09 Ice Cream is the solution

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Warning for swearing

Thanks to FanofChrisCMaxA1 for spell checking

Ice Cream is the solution

"Porcelain my office now." The voice of one Sue Sylvester sounded over the school speakers, halfway through the morning.

All eyes in Mrs. Greenwald English class turned to the Head Cheerio in the last row, who groaned.

'Maybe if I pretend that I did not hear her' Kurt thought, but as soon as he thought it, Sue's voice came over the speakers once more. "And don't even think about ignoring me."

"For god's sake Kurt go" said Mrs. Greenwald with narrow eyes.

With an apologizing smile, Kurt grabbed his things and got up.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Greenwald."

"It's not your fault Kurt" said the English teacher and released Kurt with a nod.

He quickly left and hurried down the hallway.

Why couldn't she just let him be for one second?

Without knocking he entered the office of the unofficial ruler over McKinley High.

"You wanted to see me coach?"

Sue Sylvester was sitting in her usual tracksuit behind her desk with a bottle of one of her gross drinks in hand.

"Nice of you to finally join me Head Porcelain. For your tardiness I should let you do sit ups with me on top while I'm talking to you but since I'm in a good mood today you may sit" she announced and pointed to one of the two chairs in front of her desk.

"Why are you in a good mood?" asked Kurt with a fake smile while he sat down. After becoming Head Cheerleader, Kurt had learned soon that showing emotions with Sue was a sign of weakness. Whenever someone was talking to Sue it was best to keep the face blank. And Kurt had gotten quiet good in covering his annoyance with the coach.

Sue sat down her bottle and smiled her crazy smile which was only reserved for things that had to do with Will Shuester.

"I may have found Shuester's hair gel and replaced it with actual butter" the coach said with a mean gleam in her eyes.

Kurt tried to keep his fake smile intact but it turned into a grimace. This woman was crazy.

"Anyway" continued Sue. "This is not why I wanted to see my Head Porcelain. Any news on butt chin and this ridiculous group of his?"

Mentally groaning, Kurt closed his eyes before he answered "No, not since the last time you asked me."

"What about the song list for Nationals?" Sue stood up. "I heard Shue gave them to you."

Well that was fast. Even for Fabray. Mr. Shue had given them the song list only yesterday afternoon. The bitch must have phoned Sue yesterday.

"Oh yes he did" said Kurt, trying to think hastily a way out. For one thing he did not want to sell Glee Club but on the other hand he did not want to lose his position as Head Cheerio either.

"Yes?" Sue was now standing right in front of him and fixed him with an imperious gaze.

"He did but he had told me that he may switch songs" Kurt lied without even flinching.

"What?" Sue asked slightly startled.

"He had said nothing was set in stone yet and if somebody came up with a brilliant song choice, he would change songs."

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