Chapter 8

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Damian's POV

When I wake up I feel a warm body wrapped up in my arms. I slowly open my eyes and look down seeing Alexis curled up into my chest. I smile and pull her closer to me when I saw that shes still asleep.

I look over at the time and see that its pretty early but if I want to get my surprise ready for Alexis then I need to go. I slowly get up careful not to wake her and grab some clothes before walking into the bathroom to get changed.

I walk downstairs and see my mom in the kitchen "You remember what to tell her when she wakes up right?" I ask her talking about my plan that I told her last night. She smiles and nods "Yes I think its very sweet that your doing this for her. Now go on" I smile and go out to the car driving to the SPCA.

Alexis's POV

When I wake up I feel cold, my eyes open and I look around seeing that Damian is gone. I yawn and stand up thinking that he is just downstairs. Rubbing my eyes I make my way downstairs and only see Romy. I look at her confused "Wheres Damian?" She smiles and puts down a plate of bacon pancakes. Not bacon and pancakes, pancakes with bacon in them. Dont judge they are delicious.

"He just went to the store to get a few things for me honey. Now eat you must be hungry" I smile and sit down beginning to eat. I start to think of how perfect last night was untill Romy says something that I didnt expect. "Hun I really think that you should go to the police."

I look up at her surprised "W-what? He told you?" She nods and sits down beside me "Yes he did but I wont tell the police no matter how much I want to since I have always thought of you as a daughter. But he made me promise not to say anything. "

I slowly continue to eat "And I had asked him why you were speaking since he wasnt the only one who knew it wasn't just some normal break in." I look up at her and sigh staying quiet. "Dont worry dear I understand why you never said anything about what had happend."

"Thanks Romy I was just scared and didnt know what to do untill I finally broke" I say a small tear escaping. She reaches out and wipes it away "Yet something that Damian didnt tell me was what made you speak. Can you please tell me that?" I stay quiet for a moment before speaking "Well its just the day that your husband and Damians father died I had to sneak out.

"But I wanted to see what was wrong with Damian since he had seemed like he was upset. So I went but when I was walking back he had asked me about what happend when I was younger. I freaked out and went to run away but he grabbed my arm.

"The way he grabbed my arm reminded me of how my father always grabbed me and I yelled out one word... stop" I look down at my lap and feel tears well up in my eyes "He stood there shocked and I ran home, my father knew I snuck out and locked my window when I walked up to it. So I ran back thats what lead me to Damian bringing me here with me in tears"

A tear escapes and I feel Romy wipe it away "Oh you don't need to worry anymore, darling you'll be ok" I smile and nod calming myself down just as I hear the front door open. Damian walks in and hides a box behind his back when he sees me. "Hey baby are you okay? Did my mom do anything? " he asks raising an eyebrow at Romy.

"No I'm alright, what did you get for Romy I forgot to ask her." Before he can say anything I hear a tiny meow. I stand up and look around confused "Did you guys hear that?" I ask looking back and forth at them. They are both smiling mischievously which makes me even more confused as I hear the meow again.

"Okay I kinda lied to you when I said he was just getting me a couple things" Romy says as I look over at her. Damian walks in further and sets the box on the table. I notice holes in the box and a little paw with white fur. I put my hands over my mouth to stop myself from squealing in awe.

Damian opens the box and it shows a small little white kitten. I dont say anything as it jumps out of the box and comes over to me. "I was thinking since when we were younger the only thing that could calm you down was snow, I thought maybe I could get a kitten that looked like her for you."

I move my hands away smiling as I gently lift up the kitten and cradle her to me and laugh as she immediately starts to purr in my arms "Your the best" I say looking up at Damian and hugging him careful not to crush the poor kitten. "Are you going ro name her snow?" Romy asks and I shake my head.

"Only one kitten could ever have that name, this pretty kittiy's name is going to be...hmm" I think looking down at her looking along her fur as I pet her. I notice how small she is knowing that she must have been the runt "Peanut, her name shall be peanut"

I smile as she move up onto my shoulder and stands there meowing. I giggle and pet her head making sure she doesn't fall. "I think that suits her since she was the smallest out of her litter. One of the reasons I picked her for you, shes a little outcast like me and you."

I smile and nod "You know me so well." There was a knock at the door and Romy stood up walking out of the room to answer it. I don't pay attention just focusing on peanut. That is untill I hear "Yes officer I understand but its really best if she stayed here, she has been having problems at home that she would not like to discuss at the moment."

Tears well up in my eyes knowing that my dad called the cops to bring me 'home'. Peanut meows and rubs her head against my cheek. I sigh and set her down on the floor walking out of the room. She follows behind me at a small distance. I calm myself down as I walk up behind Romy "What is going on Romy?'

The officer looks over at me and asks "Are you Alexis?" I nod "Your father called saying that you were refusing to go home." I shake my head keeping up my calm act. "No officer I guess I just forgot my phone at home when I came over here I'll go home right away dont worry."

He nods and leaves, Romy and Damian look at me in disbelief "You're not really going back are you?" Damian asks me and I nod sadly "I have to if I want to keep the police away." I see Damian tighten his fists and noticeably grit his teeth. I sigh and walk up to Damians room packing up the stuff that I brought with me when I ran.

I turn around and see Damian standing in the door way with expressionless look plastered on his face. "You're really going to go aren't you." He doesnt say it as a question but I nod anyway "I dont want you or your mom getting caught up in this. I don't want to stay here knowing that if any of you get killed then its my fault."

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair "Alexis if you go back you might end up like your mom" even though hes trying to say it as gentle as he can I noticeably flinch from his words. "Everyone might be better off having it that way." Knowing that he will continue to try and convince me I walk out past him and nod at Romy before walking out the door.

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