clues. There were glass pieces, drink spilled all over the floor. The closet was opened. Clothes were kept in a crambled way. Johnson thought,"As far as I knew this girl, she was not this messy. She had this habit of keeping everything perfectly in a perfect place. Then, this is definitely not her work."

The cops went through Liza's bookshelf. But, nothing was to be found there. Johnson thought,"If Liza didn't keep her clothes in this way in her closet, then this is the kidnapper's work. Most probably, the man maybe searching for something inside Liza's closet. Maybe, I should have a look inside that closet. There must be something there." The man with the grey eyes headed towards Liza's closet. He started searching for some clues to lead the case.

Johnson removed clothes and opened drawers to find atleast one clue. But, he searched the whole closet, and still didn't find even one thing. "I don't know. Why am I getting this vibe that something is there in the closet. I can't find anything but, I believe there is something here." Johnson thought.

He then saw that there was a small yet giant in length, drawer in the corner of the closet. Johnson opened it and found one file. In that file, there was information about the 6 suspects that were currently staying in Lewis's mansion. Liza and Ben had noted down everything in that file. Johnson took his time and glanced through the file.

The cops didn't find anything suspicious. Johnson took the file and asked his cops to stop the investigation. As soon as Johnson opened the door, he found Nestlé standing outside. He asked,"What are you doing here?" Nestlé replied,"Well, I forgot to give you the note that the kidnapper left here in Liza's room. Here take it." Nestlé handed the note to Johnson.

Johnson read the note. He was amazed. The face made with blood at the end, was something that he was worried of. He asked the cops to take the note and give it to his lab members to analyse the blood on the note. The cops agreed and went to Johnson's lab.

Johnson said,"Well, I wanna have a chat with you Nestlé." Nestlé agreed. Johnson took Nestlé in Josephine's room. Meanwhile, Josephine was sitting in the hall, thinking about her lovely daughter.

Johnson asked Nestlé everything. Nestlé told him about the case of Lewis Walten. Johnson had heard about the case but didn't had time to give it a damn. Nestlé explained him about the 6 suspects. She explained him how the killer, managed to put all the blames on Ben and forced Liza to put him behind the bars. Johnson was listening everything carefully.

After all the explanation, Johnson said,"So I got it. The killer is the kidnapper himself. He was searching Liza's closet for the file that Liza and Ben had made about the killer. The killer wanted to escape fully." Nestlé nodded.

Johnson said,"Well, first, we must take Ben out of the jail. He will boost our case with the fact that he knows a lot about the case." Nestlé nodded. She said,"One of the 6 suspects, Jones came day before yesterday and said that he is the killer. I and Liza felt that he is saying a fairy tale, but we can't totally ignore the fact that we found Lewis's coat in his room. The same coat which Lewis was wearing on the night of his murder. So we kept Jones in Liza's lab jail. You should have a chat with him too."

Johnson agreed. He said,"Well, as soon as Ben is out of the jail, I, you and Ben will work together on the case. Let's see, what comes up. Well, good to see you. I will just have a chat with Josephine and then we will leave to take Ben out of the bars." Nestlé nodded in agreement.

Johnson went and had chat with Josephine. After that chat, both the detectives hit the road to the police station where Ben was kept.

In some 15-20 minutes, both reached the police station. Nestlé and Johnson showed their individual identity cards and asked the cops to free Ben on the basis of proofs. Johnson showed the file to the cop and the cop started glancing through it.

After the whole reading, the cop said,"But, why are you showing this now? Ben is already out of the jail. Some Liza Coddwell came and took Ben out of the bars on the grounds of proofs. She showed me the same proofs and asked to free Ben. I did. Now, why the hell are you coming here?" Nestlé and Johnson got stunned. Johnson asked,"When was Ben taken out?"

The cop checked his file and then answered,"Yesterday. Around 6 pm."

Both the detectives were now confused to the core. "If Liza is kidnapped, then who the hell has taken out Ben and that too with Liza's name?" Nestlé thought.

Johnson was silent for a moment and then, he said,"This ain't good. This is terrible. Now, both the detectives are missing."

To be continued in part 28. Please vote and comment if u liked this part. Plenty more twists and turns to come in upcoming parts. Stay tuned. :)
Love ya!!!!
Keep smiling!

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