Chapter 10

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This chapter is dedicated to JinxxMonroe a friend of mine because she gave me the idea on how to continue this story.


Damian's POV

"Alexis!" I desperately try to run over to her to save her but the second I get over to her its too late. She was already in the water.

I rip off my hoodie and jump over the side of the bridge into the part of the water without all the rocks. I quickly swim over to where she fell and search for her going under the water. I see her under the water floating down and desperately swim after her and grab her around the waist.

I swim back up and see her bleeding very badly from her temple "Please dont die Alexis, I cant be without you. " I keep her head above the water as I swim to shore "Help! Somebody please!" I see a car stop and a man run out "What happened?!" I get to shore with Alexis close to me "Please just call 911!"

I set her down on her back and take off my shirt putting pressure against her head so that the bleeding wil stop. I notice her arm is twisted in a way that it shouldn't be and see there was even more blood pooling around it. I put my head to her chest to see if shes still breathing. To my relief she is and I hold her close to me still holding my shirt to her head.

The man runs up to us. "Okay I called 911 they are going to be here as soon as possible. What happend to her? Why was she in the water?"I can hardly respond because of the sobs "S-she jumped" is all I can get out.

Nothing else is said as the guy waits by the side of the road waiting for the ambulance to come. I hear sirens but dont look up as paramedics run up "Son we need you to let go of her so we can put her on the stretcher." I stand up picking Alexis up bridal style and setting her on the stretcher before very reluctantly letting her go.

I follow them but then get stopped by police that I didn't know were here yet "I'm sorry but you have to stay over here" I struggle trying to follow needing to be with her to make sure shes okay. "No no no please let me go with her I need to make sure shes okay."

They pull her in and close the back doors "You can follow in the police car." I nod desperately and quickly run over and get in the car. They quickly pull out and I see them grabbing my hoodie and Alexis's as we follow behind the ambulance. "Please be okay, dont die on me you just cant" I whisper to myself.

We drive up to the hospital right behind the ambulance and I get out just as they are bringing Alexis out and rolling her inside. I follow right beside the stretcher holding her hand hopeing that shes still breathing.

I get stopped again and it really irritates me almost making me push right past them "Sir you can't go back there! You have to wait in the waiting room. Is there anyone that can come and give us medical information? "

I watch as Alexis is pushed past some doors into a place where I cant be with her and it just pains me. "Please sir come with me, do you know the girl?" I nod as I reluctantly follow the nurse or receptionist whatever the hell she is into the waiting room.


My mom had burst through the doors about ten minutes after she had gotten a call that Alexis was in the hospital. I filled her in on what had happend and she pulled me into a hug.

It had been an hour since then and it has felt like a day since they still weren't fucking telling us anything. "Is there anyone here for Alexis Greene?" I hear a man call out and jump to my feet along with my mom.

I don't get a chance to say anything since my mom speaks first "We are, is there anything that you can tell us about Alexis's condition?" Her voice sounds so desperate but im sure mine would sound the exact same way.

"Well Alexis had broke her arm and hit her head which made it so she lost alot of blood from hitting the rocks and she isn't waking up. We believe that she is in a mini coma( dont quote me on these things because I really dont know much about medical things like this im just guessing) but- " I end up interrupting him.

"What?! How long is she going to be out for? " I ask and he stays calm "But we believe it will only be for a few days since it was very mild. I am sure that she will wake up just not for a little while"

I sit back down and hold my head feeling like im going to pass out. "Also we found some self inflicted scars and cuts on her body along with bruises on her inner thighs and entire upper body. Would you have anything to know about this?"

Knowing that this is my chance to finally put that fucker in prison I tell the truth "Yes its her father, he has been selling her for sex and abusing her. She asked me not to say anything but I was planning to anyway" I know Alexis wouldn't want this but someone has to know.

The docter looks shocked yet nods "I will call a social worker so that they may question you further on the subject. But also one of you are allowed to go into the room you may choose but you have to leave when the nurse says"

I look over at my mom and she nods sitting back down. I step forward "Her room is 373" I nod and say thank you before quickly walking past him and walking to her room. I stop and put my hand on the handle getting ready for the worst possible thing.

I open the door and see her hooked up to a bunch of machines with her head wrapped and her arm in a cast. I choke back a sob as I sit in a chair thats next to the side of her uninjured arm and take her hand in mine.

"Please wake up, Alexis I love you I cant be without you" I keep her hand in mine as I lay my head down on her bed letting out quiet sobs.

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