Chapter 16

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Alexis's POV

I walk into the kitchen and see that my father set out plates already. I look up at him and he gives me a heart warming smile. I give a fake one back just so he doesn't catch on that I remember some of the things that hes done to me.

"Come on sweetheart, sit down and eat. You most likely haven't had a proper meal ever since your...attempt." I mentally flinch when I remember that I tried to kill myself. But I wonder, is he the reason why? I keep the thought in mind as I sit down and wait for him to as well.

We make little conversation while we eat and I can tell that eating with me wasnt normal for him because he looked like he wanted to tell me to go away but couldn't. I don't feel at all hungry but eat anyway, I eat quickly so that I can go back to my room and wait for Damian.

"Sweetheart slow down, I know they didn't feed you much but you don't want to choke." He says and lets out a forced laugh. I slow down only a little before finishing and standing up. "I'm gonna wash off my plate and then go back to my room."

He nods and I walk over to the sink and wash my plate before quickly walking to my room and shutting the door. Hands suddenly grab me and cover my mouth before I can scream "Don't worry its just me" Damian whispers into my ear and I relax into his chest.

My head starts pounding like it has every time I've had a memory. I hold my head and my knees give out "Alex what is it?" He says quickly before I loose focus of everything so I cant respond.

I sat at my normal bench at the park getting at least some quiet time before I had to deal with my father. I sigh and look down to my book and continue reading untill I feel someone put their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who?" Damian said in an attempt to make his voice sound deeper. I smiled and lifted my hands and moved his away from my eyes before turning my head and looking up at him. I give him a look that says that he didn't scare me.

He pouts before sitting down beside me "Oh come on Alexis I really didn't scare you at all?" I shake my head with a smile stuck on my face. I always have a true smile on my face when I'm around him unlike the fake one I use at school.

He sighs dramatically "Oh whatever shall I do? I cant even scare my pink headed best friend." I roll my eyes and lightly push him almost making him fall off the bench. Sadly he catches himself before he can "Hey that wasn't very nice." He says and then gets an evil smile on his face.

I can tell that I gave him a look that says oh no because his grin grows and then I suddenly get picked up and thrown over his shoulder. I slap his back as a way to ask what he was doing. "Dont worry, you like swimming right Alexis?" My eyes widen as I realize that hes heading to the lake.

I struggle in his grip and slap his back again trying to get him to let go. "Fat chance, you don't push the great Damian and get away with it." I pout and keep struggling. He stands on the dock and goes to throw me in put I grab onto his hood quickly right as he lets go and he falls in with me.

I resurface as he does and gives me a look that looks like hes just done. I burst out laughing at his face as I pull myself up onto the dock. He grabs my legs and pulls me back in "Nope you're staying."

I raise my eyebrow as if I'm asking if he really thinks he can stop me. "Hey its worth a shot." I giggle before splashing him and getting out with him following. I look down at my wet clothes once we get back to the bench and huff. My eyes widen and I pat my pockets before seeing my phone on the bench and letting out a big sigh of relief.

"Ah man my phone." Damian says and I look back to see his phone soaking wet. I stick my tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes "Yea yea, I know karmas a bitch." I smile and we both just sit down waiting for our clothes to dry at least somewhat.

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