Chapter 22

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Warning this chapter will be triggering read at your own consent.

Alexis's POV

When I wake up in the morning I wake up alone and sigh wishing that Damian could have stayed here with me instead of leaving. I sit up and stretch but then notice the note neatly folded on the pillow beside mine.

I knew it had to be from Damian so I happily picked it up and unfolded.

Baby I wish I didn't have to leave so early, I would have loved to see that adorable little face look up at me when I first opened my eyes. I really am sorry about what happened last night, I want you to know Alex that I would never hurt you or force you to do something just know that. I will see you later hopefully and if not during the day I'll come at the same time I did last night.

I smile after reading but feel a little bad that I made him worry and I knew for a fact he would never hurt me or force me to do something last night just kinda happened by accident I couldn't help it.

I sigh and stand up stretching, it was pretty hot out and I really wanted to change into shorts but I could stand the sight legs and I didn't want my father seeing me with them on since it's too much and he shouldn't be allowed to see because of what he might do, with my memory or not.

I put on my The Amity Affliction playlist as I go on my computer and go on my steam wondering what game I should play. By the time I determine on Undertale my father walks in and I immediately turn off my music.

"What is it Daddy?" I ask keeping my voice calm getting better at being able to hide how I'm feeling from him. He gives me a fake smile but from the look in his eyes hes getting pissed off that I haven't gotten my memories back as far as he knows.

"Sweetheart I wanted you to meet some people and maybe it will help jog your memories back." I nod and stand but I get myself ready knowing that this is gonna be bad since the only people I have ever met here were the guys that paid for time with me.

We walk out with his hand on the small of my back and it takes everything in me not to flinch away. He walks me out to the living room and I was right. There were only four of them and they were from different time frames. The one was a regular ever since I was 10 when my father started buying me off.

I force a smile that looks real "Hello, um who are you guys? Daddy just said you were from my past." The regular lifts an eyebrow since he had never heard me speak but the others were from when I audibly cried with their time with me.

"Oh hun I have been in your life for a while, your father told us you lost your memories and that we could help with that hopefully. " Regular says and I just simply nod and look up at my father who looks annoyed but quickly makes his features nice and sweet.

"May I go back to my room daddy? I don't remember any of them." He clinches his fists behind his back but I notice. "No sweetheart you are going to spend some time with the person that was speaking, the others have to go." The others nod and regular just relaxes in his spot.

I show no hesitation to not let him see anything "Okay daddy but I need to go take a shower first." He simply nods and I walk away to my from and shut my door like I walked in but really I was outside of my room. I silently walk over to where I can listening and not get seen or caught.

"Sorry men I cant do shit with her yet or else I would let you have your time with her." My father says and I crunch up my nose. "Fine your lucky we didn't give you the money first." One says and I hear the other three leave but I know regular is still here.

"Fuck are you sure I cant do anything to her? I'm already hard as shit from her just standing there and acting all innocent I just want to break her down again." Regular says and lets out a disgusted sound. "Don't fucking do that in front of me, either go listen into her damn shower or sit there and think of her while I'm not in here I dont want to watch that."

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