04 Behind the bow ties

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Warnings: Talk about child abuse

04 Behind the bow ties

'Come on in Blaine' said Kurt while he was holding the door to his home open.

For Kurt it was the perfect house. It has been his save haven when the bullying got too much and the people inside were the ones he cared most about. But recently his save haven has turned too small.

After Kurt's Dad, Burt Hummel, had started dating Carol Hudson, a charming woman and mother of the quarterback Finn, she and her son had plans to move in with them and the house was only built for Kurt and his father. Not for two grown-ups and two teenagers.

At the moment Burt and his soon-to-be-wife were looking for a new home which had enough room for all of them and wasn't too far away from Burt's tire shop.

In the mean time they switched between the houses. Either Carol spent the weekend at the Hummel house or Burt at the Hudson's.

Kurt, for one, really liked Carol.

He had been 8 when his mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer and died a few months after.

Naturally Kurt was glad to have a mother again who took him out to shopping and with whom he could spend hours talking about the newest trends. Kurt just wished they could keep the house but you can't always get what you want.

'Blaine?' Kurt asked the boy who was still standing outside and didn't seem like he knew what he should do. 'I promise you, you are save here' Kurt said while gently taking Blaine's hand and slowly pulling him inside. 'I shouldn't….I really shouldn't…' mumbled Blaine hesitantly but Kurt kept pulling until Blaine was inside. He closed the door but never let go of Blaine's hand. 'Everything is fine Blaine' he assured him. He smiled softly at Blaine and said 'I'm gonna show you the bathroom ok? So you can clean yourself up and after that we could watch something or go over math if you want to and when we are sure your parents are gone we get your stuff.' Kurt was starting to lead Blaine down the hallway and upstairs. 'Is that ok?' Blaine hesitated again but then nodded and followed Kurt.

As they were half way upstairs, a voice called suddenly out 'Kurt? Is that you buddy?'

Blaine flinched and Kurt was sure the only thing which kept him from running away was Kurt hand locked with his.

'Blaine it's alright' said Kurt making eye contact with Blaine to calm him down again. 'It's just my dad. He's cool.' Still looking like he wanted to be somewhere else, Blaine nodded again. 'Ok.' Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand gently before he called back 'Yeah Dad it's me. I'll be with you in a second. I just have to take care of something first.' 'Alright. There are leftovers from dinner if you want some.' 'Thanks Dad!'

'Come' he told Blaine and led him to his room.

Kurt had thought that his Dad was already at Carols but now he was grateful to still find him here. He needed somebody to talk to and help him figuring out how to help Blaine best and the only person he trusted enough to do that was his dad.

When they entered Kurt's room, he guided Blaine directly into the bathroom which was attached to his room. 'You can take as much time as you want ok? You don't have to rush' Kurt told Blaine while showing him his bathroom. 'Those are shower gels and shampoos' he pointed at a collection of expensive looking bottles next to the shower. 'Choose whatever you want.' He smiled at the smaller boy but it faded away when he saw Blaine cloths. They had a stick blue shade on them.

Fuming, Kurt promised himself he would never let that happen to Blaine again.

'You know' said Kurt, swallowing his anger 'maybe we will be able to save your cloths. Over the years I've developed a technic and was able to get rid of nearly all the slushie left-overs. Just give me your cloths and in the mean time you can have some of mine.' He smiled again at Blaine. 'How does that sound?'

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