Chapter 14

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Damian's POV

Once I'm sure that she fell back asleep I lay her down on her back and pull the blanket up before sitting in the chair that I have been used to for the time that she has been here. I sigh and hold me head in my hands, Was her dream about her dad? Had it really been a memory?

This is bullshit that she has to go through this. I pull out my phone and put on Bite My Tongue by You Me At Six Feat. Oli Sykes on low volume so that it doesn't wake her up and I wont get yelled at. It was her favorite song and would listen to it non stop when she first found it.

I chuckle a little the time I actually caught her dancing like an idiot to this song for the whole thing before she noticed I was standing there in the doorway of her bedroom. Thelook on her face was priceless and she ended up tripping and falling off her bed. She was fine but thinking back to it I could have sworn that I saw marks on her hip when her shirt lifted from the fall but I never said anything.

I frown knowing that I should have said something to her about it intsead of ignoring it and thinking that it wasn't anything important. A nurse comes in and looks over at me "Hun you're gonna have to leave, visiting hours are over and I'm sure your mother is gonna want you home."

I stay in my spot not wanting to leave Alexis because of her nightmare/dream. "I'm sorry ma'am but before she fell back asleep she asked for me to stay." The nurse looked at me sympathetically "I'm sorry hun but rules are rules, you can come back tomorrow the second you are able to."

It takes everything in me not to yell at her saying that I'm not gonna leave but I know that she's just trying to do her job and I dont want to make any trouble. I very reluctantly stand up and walk over to Alexis. I lean down and softly kiss her forehead "I'll be back tomorrow Alex I promise."

I look up at the nurse and she gives me a nice smile and I just simply nod before walking out and calling my mom for a ride thinking that I really need to get my drivers license.

Alexis's POV

I sleep peacefully the rest of the night and wake up early in the morning. I look at the time after stretching as much as I am able to and see that its an hour before visiting hours. The nightmare comes back into my mind, was that really a memory? Did it have something to do with why I tried to.... kill myself?

I sigh and sit up with some pain but not much. I lean back against the pillows and try to think about that nightmare to see if I could remember anything. I'm so deep in thought yhat I don't notice the nurse walk in and jump in surprise when she speaks up.

"Sorry if I scared you sweety but I just came in here to give you some breakfast." I just now notice the small cart with food on it. "Um okay just leave it right here please." I say pointing to the otherside of the bed so its not in the way of the chair when Damian comes in.

For some reason just thinking of him makes me feel really happy. It must be because of us dating, wait. Are we still dating? I'm so confused right now about everything, damn amnesia! "Honey make sure to eat and just press the call button if you need anything."

I nod and she walks out leaving me alone again. I look down at myself and look over my arm thats not in a cast and toss off the blankets to see my legs that are exposed. Seeing all the deep scars and cuts makes a weird feeling wash over me. Its almost like I want to make....more.

You're a little bitch that doesn't deserve to live

The weak should all die




Tears well up in my eyes wanting these thoughts to stop. The worst part is that the voice is my dad's. Why is the voice my dad's? I don't even realize that I'm dragging my nails along my legs for some type of pain untill someone gently takes my hand away and holds it in theirs.

I look up and see Damian giving me a sad look. He says nothing as he pulls the blanket back over me and pulls me into a hug. I'm thankful that he didn't ask why I was doing that because I'm not to sure how well I would be able to speak.

I sob into his chest as he runs his hand through my hair to calm me back down. Not after long I pull away and wipe my eyes looking down "Thank you" I whisper. He lifts my head up so I'm looking into his eyes "You don't need to thank me Alex, no matter what happens I will always be there for you."

I smile only slightly which seems to let a small smile cross his lips. I cant help but glance at them for a second before looking back up into his eyea. He chuckles obviously noticing what I just did and he kisses my forehead before pulling up the chair and sitting in of beside the bed.

I blush and look down biting my lip, I look over and see him on his phone and I can't help but roll my eyes. "Don't give me that look I'm just putting on sone music." He says not looking up at me. "How did you even know I was giving you a look?" I ask tilting my head to the side.

He chuckles and glances up at me as he speaks "Trust me I know you like the back of my hand. You may not remember at the moment but I know you alot more than you may think." He smiles sadly before looking back down. He puts on a song and the singer seems to have a bit of a higher pitched voice that makes it so I'm not sure if its a guy or a girl.

"Who is this and is the singer a guy or a girl? I cant tell." He laughs a bit and leans back "God you would have freaked out on someone if they thought it was a girl because for what you think and your exact words are 'Kellin Quinn is the hottest man ever and guys wished they sounded like him'."

I laugh and shake my head not believing that I actually said that. "But anyway its The Strays by Sleeping With Sirens." I nod with a smile still on my face. I sit back and we stay quiet and listen to the music, me asking who a band was and then him saying a thing that I've said about them before telling who they are.

After a little bit that lady that was here when I woke up and I then remember that its Damian's mom. "Hi honey how are you holding up?" She says and stands beside Damian giving me a sweet smile. I feel really comfortable around her and smile back "I'm doing okay Romy, I just wish I didn't have to stay here longer than today."

They both look at ke a bit surprised and I tilt my head in confusion because that doesn't seem to surprising that I would want to leave. She gets a bigger smile on her face "Hun I never exactly said my name to you when you woke up and I'm pretty sure no one else has said it around you."

I think for a second and realize that I referred to her as Romy without really noticing. "Do you think thats a good sign? Since it seems that my memories are comming back." She gets a very concerned look on her face which just confuses me again.

She quickly replaces the look with a smile "Maybe honey, I'm gonna head out. Damian make sure she eats we dont want her starving." She smiles once more and leaves leaving me and Damian alone again. "Why did she seem so upset when I asked if it was a good thing that I'm getting my memories back?" I ask Damian a few minutes after Romy leaves.

He looks up at me and sighs running his band through his hair that seems to need to be redyed. "You just went through alot of terrible things and we are both worried about how you may handle all the memories flodding back." I nod and cant help it when I look down at my arm knowing that those memories have something to do with the scars and cuts on my arms and legs. Hell maybe even the rest of my body I haven't exactly seen myself naked since I woke up.

"But for right now lets just relax and we can deal with it when the time comes. " I nod and look away from my arm and over at Damian giving him a small smile before relaxing again.


Hey sorry for not updating too often but I try my best! I'm writing this really late so sorry if you can tell how tired I am from my wtiting. But anyway I hope you have a good day and I'll try to do another update later. Also if you didnt listen to the song then its the first song that I mentioned in this chapter and you should listen to it because it is a good song.


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