03 Setting things right

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Warning: Talk of suicide, bullying and child abuse

Don't read if it bothers you.

Setting things right

Kurt had known it. He'd known he would lose it. He should have never gone. It was all the fault of this stupid Anderson and his even stupider boyfriend.

'I don't have a boyfriend. Nobody wants me' Anderson had said but Kurt didn't believe it. He didn't believe a single word which had come out of the nerd's mouth.

He, Kurt, should be Blaine's boyfriend. Not some buttboy who hurt Blaine…but wait a second.

What if Blaine liked it?

What if Blaine was into those things?

What if he had pieces of latex clothing and a whip in his wardrobe?

All those things were swirling around in Kurt's head as he slammed his locker shut and leant against it. Blaine Anderson would never be into those things. No. He was just a shy innocent nerd. Nothing more. But still waters could run deep. What did he actually know about Blaine anyway? Only that he was a geek and into bow ties for some bizarre reason. And that he was cute and made Kurt heart beats faster but honestly this was like nothing.

Kicking the locker with his heels he made his way to the parking lot. The idea of Blaine being into something as whips and stuff had cooled him down enough to see that he'd screwed up again. And this time big.

How was it that he always lost it around Blaine? Even when he tried to hold it together he ended up hurting him.

'Because YOU are screwed up' said Kurt's inner voice. 'You are afraid to let someone in again.'

Kurt slowly walked to his car, blinking away the tears. No. He wasn't going to cry about of Blaine or his own miserable past. At least not here where he could run into one of the other popular kids. When things like that happened, he wished his former best friend was with him but he had pushed her away long ago.

He tried to blind out all of it but he simply couldn't hold the memories back any longer.

Before he became head of the cheerios, hell even before he became a part of the squad, he used to be bullied so hard that he'd tried to commit suicide.

It had been a Thursday. Kurt remembered it far too well. Karofsky had pushed him inside the boys locker room, kissed him and slushied him in the end. After that Karofsky had treated to kill him, if Kurt would say a word to anyone.

When Kurt had gotten inside the bathroom, trying to get the taste of that Neanderthal out of his mouth, he had found a metal staple on the floor. He had picked it up and began to cut himself with it. He'd cut until the blood was floating down his hand and dripping inside the sink. Just as he had been sure he was about to hit a vein, Mercedes Jones had stormed inside the bathroom and saved him.

Ever since that day they had been friends, even best friends, but when Kurt got into cheerleading, only to his own protection he started to push her away but when he became head he cut her off completely. He'd just walked away from her, never texted her back, he'd just totally ignored her presents. At first Mercedes had tried to win him back, she did everything, she even joined the cheerios for a short time but after time went on, she started to try less and in the end she too ignored him.

Mercedes had often asked him why. The answer was simple. He just didn't want to take a risk in losing his newly reputation just by talking to her or any of the unpopular kids.

Kurt knew that it was unfair and even cruel but he would never go back to being bullied again.


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