Chapter 11

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Alexis's POV

I open my eyes to a very bright and dull room. I look around and see machines hooked up to me, I stand up and look down at the bed in surprise and confusion. Its me but my arm is in a cast and a bandage is wrapped around my head.

I hesitantly reach out and try to touch my face but my hand goes right through. I jump back freaking out. "What is going on? Am I dead?" I look up at the heart monitor and see its not a flat line so I am still alive but why am I outside my body.

I hear the door open and see a doctor walk in "Uh hello?" He completely ignores me "Hello, yo im right here!" He ignores me again and I try to touch him but just like when I tried to touch my face, my hand goes right through.

"He can't hear you, no one can besides me" I turn around quickly and see a girl in a hospital gown with red and black hair. "What do you mean? Why am I outside my body? " She walks up to me with a sad look "Your in a coma but only a temporary one. I don't exactly know why we are here but I have called this inbetween world limbo. You aren't dead but you're not exactly alive."

I sit in the chair after the doctor leaves and am confused when I don't go through it "Why am I not dead?" I ask knowing for sure that the jump would have killed me. "I don't know what you did to think that you shouldn't be alive but all I know is that you were saved by this one guy that is always sitting next to you."

I stand back up quickly knowing for sure that it was Damian "Wait does he have a bunch of tattoos and blue hair?" She nods. "He has been sitting there non stop crying. A lady that I think was his mom came in not too long ago to make him eat something in the cafeteria. " I feel so horrible but also angry that he saved me. Untill finally fear since they must have called my father.

I look over at my body wanting so bady to make me die. I was so close to leaving and now im stuck in this fucking limbo world untill I wake up. I cover my face as I try to cry but can't for some odd reason. "I'm sorry, why are you here anyway what happend?" I look up and see her walking over to the clip board on the table next to my bed. "Attempted suicide? Funny, thats what I did."

She looks over at me and takes my hand making me stand up "Alexis, thats a pretty name, how about we go for a walk around the hospital and we can tell each other why we did it." I reluctantly nod and we walk out of my room.

"I guess ill go first to get you to trust me. I had an abusive boyfriend and he wouldn't let me leave. He would beat me non stop and would force me to have sex with him. Eventually I thought killing myself was a way out so I toke a whole bottle of pain killers along with cutting my wrists trying to make sure I would die.

"But sadly my boyfriend 'saved me' and I have been in a coma for a few months now. Truthfully I really hope that I dont wake up" She sighs and shakes her head looking over at me "Well thats why I did it, whats your story?" I scratch at my arns but dont feel the pain that I would normally have which frustrates me.

"You never told me your name" I say trying to get off the subject scared to say anything. "Ash, and don't worry you can tell me. I wont remember if I wake up anyway and neither will you, they never do."

I take a deep breath and tell her everything from when my mom was murdered to when I jumped off the bridge. She didn't interrupt me once bit she did look at me in plain shock. "Wow I understand why you wanted to end your life.

"But I hope you wake up just because you're a survivor. You had made it this far and this Damian kid made it so you had a second chance. That asshole father of yours will get put in prison and you wont have to deal with him again."

I run my fingers through my hair absolutely hating this. She still doesn't understand that I will never be fully rid of him but I decide to just stay quiet about it. We walk back to my room and I see Damian sitting in the chair holding one of my hands.

He looks so broken, I look over and see that Ash was gone probably assuming that I would want to be alone with him. I walk over slowly and sit in front of him looking at his features. "Please let me go, you would have a better life without me dragging you down" I whisper to him even though I know he cant hear me.

"Alexis I cant loose you, you mean too much to me. Please wake up I need you" He sobs and kisses my hand holding it close. I put my hand over his and lightly squeeze it thinking that he wont feel it. His head looks up at my actual face searching for a sign that my eyes are open "Alexis please do that again if you can hear me"

I squeeze his hand again now noticing that when I do that my actual hand follows my movements but only slightly. His eyes light up and he holds onto my hand tighter "Please wake up soon we miss you and it breaks my heart to see you like this" I sigh and feel myself get exhausted weirdly enough and everything goes black.


Sorry for another cliff hanger but I didn't really know how to stop the chapter.

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