05 Like a mine field

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For Amelia

Like a mine field

'Kurt? Can I ask you something?' Blaine asked when Ariel was about to trade her voice for legs, so she could be with the love of her life. 'Uhm. Yeah, sure' answered Kurt, turning his attention from the now human Ariel to the curly headed boy next to him on the bed. He sat there with his legs crossed, fiddling with the shirt Kurt had given him and in which he looked so sexy that it should have been forbidden. Glasses and all.

Kurt quickly shook his head and said 'Spill it out Blaine.' Blaine looked uncertain at Kurt and it seemed like he was gathering every bit of courage which he had for his question. Finally he asked 'Why did you bully me?'

Shit. Kurt had known that at some point Blaine would have asked this question but he had hoped it wouldn't be this early. He knew he owned Blaine an explanation but if he now told him the truth, he would destroy everything and he had no interest in doing so.

'I know that maybe you don't want to talk about it… but I think you sort of owe me the truth…you said you…you wanted to be my friend…and…which I still can't believe…and friends tell each other everything…and…and trust each other…but you know…I don't know if I can trust you I mean…don't get me wrong…you…you seem like a nice guy apart from the fact that…you spent every day making my life a living hell…and I'm talking too much again…sorry.' Blaine somehow managed to mumble all that, despite his nervousness. He kept his eyes on his hands which were still playing with the fabric of his shirt, not even glancing at Kurt.

Inside of Kurt was a mix of emotions. On one hand he found all of Blaine's mumbling totally adorable and gosh this boy was all in all the meaning of adorable but it hurt that Blaine felt this way. Sure it was foolish to believe that Blaine would welcome him with open arms, it took time but Kurt never was a patient guy. Kurt sighed and stopped Blaine's monologue by saying 'I was jealous of you.'

'What?' asked Blaine puzzled. 'Why would someone like YOU be jealous of someone like ME? You are the head cheerio. Popular. Everybody likes you and most people are happy when you just look at them, notice them and I…I'm just the school hobbit who has no friends at the school and who everybody seems to hate.'

'Don't Blaine' Kurt whispered feeling despicable. 'Don't say that about yourself.'

'Why not?' asked Blaine with a hard look. 'Everybody else does and if I'm not mistaken you started the name 'school hobbit', didn't you?' Looking down, Kurt nodded slowly.

'I'm so sorry Blaine.'

'Don't be sorry. It's done now. I don't think just because you are sorry, the whole school will stop calling me hobbit. Just tell me why on earth you would be jealous of me.' His voice, still nothing more than a soft whisper, Kurt said 'You have better grades then me.'

'Sorry?' Blaine's eyes widened and slowly morphed into an angry expression. 'You are kidding right?' he asked and Kurt could hear he was trying to keep his voice calm but was falling miserably.


'You want to know why I get such good grades and why I apparently have no trouble in class? Do you have any idea? No of course not!'

'I'm sorry…'

'Oh just cut that Hummel' hissed Blaine. Kurt inhaled sharply. He'd never seen Blaine this angry. Hell he'd never seen Blaine angry. Only this mute boy who swallowed everything people had thrown at him but everybody has a point where everything becomes too much and then people explode. And Blaine was ready to explode.

Like a mine field.

'You know when I told my parents that I was gay, they, especially my dad, were ready to kick me out and disown me. That was when I was 13! 13!' Angry tears were floating down his cheeks. Oh gods, why was it always that Blaine cried when he was around?

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