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This chapter contains some disturbing scenes. Read at your own risk.

"Oh shit, she has stopped breathing." One of the 2 men said in shock. The other one too kept one of his finger under Josephine's nostrils and realized that Josephine had really stopped breathing.

"But how the hell can she stop breathing? We didn't hit her that hard." One man said. The other one was just silent. He was thinking of a plan to proceed now.

He said,"I think so, that we must proceed to Mark Lane and tell boss about this. He wanted this women alive but now, here she is. All dead. So we should take this body to boss and then follow his further instructions. He wanted to scare that detective Liza by torturing this women in front of her. But now, it's different. Well, we should atleast take this women's body there."

The other one agreed. Both the men closed the house quickly and kept the body in their car which was parked right in front of Liza's apartment. Then they drove off.

Mark Lane. The place where Liza is kept.

"No.. aah!! Pleaseeeee." Liza was sreaming at the top of her voice. She was being fucked up by the killer in a room. All against her will. Her eyes were covered with a dark black cloth and hands still tied. The killer was enjoying his treat.

For Liza, everything was a third degree torture. She couldn't even move and her clothes were torned apart. She felt hands touching her joints and legs. She was screaming but to no avail. The 2 men who used to keep an eye on Liza were busy on their business of bringing the dead body of Josephine.

The killer said in his heavy voice,"What a product. Heavily delicious." Then, he carried on his process of tormenting Liza.

For Liza, everything was now like over. Her career was flattered with this case. Her respect and image was now down too. And now!! People are seeing her naked.

Suddenly, Liza screamed with her loudest voice. She felt something hard entering her body. It was just way too painful. The killer was making different types of noises indicating that he was getting treated to a fine luxury.

After enjoyment in the bottom part, the killer decided to explore the upper. He bit Liza's chest. And that too hard. Liza now, didn't had any energy left. So she decided to just weep and emit tears.

Then, the killer kissed Liza. It was a great one for him. The process of fucking up proceeded further and further until, the 2 men came back. They knocked the main door. The killer felt angry as he had to stop his luxury. He stood up and wore his clothes. Then, he headed towards the door.

The 2 men were standing with Josephine's dead body. The killer got really angry. He slapped both his men in anger. The men explained that they didn't do it on purpose.

The killer was angry for the initial moments. But, then he started thinking of a new plan. He told his men to keep the body here and come along with him. The men followed his instructions. All the 3 went.

The place where Liza was kept was Mark Lane. In the house, there were 2 rooms and one main hall. Liza was kept naked in one of the rooms and Josephine was left in the main hall.

Unable to cope with his brother's death, Jason was now standing on the top of a 32 storey building. His parents died when Jason and Jones were in their teen ages. Since then, the brothers had only each other. They helped each other progress and now here they were. All successful.

But, today, life was different for Jason. Today, he didn't had his brother alongside him. Jason couldn't imagine his life without Jones. The latter meant everything to the former.

Jason looked up at the sky and said,"Brother, I don't know who killed you. But, I know one thing. I can't stand against this world without you. I am coming. Coming to you. You will get your justice. Your killer will be dead. I know, one fine day, everything will be normal. Even, Lewis will get his justice one day. Everything will be back on track. Then, it will be you and me smiling."

Jason closed his eyes and jumped down the tower. No one was there around him to stop him. While falling under gravity, Jason thanked god for the life the latter gave him. It was a short, yet successful life that Jason lived.

And Booommmmm....

Blood gushed out of Jason's face and body. He died on the spot. People started gathering around him quickly. All saw a dead Jason in front of them.

This suicide from Jason, now left us with only 4 suspects. Steve, Elisha, Mathew and Scarlett. Anyone of them is the killer. It's a male, but a female too can be a part of it.

What do you think, who is the killer? Please comment your guesses.

To be continued in part 32. Did you guys enjoy the chapter. If yes, then please vote and comment. It means a lot. A single comment makes my day. So keep reading and keep smiling. :)

Author's note : Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the story. The book is at its end. The end will be soon. What do you think, who is the killer?

Everyone is suddenly dying. Now, what do you think? Who is next?
I will tell u. The one who is getting murdered next is......SHHHHH!

Nope, not so soon. Wait for the next chapter. Till then, keep reading my second book and enjoy ur life to the fullest. Byee guys!

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