Chapter 6

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Alexis's POV

I groan in annoyance and confusion. I flop on my back "But why? Its not fair!" Damian pats my head nodding "Yes yes I agree." I sit back up and turn the tv off. "But I wanted to know what it was."

He shrugs and chuckles "I don't know if they ever show Sebastian' s true form but I dont think so." I groan again and flop back down. "Its just not fair I mean all they showed was his heels and the eyes."

Damian starts running his hand in my hair but I think he does it subconsciously sometimes because it seems like he doesnt even know hes doing it.(spoilers if you havent seen this part of Black Butler yet) " Yea but at least that angel bitch is dead".

I nod agreeing (end of spoiler). We just sit in silence and I let my mind wonder. For some reason I remember about the kiss and I sit up. "Damian? Why did you kiss me earlier?" I notice him stiffen and look away from me.

"I dont know I felt like it would give you some comfort or something like that." He says softly and I look down. I dont know what to say I have never delt with this before. He looks back over at me and leans in closely.

"Did you like it?" I bite my lip and nod slightly feeling a little nervous. He keeps his hand in my hair but leans in closer giving me time to pull away. But I don't, when his lips are against mine I close my eyes and kiss him back.

I have always liked him but I thought it was only one way. He pulls back and leans his forehead against mine. I feel my sleeve being lifted and I look down seeing hes doing it.

He lifts my arm and starts kissing my cuts and scars. "Alexis you are too beautiful to do this to yourself. But even with these all over your body I will still think that you are the most beautiful girl."

My eyes start tearing up and I slowly pull my arms away from his hands and wrap them around him. He pulls me close to him and we sit there in silence again. I go back into a deep thought and I scared from where me and Damian stand now.

I want to find out but I am unsure of what the answer might be. I dont say anything instead I let my eyes wonder up to look at his perfect face, his hair, even the tattoos that are all over his body. I have always loved his tattoos he got them a few years ago.

"Do you enjoy the veiw?" I snap out of my thoughts and blush but I turn my head away so he cant see it. He chuckles and tilts my head back up "Dont hide your blushes they are too cute."

"Where do we stand on our friendship?" His smile goes away slightly as he thinks "Where do you want us to stand because if you want to just stay the way we were than thats fine. " I bite my lip which I do alot when I get nervous or something.

"I want us to be more than that" his smile grows bigger and he leans in close "Okay then, will you please be my girlfriend? " I smile and nod as he kisses me. I kiss him back and then stand up.

"I need to take a shower so I kinda need a towel." He smirks and lifts an eyebrow. "But the bathroom is just across the hall you dont need to have one." I roll my eyes and slap his chest as I go on a hunt for a towel.

"Hey Romy?"(Damian's mom) I walk into the living room and my eyes widened at the person sitting next to her. I hide behind the wall since it seems like she didn't hear me. I totally forgot about that guy that was here when Damian let me in. I now recognize him as one of the guys that raped me earlier.

But its been hours wouldn't he have left by now. I need to act like nothing happened between me and that guy. I never thought that a disgusting guy like him would be friends with her. And only this morning was he violating me.

I take a deep breathe and put on a fake smile as I walk into the living room. "Hey Romy where are the towels? Damian was not really being much of a help." The guy looks at me surprised but then wipes the look away.

"Yes ill go get you one and Alexis this is Travis, Travis Alexis." We nod to each other as she leaves to go get me a towel. "Dont you dare even say anything." I say softly to him so only he can hear me.

He snears at me "Fuck you bitch ill say what I want, like this are you still sore because if not Ill buy you for the hour again." I clench my fists and try to do a growl thing I could do when I was younger.

I can still do it and I smirked when he looked at me freaked out "Did he ever tell you that I was under age that im 17" he looks at me in surprise and gets a little nervous looking.

"Heres your towel Alexis, I hope you and Travis got along." I put on a fake smile and take it from her. "Thank you Romy" I leave the room before anything else is said. I stop in my tracks as I realise that he might go to my father with that information.

He might even tell my father where I am and where the hell am I getting this confidence to stand up to people? I walk into the bathroom and take my shower thinking of what I am supposed to to now.

I notice some on the pink dye in my hair washes away and I note that I need to re-dye it. I go to grab bodywash untill I see an evil little son of a bitch. I scream and jump out wrapping a towel around me.

Damian slams the door open and looks at me "What! Whats going on!" I point towards that shower "Theres a demon from hell in there" he sighs and walks over to the shower. He takes the shower head and washes the little ass down the drain.

"I don't understand why you are so scared of spiders." His eyes travel along my body and fill with sadness. I feel uncomfortable and sad as he looks at me like that. I clear my throat "Um Damian can you leave now?"

He blinks and nods "Yea sorry get back to your shower." I bite my lip and wait for him to close the door behind him. Damn it he saw my other ones. I have some on my stomach but he is never going to be able to see those.

I get back to my shower thinking about how ugly and fat I am. He was probably starting to take back the things he said about me being beautiful. Who am I kidding? I will never even be cute how could I ever be beautiful.

I sigh and continue my shower.

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