Chapter 12

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Alexis's POV

My eyes open again and I look down hoping that I'm actually awake and not still in limbo. I frown seeing that I have no luck and stand up. "You were moving too much so you blacked out for a couple days, you should be waking up soon."

I look over at the door and see Ash. "What do you mean? I was moving around just fine." She sighs seeming to have gave this explanation too many times. "Not your limbo body, your actual body. You were communicating with Damian by squeezing his hand and you may not think so but that takes alot of energy."

I nod now understanding "Squeezing someone's hand a little like that really takes that much energy?" She walks over and looks down at my body. "Yeah especially because you only have a small case and you have less energy than most"

Damian comes in and I see its really early "Hes been coming the minute visiting hours start and puts up a fight when he has to leave." I walk up and stand in front of him as he takes my hand again. "Hi Alexis, I'm so happy that you're able to hear me. Now when you wake up there will be someone here to ask you questions about your father "

My eyes widen and I step back a little "He didn't " I whisper to myself as I continue to listen to him. "I know you said not to say anything but they say your self harm scars and the bruises that he left on you. So I told them the truth" The look on his face says that he knows that when I wake up I'm gonna hurt him. "Good move" Ash says quietly trying to make her voice low.

I glare at her and she puts her hands up in surrender "Hey I'm just stating my opinion. He made a good move, you're never gonna get away from that fucktard if you keep this to yourself forever." I sigh and shake my head hating that they dont get it. Killing myself was the only escape from him that I had.

I all of a sudden drop to the ground my head feeling like its going to explode. "Why does it hurt so much?" I say whimpering a little thinking that I wasn't supposed to feel pain in limbo. I feel so light headed and I cant see "You're waking up but I think there may be some complications" thats the last thing I hear Ash say before blacking out again.

Damian's POV

I know shes gonna be mad and I hope she remembers what I said when she wakes up. I lay my forehead on her bed closing my eyes for a second just to have them shoot open again when I feel movement on the bed.

I sit up quickly and see her shifting around. Eventually she opens her eyes "Why is it so bright?" I feel so happy and relieved to hear her voice and chuckle a little since of course thats the first thing she says.

She looks at me quickly with a confused look "Who are you?" My heart just drops and my smile slips away from my face. "Alexis, it's me Damian. Do you really not remember me?" She shakes her head and pulls her hand away from mine looking uncomfortable. "Uh no sorry, should I remember you?"

I stand with tears in my eyes "Yes, we've known each other ever since we were little kids. We even started dating a couple days ago." She gets a really guilty look on her face "I feel so bad, I'm sorry that I don't remember you. I don't even remember why I'm here."

I turn and start walking out "Ill go get the doctor. "

Alexis's POV (sorry for the perspective changes every two seconds)

I watch the Damian guy leave and feel horrible. He was my boyfriend? God I must have been so lucky to get him yet I don't remember him. A doctor comes in with a nurse but no Damian. "Alexis I would like to do a few tests to see something, is that alright?" I nod wanting to know why I cant remember him or anyone for that mattter.

(I dont know how these tests work so I'm just gonna skip over it)


"Well Alexis it looks like you have temporary amnesia, you should get your memories back in a few months" I look up a little surprised but at least that explains why I can't remember Damian. "Why am I here?" I ask since they never told me. It must have been pretty bad because I broke my arm and the amnesia.

The doctor hesitates for a moment "You made a suicide attempt, you lost alot of blood due to hitting your head and breaking your arm. If it wasn't for that boy then you would be dead." I look at him shocked "Why would I try to kill myself?"

"We don't know yet, but we think it may be becaude of your self harm and the bruises all over your lower and upper body." I get so confused as to why I would cut myself. Theres not much help in that right?

"Doctor we would like to bring in a few people to see if she remembers anything." He nods and Damian walks in along with a women that looks like shes in her mid 40s. Also my dad and I smile happy that I at least remember him.

"Do you recognize any of these people?" Damian seems to be sending a death glare at my dad and that makes me very confused. "Well I remember my dad thankfully." He smiles at me heart warmingly and Damian looks at me in disbelief.

"Do you remember me?" The women asks and frown shaking my head "No I'm sorry, are you my mom?" I swear I see my dads expression turn into a glare for a second but when I look back he has that smile on his face again.

"No sweety I'm not your mom, she died a long time ago but you always treated me as if I was your mom. I'm Damian's mom" I nod since that explains why she says I was so close to her if me and Damian had been friends since we were kids.

"You guys need to leave since I would like Alexis to rest since shes been through alot" the doctor herds them out and Damian is glaring at my dad which I'm still very confused about. "Doctor if you don't mind I would like to talk with my daughter since she seems to remember me."

He nods allowing him to stay "No! You scumbag, stop acting innocent!" Damian yells suddenly. He pushes his way back into the room and stands next to my bed as if hes a wall blocking my dad. "You've done more harm than good her entire life now fuck off!" His mom storms in and grabs him quickly making him leave.

I just sit there very very confused wishing that I could remember.

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