Chapter 17

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Alexis's POV

I wake up to a really bright room and close my eyes right away to shield them from the light. I reopen them and blink a few times before sitting up and stretching. The curtains were open so the sun shined brightly in the room making me groan.

I stand and stretch again and groan again when I see myself in the mirror, my hair was all over the place and my shirt was all messed up. I walk straight into the bathroom and take a shower and brushing me teeth, the normal things that you do in the morning.

I was listening to Let Go by Ghost Town when I got a text. I saw that it was Damian

Get ready to go we are going to visit that Ash girl

I text back a simple okay and fixed my hair since I was already dressed. Not long after my father walks in "Damian is here." He says with somewhat of an annoyed tone. I nod not really looking at him or else my face might betray the disgust that I have for the man. "Okay tell him to just come to my room." I reply and he doesnt respond, just walks out.

A few seconds later arms wrap around my waist and I get lifted "Boo!" I let out a sound like a Chihuahua getting kicked. (Mean sounding I know but its what I came up with and I made the same sound when a friend did it to me the other day.) Laughter erupts from Damian and I turn around and playfully punch his arm.

"That was not funny!" I say and playfully glare at him. He ends up falling to the ground in laughter and I just cross my arms and shake my head letting out a sigh. After he finally calms down he takes deep breathes and stands back up.

"Now that was fucking funny as hell." He says letting out another chuckle. I roll my eyes "Shut up, now come on before I end up doing something that will have you begging." I dont realize how sexual that sounded untill after the words leave my mouth.

"I actually think I would love for you to make me beg." Damians says with a chuckle. My face burns bright red and I throw a pillow at his face before leaving my room and walking outside. "I think you would like that too!" He calls out from behind me.

My face heats up even more as I say nothing and we walk outside and onto the sidewalk. "You're such a dumbass." I say shaking my head. He chuckles again and takes my hand in his as we walk. I surprises me a bit and I look up at him in surprise. He realizes what he did and goes to let go seemingly afraid that I may be uncomfortable but I gently tighten my grip around his hand before I can and smile widely.

He does also and we just walk hand in hand in silence to the hospital. It just now dawns on me that they will ask how I know Ash when in reality I don't really know. Oh well ill just say I'm a friend and hopefully they will let me see her. (Again I dont really know how these things work so just roll with it.)

We walk up to the hospital and go inside, we walk up to the front desk of the unit where they have the coma patients. "Excuse me but im here to see Ashley..." I think back trying to remember her last name from the clip borad. "Costello, Ashley Costello." The front desk person nods and says we can go to her room.

Ash's POV

I had just woken up from the exhaustion I had from squeezing Alexis's hand yesterday and was surprised when I saw the girl herself walk into my room. I notice that she had that boy Damain with her and that they were holding hands. I smile knowing that hes good for her.

"Where do you think you know her from?" Damian asks and she shrugs as she walks over to the chair beside me bed and sits down with Damian standing next to her. "I dont know but I just do somehow, maybe its the fact that she also tried to commit suicide that makes me want to help her. I may not remember all the details of why I tried to but I know it takes alot for a person to try and end their lives."

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