Chapter 5

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Alexis's POV

I didn't kiss back mainly because it was my first kiss and I didnt know what to do. Yes even though my father brings in all these guys to rape me they have never kissed me. Damian pulled back before I could do anything but keeped his face close to mine.

"You mean the world to me and I hope I didn't just ruin everything that we've had. But just know if you need help the you can come to me." I was still slightly in shock and was really confused.

"I-Ill see you." I quickly turn away from him and run into my house. Right when I close the door I run into a big body. I look up and see that my father is more pissed than he ever had and I'm scared that he might kill me.

I try to step back but he grabs my arm tightly. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!? YOU LITTLE PIECE OF WORTHLESS SHIT!" I am full on crying and this time audibly. He jerks me forward to the stairs.

He throws me down the stairs when he gets half way down them. "Those men have been waiting for an hour and now they get two hours with you! I will take care of you after they are done with you!"

I hear the door shut and I look up to see four guys. I immediately get picked up and thrown onto the bed. I continue to cry as they take off all of my clothes and all of theirs. "Dude I thought you said that she would be expressionless and wouldn't care what you did."

"She was like that last time but whatever im hard as fuck so I don't give a shit." The for the next two hours I am raped and crying my eyes out.


They leave me dead inside on the bed. I dont want to move every part of me hurts because for once I actually fought back and cried for them to stop. But they were more forceful the more I fought and I think they liked that. Sick fucking bastards.

I sigh and stay still when the door opens and my father stomps down. He tosses me to the floor and hits me in the back with a bat. "You are lucky you dont end up like your mother because I still need money!"

"Then why dont you fucking get a real job and not have guys rape you fucking daughter!" I screamed at him after I rolled away. It surprised him to hear me speak so he froze. As much as it hurt I toke the opportunity and ran up the stairs.

When I got to the top I heard that he snapped out of it and he run up after me. I closed the door and locked it and ran to my room. I packed as much stuff as I could as heard him yelling at me to let him out.

I locked my bedroom door so he had another block when he broke down the basement door. I put on some sweats and a t-shirt quickly. I stuffed my feet into some slippers and grabbed my two bags and with stuff and dropped them out the window.

I jumped out after and grabbed my bags and started running to Damian's house through the woods so no one would see me. When I got to his house I knocked on the door shaking and scared. He opened the door and looked at me surprised.

"Alexis whats wrong? Come in." He takes my free hand and gently pulls me inside. We walk past the living room and I see a man in there that looks familiar but I'm crying do its hard to see him. Damian continues to bring me to his room.

We walk in and he takes my bags and sets them on the floor. "What happend and you are not going anywhere untill you tell me." I sigh knowing that I will have to tell him since I dont have anyehere to go and hes my only hope.

So I look away and sit on his bed as I begin to tell him everything. I tell him about the abuse, my father selling me for sex, my father doing drugs and even that my father killed my mom because she tried to take away his drugs.

I keep my eyes away from him scared to see the disgusted look on his face as he realizes that I am the worthless little slut I am. I kinda wish I had my cat snow but my father got rid of her a few months after my mom was killed.

After I finish talking I am crying like I was last night. "Fuck!" I look up and flinch when Damian punches the wall. I scoot away scared that hes mad at me. He looks over at me and a flash of hurt crosses his face and he walks up to me. "I'm not mad at you Alexis. I am mad at that fucktard that has done all of this to you."

He pulls me into a hug and I relax in his arms. But doing this reminds me of when he kissed me and I pull away unsure of how we stand. "I am going to the police with this." Damian says with a stern look on his face.

I look at him horrified "No! Dont please I dont want him to kill me!" I see his jaw clench and unclench. "Alexis he wont if we tell them." I stand up fast panicking "Yes he will, he can escape I know because hes done it before " I start pacing holding my head.

Damian stands up and makes me stop to face him "Dont worry so much if he does I can protect you. Trust me I would die for you if it meant that you were safe." He says that last part in a whisper and look up at him so panicked and scared.

"But I don't want you to get killed or hurt. I dont want the people around me to pay for something that is my fault." He sighs and runs a hand in my hair trying to calm me down. "None of this is your fault and I know it was him that told you this. But dont believe him none of that is true.

"Dont believe any insult that he called you, your perfect just the way you are." (Didnt realize that I did a Bruno Mars reference untill I reread it.) I slightly calm down but I stay quiet not believing him at all.

"But please dont go to the cops about it. He doesnt know where I am do he can't get me." He sighs annoyed but in defeat "Fine but if you get hurt or I see him than I am going to the police." I nod agreeing to that at least.

"Now how about we watch some Black Butler?" I smile happily since that is my favorite anime and nod. I jump onto the bed and get the remote to put on Netflix. He chuckles slightly and sits next to me as I put on the episode from where we left off last week.

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