Chapter 7

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Alexis's POV

I wrap the towel around me and go into Damian's room so I can get some clothes. I look around first in case he is in there. The coast is clear and I walk in and go to my bags. "Hey Alexis I want take you somewhere. "

I freeze when he walks in half because im in a towel and also aboit what he just said. "W-where?" I stutter still surprised. "Its a secret but put on something nice. If you need help with finding something then you can check my sister old room."

"Okay when are we leaving?" I am still surprised but it is starting to wear off now. "When you are ready"I nod and walk past him blushing slightly since I only have my towel on still. I go into his sisters room and head to the closet.

She is gone to college right now but she always thought of me as a sister and would let me wear her clothes all the time. So I know she wont mind if I wear anything of hers. Me and her have always had somewhat the same taste in clothing so I am not horrified when I open the closet.

I pull out a pretty black dress that reaches my knees. But since I have cuts and scars all along my legs I get out a pair of tights. I pull out a pair of boots since all I brought with me were slippers. I go back into the bathroom and I straighten my hair. I go and search for Damian since I am done getting ready.

"Damian im ready!" I call out when hes not in his room. I walk downstairs and find him in the kitchen. "Hey" he turns around and he smiles "You look so beautiful. Come on lets go, bye mom!" We hear her say bye from upstairs and we walk outside.

He takes my hand in his and laces our fingers together. I stay quiet like I normally do but not out of fear, I just dont really have anything to say. "Dont go quiet on me again or I swear I will lay on the ground crying right now" I laugh and look up at Damian "I'm not going quiet again I just dont know what to talk about."

He nods his head in understanding "Yea, but im surprised that you arent annoying me about where we are going." I smile and slightly swing our intertwined hands. "Well no matter what I do you will never tell me so there is no point in asking over and over."

He smirks and pulls me closer to him as we walk "Glad you're now catching on." I roll my eyes but continue to smile still excited about where we are going. We walk up to a nice restaurant and I start to get shy and unwanted when we walk in and people give me looks.

Damian lightly squeezes my hand knowing that im getting kinda scared. We walk up to the hostess and Damian speaks up. "Hello I have a reservation under Alexander" I get kinda confused since that is not his last name but I stay quiet for the moment.

She smiles and nods as she brings us to our table. I look up at Damian when she leaves, but before I can say anything he speaks up "My dad was best friends with the owner and after he found out what happened to my dad he said that if I ever needed something to come to him." He said this with a sad smile and I squeeze his hand lightly.

"I am still really sorry for what happened with your dad." He starts to rub his thumb over mine but I can tell that hes doing this subconsciously. "At least hes in a better place." At that moment our waiter walks up. "Hello my name is Vincent I will be your server tonight, are you ready to order?"

I start to get nervous since the only person I have talked to ever since I first spoke after so long was Damian and his mom. Damian looks at me asking if I was ready and I nod. "Well I would like to have the chicken parm and a Pepsi. " The waiter nods and then looks at me.

I look down at my lap and say softly "I would like the Alfredo and a sweet tea" Thankfully he heard me and I dont look back up untill I know he walked away. I look up at Damiam and see he has a somewhat pissed off look on his face.

I lool at him confused "What did I do?" I ask scared that I somehow messed up. He looks at me in shock hearing how scared I was in my voice. "No Alexis its not you I just... nevermind." He mumbles but I know that something is wrong and I dont want it to ruin anything.

"Damian please tell me" he sighs and runs his thumb over my own "It was they way he kept looking at you. I didnt like it." He admits and looks down. I feel a smile spread across my face and I lean over the table giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Is someone jealous? " I ask teasing him.

A slight blush crosses his cheeks and I can tell that he was trying to hide it when he covers his face "No. Yes. No. I dont know" I giggle "You dont need to be I only want to be with you." He sighs and the waiter comes back with our food and drinks. I look up and he winks at me.

I feel Damian tighten his grip slightly on my hand. "Do you need anything else?" He looks only at me when he says this and I shake my head. "No WE dont need anything else thank you." I say sweetly. He looks at Damian and rolls his eyes before walking away. "I didn't think your sass would come back you little sass queen."

I laugh and lean back smiling "Oh please we all know that the true sass queen is Gerard" he chuckles and shakes his head. We start to eat in a comfortable silence even though the waiter seems to like to intrupt to flirt with me some more even though I made it a point that im not interested.

We finish eating and Damian asks for the check before the waiter leaves. "I hate that guy so much I swear" Damian says looking like he wants to punch the guy in the face. I sigh and get an idea and grab a piece of paper and start writing a number on it. "What are you doing?" He asks as I write "call me" on it.

"Dont worry you know its not my actual number. Its my grandmas number, I want  him to know that he cant do that type of stuff " Damian laughs knowing how my grandma gets when random people try to call her. The waiter brings the check and asks once again if I need anything else. I roll my eyes and once again say no. He leaves and I put the number in with the money.

We stand and leave hand in hand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We get back to the house and I have a big smile on my face not thinking about the past years of my life at the moment. We walk inside and I see that guy has left, I sigh in relief and then smile awkwardly when Damian gives me a weird look.

I shrug "I need to talk to my mom real quick okay?" He says and I nod and let go of his hand walking upstairs to his room. I change out of the dress into pjs and one of his hoodies because im too lazy to get my own. I go onto Netflix and put Black Butler since we finished the first season.

Damian walks in and gasps in fake hurt "You started it without me? Why are you so cruel?" He asks as he puts the back of his hand against his forehead dramatically.  I laugh and shrug "You were taking too long and I was getting inpatient. "

He rolls his eyes and aits down next to me raising an eyebrow "Is that my hoodie?" I smile and snuggle in it "Why yes it was but not anymore." I stick my tongue out at him. He smiles and wraps his arm around me. "What did you need to talk to your mom about?"

He shrugs and shakes his head "Dont worry about it nothing important." I shrug and we watch tv for the rest of the night.


Im sorry that I haven't updated in a while I just haven't had the passion to write in a while but I will try to update more often.

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