Murder weapon [Part 2]

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Ben and Liza reached Lewis's mansion. All the way through, Liza was constantly looking Ben, thinking in her mind,"Can Ben really kill someone?" But she would answer her own questions,"The results will tell the truth."

Ben said,"So guyz we will continue searching the remaining suspects's rooms. The girls and Steve's room is over. No we will search Mathew's, Jones's and Jason's room." Everyone nodded. Steve asked,"Did you get anything in my room?" Liza replied,"I don't think that it is essential for us to tell you." Steve made a face. Ben and Liza went to Mathew's room.

Liza opened the door. Both started searching the room. Ben looked through the drawers and Liza had a look inside the cupboard. Liza found one file. She opened it. There were many papers, but she found one small piece of paper in the middle of all the papers. There it was written,'Tonight at 12'. Liza was confused. She told Ben about this.

Ben said,"What nonsense is this? What is this mystery of 12 night? Hey, but if you observe carefully, each paper has the same handwriting. That means anyone of these 3 has written these words. We will do one thing. We will ask Scarlett, Steve and Mathew to write a sentence on a piece of paper. Then, we will match the handwriting and ask the person about this '12 night mystery', whose handwriting is identical on both the papers." Liza agreed.

Both continued their investigation. But now there was nothing to be found in Mathew's room. So the detectives locked Mathew's door from outside and headed towards Jones's room. On her way to Jones's room, Liza looked at the time left for the results. Still, 2 hours were left. Liza was waiting anxiously for the results.

Ben opened Jones's room. Now the detectives started searching the man's room who had stunning blue eyes. Ben found one picture of Jones along with Scarlett. Both were kissing in that pic. Ben was amazed. He told Liza, "I know what might have happened. Scarlett used to date Jones and someone would have clicked their pic when both must be kissing passionately. That's the reason for this pic."

Liza nodded and said,"Yeah and Jones has this pic because he still has feeling for Scarlett, I guess." Ben agreed. Both continued searching. Liza found one coat with fur. There was blood stain on that. She told,"Hey there is a stain here of blood." Ben saw the stain and said,"Maybe this is of Lewis. We must send this to lab immediately." Liza got shocked. "No Ben can't go to the lab now, he will come to know about the knife." Liza said to herself as tension started to pile on her face. She had to stop Ben from coming to the lab.

"I don't think that it is necessary for us to go to the lab now. I will give it later on, while going home." Liza said. Ben looked at Liza in surprise. He said,"Ok, we won't give it now, but I will give it while going home. The lab is like 5-10 minutes away from my home. So..." Liza stopped Ben and said,"You don't have to take the stress, I will do it. Listen, I did a mistake by not trusting you, so let me do this as an apology to you." Ben agreed and said,"Ok woman. But u don't have to give me an apology. But if you want to then, go ahead fine." Liza smiled.

Both left Jones's room after they didn't find anything intresting in his room. So both the detectives headed towards Jason's room. Liza opened the door. Both started searching the room for some clues but failed to find any. So now both decided to go to the office.

Liza saw her watch. Still, an hour was left for the results. For Liza, time had come to a standstill. Every minute was passing by like a year. Still, both the detectives headed themselves to the office.

Both started discussing about the clues found in Jones's and Mathew's room as they reached their office. Ben asked,"So when will you give the coat to the lab?" Liza replied,"In 45 minutes." Ben said with his one eyebrow up,"Ok!" Liza sighed and waited for the time to pass.

After 40 minutes..

"Well, I am going to the lab. Catch ya later." Liza said to Ben who was sitting on a chair with his mobile phone. Liza left the office and hit the path to her lab anxiously waiting for the results.

"Ah! She left the coat here only. What a dumbass she is. Wait, lemme go to the lab myself and give her this or she would come herself running." Ben said as he picked up the coat Liza left at the office and he too headed towards the lab.

At the lab..

"So John, results please. I am eagerly waiting for results." John took a deep breath and said,"Ok, here it is. Keep calm and listen carefully. I analysed the giant sized sharp knife you found in Ben's room. It has..."

"What!!! A knife found in my room." Liza was shocked to hear that voice. She turned around to see a familiar face. It was Ben.

"What the hell are you saying? A knife found in my room and you are analysing it." Ben asked with curiosity. Liza said,"Wait a minute you asshole." Ben asked,"No first tell me, why the hell are you analysing this knife?" Liza got angry and said,"Just shut the f*** up you mother f***er." Ben was amazed.

Liza said,"John please continue or I will kill you." John immediately said,"Ok-ok. I analysed this knife and I am assured that this is the weapon you were looking for. This is the murder weapon. Lewis Walten's body was cut off by this knife. I also got fingerprints of Ben from this knife." Liza got the shock of her life.

Ben said,"Hey wait a minute. You said that you found this knife in my room and now you are saying that this is the murder weapon. You found my fingerprints. How the hell is that possible. Oh no...Liza no, this ain't the.." Ben was cut off by Liza as the latter slapped the former with real force. Ben was shocked. He was taken aback.

"You are really belie..." Ben was again cut off and this time too by the same person. "Just shut up. Just shut the f*** up. You liar, mother f***er, you think you will escape the crime just because you are a detective. Well, let me inform you Ben Stokes, you are f***ed up. I, Liza Coddwell, is arresting you for the brutal death of Lewis Walten."

Ben was broken from inside. From him, his world was now over.

This chapter was dedicated to one of my talented followers @ruchimeghwal. She has supported me from the beginning. Thanks a lot ruchi. Hey guys please check out her book 'Random writings.' It's an beautiful book with words crafted in perfection.

To be continued in part 17. Please vote and comment if you liked this part. Plenty more twists and turns to come in upcoming parts. Stay tuned. :).

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